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' general Notices. TUTTJRAU ROAD BOARD. WAIKANA SUBDIVISION. MR WILLIAM STEPHENSON, behjg the only Candidate nominated this day for the Extraordinary Vacancy, I hereby declare him duly elected. J. H. PERKINS, Returning Officer. Mataura, June 14, 1887. . k2O Head Quarters, Invercargill, Jane 16th, 1887 DISTRICT ORDERvS. r¥!HE undermentioned Corps will parade 5 for Government Daylight Inspection as follows, in full dress, arms and acco trements : — Gore Rifle Volunteers— TUESDAY,2lst inst, at I.JsO p.m. Riversdale Rifle Volunteers (at Gore) — TUESDAY, 21st inst., at 1 30 p.m. JAS. THOMSON, Major, NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. QUEEN'S JUBILEE HOLIDAYS. ON TUESDAY, 21st June, the ordinary train leaving Irivercargill foT Clinton at 4.15 p;m.'will be DELAYED till 5.40 p.m. and will be correspondingly late at all stations to destination.] : For cheap fares see Posters. k2!3 BY ORDER. JJBW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. QUEEN'S JUBILEE. EXCURSION Tickets issued ns follows :— Oh 18th, 20th,' 21s', and 22nd June, will be available for return up to and in- I eluding. Monday, 27th June. TO DUNJSDIN. .•■■■:• I From ist-OJass. 2nd-Class. j Kingston 33s 22s Edendale . j Mataura I Gore { 22s . 15s : Tapanui J Saturday Return Tickets issued from' anystation to any station on 18th, 20th, 21st» and 22nd June,, will be available for return up to and including Monday, 27th June* Passengers from intermediate stations .may take ordinary tickets to the nearest station where Excursion tickets issued, and there re-book at reduced rates. Holders of Excursion Tickets may . break the journey at any stopping place, either going or returning. Excursion Tickets from Kingston to Dunedin, and vice versa, will be available either via Waimea or Invercargill. k177 BY ORDER. S O U TH L AND COUNTY. JUBILEE HOLIDAY. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Southland County Council Offices will be closed on Monday .Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 20th, 21st and 22nd June, in observance of the Jubilee in honor, of the comptetion of the fiftieth year of the reign, of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria" ' IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that the Surfacemen employed by the County Council are granted Monday and Tuesday, the 20th and 21st June, as holidays on the occasion. R. P. MacGOUN, klB7 County Clerk and Treasurer IN BANKRUPTCYIn the District Court of Western Otago,being a local Court of Bankruptcy, holden at Invercargill: In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act 1885," and the amendment thereof, and of the Bankruptcy of John Johnston, of Otaria, in the Provincial District of Otago, laborer, a Bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that John Johnston, of Otaria, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, laborer, has this day been adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that she fiist m,ee f inq; of his crelitprs wilL be held at the R.M. Courthouse, Gore, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of June, 1887, at the hour of 1 p.S). Dated this 16th day of June, 1887. RODERICK MACLEOD,: Deputy-Assignee. C.J. AIdrIDGE, Solicitor, Gore. •■ • k212 SOUTH LAND DISTRICT, RABBIT PpiGONING has. now commenced in this District'! . United and continuous effort is hereby enjoined-. Jn cases of default the will ■ take independent action at the expense and risk of owners. . . ANGVS A.'MACDCtNA'LD, v ■ ' • ■ -■ ' •, Inspector., j Gore, Ist June, 1887. .'ikl2s Government NoticesPUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND; ANY Person may appoint tuc I? a the Trustee executor and trustee undi r hitwill or codicil. Any present • trustee may transfer the •management of trust pioperty to fche Public Trustee, who will thereupon ix&ld. such property upor me original trusts, attaching thereto. Aty person, company, association or public body within or without the colony, ma}' plaoe any property belonging to them in charge of the fublic Trustee upon trust or such uses as may be defined in the deed creating the trust. Any building, land, or friendly society may by its rules provide that property belougiug to it may be placed in the Public Trust Oilier for such trusts and us^s and with such powers as may be defined in or by the said raJes. The advantages offered are : — list. State Guaranty against specul on, fraud, or dishonesty. 2n All proposed luvestments are con sidered by a Board, consisting of the Honor able Colonial Treasurer, the Attorney-Genera the Comptroller and Auditor-General, thy Government Insurance Commissioner, and the Public Trustee. Careful consideration of all securities offered is therefore ensured. • 3rd. The Public Trustee in his corpjrato capacity nevek diks, nevjsk graves th*. 1 COUNTItY, AND NBVJBR BECOMES INCAPAGI tated, tlins avoiding the ciauy inconveniences resulting from frequent fresh appointments of Trustees, necessitated D 3 '.oath change of abode, or mental or bodily iufirmit) 4-th. I'unctuality aud in the remiMance of periodical payments to beneficiaries under trust or will 10 any part of the colony or elsew here at which it may be di> sired that payr '••uts should be made. 6th. Ihe effective check which is called into operation before any moneys can. be drawn ?rom the Public Trustee s account. 6th. .'ieasonable cnarges — Ou estatud such are now being considered the Public rustee is authorised to charge 1^ per cent. J n all receipts, and 1& per cent, on disburse f ments, and 6s. per ctsut. on all moneys invested. No charge is made foi obtain/^ probate, nor for passing stamp and property ax returns, nor for correspondenai* howevei voluminous. Thus .the saving to estates placed in this office is considerable. | E. 0. HAMEBTON 1
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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886Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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