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____^ Byelaws. t 59th. Placing nny \\-.\cr closet, privy or > cesspool in a jo.-i ion :ii I. .hall be deemed a • nuisance or offence to the neighborhood. 60th. Having on any premises or under ■ the control of the owner of any premises, • any excavation foi ; the reception of excrementitiouß' matter. 61st. The owner of pigeons allowing such • pigeons to settle on roofs of houses other than the property of the owner of such' pigeons. 62nd. It shall not be lawful to keep any swine within 60 feet of any private or public. dwelling, shop or of any public or private street within the meaning of the said Act, or within 60 feet of any adjoining land. CARTS AND CAKTKBS. 63rd. The word "cart" shall include every waggon, dray, or other tuch carriage i whatever be its construction, drawn by ' horses or other animals used wholly or chiefly for the carriage of burthens or heavy goods ; the word "woodcart" shall mean a cart used for the delivery of firewood ; the. words " brick cart" shall mean a cart used for the delivery of bricks; the words •• timber cart" shall mean a cart used for the delivery of timber ; and the words " night cart " shall mean a cart used in the carrying or removing of night soil, offal, or other offensive refuse. 64th. No cart, dray, express, or other waggon shall be kept or used in the said Township to ply for hire unless the same shall have been duly licensed as hereinafter mentioned. And any person using in the 1 said Township to ply for hire any unlicensed cart, dray, or wnggon, shall forfeit 1 for every day that he shaTl po use such cart, : drayj or waggon, as aforesaid, a sum not exceeding forty shillings. 65th. Licenses for carts, drays, and waggons may be granted by the Town Clerk, or such other officer as the Town Board may appoint in the behalf. 66th. For every such license there shall be 1 paid to the Town Board granting the same 1 for a two-wheeled cart the. sum of twenty 1 shillings ;' and a four-wheeled waggon, the sum of thirty shillings : provided always i. that where licenses have been paid to other Townships, a reduction of ten shillings shall be allowed on any of the before mentioned licenses. All licenses'shall terminate on 31st day of March in each year. 67th. The weight to be carried for a single load by any cart or dray licensed, to stand or ply for hire shall be one ton (22401b5), for any express waggon half a ton (11201bs), and for any farm or six horse waggon two tons. And any owner or driver of any cart, dray, or express waggon, who shall refuse, upon being required so to do by any person offering to hire such cart, dray, or express waggon to carry therein such weight as aforesaid shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings. 68th. The owner of every licensed care shall paint upon a conspicuous part of the off-side thereof his name and the word " licenssd " and the number of the license in white letters, one inch in length on a back ground. I. W. KAYMOND, Chairman ; J. L. EVANS, Town Clerk. Wyndham, May 2, 1887. k3O General Notices. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Public Notification Under Section 34 of 11 The Rating Act, 1852." Resident Magistrate's District of Southland, New Zealand, to wit. To John William Book, address unknown. YOU are hereby Bummoned to attend at the Resident Ma"istrate's Court, to be holden at lnvftrcargill tuetwenty-seventh day of June, 1887, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to answer the demand of the Southland County Council for the sum of eighteen shillings and nine pence, particulars whereof aie hereunto annexed. Herein fail not,or the case'will be heard in your absence. Given under my hand at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th day of June, 1887. - • WILLIAM G. P. O'CALLAGHAN, Clerk of the Court. General Rate year 1885-6, on Sec tions 5 and 6, Vl f, Wyndham, valued at £300. Rate at three farthings in the pound— eighteen shillings and nine pence: due 15th July, 1885. Wm. G. Fox, Collector of Rates, kl9B Southland County. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Public Notification Under Section 34 of r , " The Eating Act, 1882." Resident Magistrate's District of Southland, New Zealand, to wit. To MARTIN WEXLBROCK,addre?s unknown. YOU are hereby summoned to attend at the Resident Magistrate's Court, to be holden at Invercargill the twenty seventh j day ot June, 1887, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to answer the' demand of the Southland County Council for the sum of eighteen shillings and three pence particulars whereof are hereunto annexed. Herein fail not,or the case will be heard in your absence. Given under my hand at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th day of June, 1887. WILLIAM G. P. O'CALLAGHAN, Clerk of the Court. General Rate year 1885-6 on Sections 13, 14, HI, Surrey XI, Hokonui ; 81, 32, 35, Surrey VI., Hokonui ; part 12, 111, Gore ; 26, 27, 23 of I 63, XVI, Gore ; 5, 111, Gore ; block G, Gore Domain, valued at £268. Rate at three farthings in pound— Sixteen shillings and nine pence, due 15th July, 1885. And year 1886-7 on Sections 31, 32, 35, Survey No. VI, Hokonui, valued at £24— One shilling and sixpence; due Ist September, 1886. Wm. G. Fox, Collector of Rates, k199 Southland County. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Public Notification Under Section 34 of "The Rating Act, 1882." Resident Magistrate's District, of Southland, New Zealand, to wit. To John Thompson, address unknown. YOU are hereby summoned to attend at the Resident Magistrate's Court, to be holdbn at Invercargill the twenty seventh of June, 1887, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to answer the demand of the Southland County Council for the sum of one pound nine ehilliugs and six pence, particulars whereof are hereunto annexed. Herein fail nor, or the case will be heard in your absence. Given under my hand at Invercargill aforesaid this 6th day of June, 1887, WILLIAM G. P. O'CALLAGHAN, ( Cleik of the Court. General Rate year ISBS-6 on Section 29, IX, Tuturau, valued at £148. Rate at three farthings in the pound— Nine shillings and three pence; due 15th July,lßßs. And for year 1886-7, valued at £324— One pound and three pence ; due, Ist September, 1886. Wm. G. Fox, Oolite ■. or of Rates, W) Southland Count}.
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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1,066Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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