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Mekica^° ' LU N G P R " E S E R T Efl, ! •.••■•■ ! ' w!> FOB COUGHS. •:-: v.O .Uaveyipua Cough? j ..^ } Use BAXTER'S Lung Preserved ' " tf aye you painin 1 lihe chest 7 .' ; )' "" A Use Baxter's; Lung Preserver: J Are you suffering from Brouchitjs 1 ... '^'j" Use Baxter's Lung;Presei!?.er;i Are you troubled with Asihma 7 >'a-'--i ~ Use Baxter*s Lung Pjeserverl" Are yousufferißg^ from Consumption Dse, . .Baxter's Lung Preserver whichhas been sigti'aliy suclifegful m the treatment oE thi« iasiady (Bead testimonials in "Book fo Every Hoihe," feoutb Canterbury Almanac.) ; , if ' Do you spit blood ? ''' • • ■■" ' i>ni' Use Baxter's Lung Pr^Ber,yg^ r Is your Breathing .Embarrassed;?: „ ln «{ Use Baxter's: Lung Prefeerven? ire you suffering frdm Sore Throat? • Use Baxter's Lung Presetveri- __■ ' ..-.'■ ; -,«.,-( BAXTER'S Lung Preserver fc 9 f |W remedy. ' ' ' ;/ '■.!■• ( -'-<n BAXTERS Lnog : PMker : ' ie hjghly recommended by members of :j fitttf « Medicalj Lepral, and Clerical^ -A . , professions., :-./ j ..,,..;;,. r BAXTER'S Lung Piaerier f dd^T nit produce headache, r --.t ; * i BAXTER'S Lung 'Mtf 11 no : disorder the stoma<ch ; .. uom r i{) BAXTER'S^^ Presprv'er^^do^!:' not conaiipate the bowels, ' ' " BAXTER'S :i Lung H . Preservei, r notcontain paregoric, .opiutUrOf WviVfo BAXTER'S ? Lung Preserver . ks* to Ibe the Gheapest- ttnd -Bat -" -r-. Cough Mixture. ' • « < 0.3 i ■■. . -" • ■ •--,-■: ••• -'.V. J^i . , •'/ •..TESTiMONIAii&v; I^ FromMthej Rev. Charles MPeiiny I,'1 ,' Beef ton , (late,«)f Ghristoltorehi) aim '■-- ' "^MaKJh^Tthil^S*. . Your I-imonic Elixir »ffogded 4 iaijri rwife and children almost, ,lmmediate t relief in coughs' and v col^s; and" inany toWneiiiT had the pleasure; of reeom f ineridSng'youT J jsscific have spoken; of it as invaluable* > ihi em case when every remedy tried wjfr powf rjfiss to give relief (tho cough was BO: distresaingV the first dose if your Elixit pr^ved'lnosviffective. In another case r (sore ffiWiMJ*-* czn was so soon brought about that the patient resolved to take nothing else in fnture.: ■ •'■ . ■'■ v .'.■■- no. From C. E. Salter, Esqr., Barrister and Solicitor, Inglis's Building, fOhristohurch . . f ii,\l-y March 29th, 1884. have used your Pulmonic Eliiir'in my family for some years past and have* ; foiind it to be very efficacious. in chest 3hd throat complaints. • .;■ ■• : :\i,;y J r 7 From William Reed, Es^r., 'Shipping and * Customs Agent. 1 i!j l ->'i Lyttelton, November 28^ 1883. I bwe used your Lung my faml y for the last 14 yeare, therefor^, have the greatest pleasure in bearing testimony to its efficacy in' the treatment bf coughs'/colds, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, etc. I have uniformly found a single dose o£ ,Lung Preserver check a severe paroxysm of cough* n? ■ • •-■ From Isaac Allen, Bsqr, Commission Agent Hereford street, Christchurch. : . } . Deqember sth,*ißß3 After seven years' experience' I ; have. great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy- of your Lung Preserver, having proved iiitMin my fiiKiily to be a specific fer coughs, colds, etc., a few doseß inva^'iDly subduing that, nasty harl-assing cough, and -while relieving the throat and chest, it does' - not , likd IJ other nostrums, disorder .the digestive organs by inducing nausea, consumption, headache, loses of appetite, etc, From W. B. Scott, Esqi BuHder? etc Peterborough street,. QhristoJJnrch. , Deaember 4t^,1883. Some years ago I was recommended to try bottle of your Pulmonic Elixir^an'd^Lung Preserver for tightness of thecheßtif^l did so, and from that time 11. have- aeves- been without it in my house. I h.aye, found it answer in every 1 respect for coughs', colds.and sore throat, and would strongly aavis^Hhos* 1 who are suffering from Buoh complaints U From DrEwAHT. . ..] ,rJ . t - ,'. p I regard /our Lung Preserver aaa.Jeallj good prep&jration, entirely fr@e"from those qualities which 7 render moslip&tenfi nW^icines dangerous, and possessed 1 those [tofiic and 1 , stimulating jfjrtopert&B wrtiichi rendar it c pleasure , . to those . yvho jßuff^r .^^pm tha 'e'xjiaustirig effects of 'pulmoßary , disease and chest affections general ly, 'asthma it quietly -short ■the ll 'p'a!roxyßm. la chronic bronchitis or; winter cough it, as useful ; the discharge "of . ' mucous, is., greatly resisted, and the wheezing and hifiicuity of breathing are greatly 'relieVed by ifci'lif acute bronchitis it is also b6nflfici&l, r and ' 'whilst it tends to check inflammation,, it bpidmotea expectoration, and thus relieves the laborious and difficult breathing so general in these attacks. As a Cough Mediciue, for ' persona oE all ages, it is excellent. From Rev. W. B. Makten, Wesleyai* Minister. . . Christchurch, August 2nd, 1872. I have tried your Lung Preserver ;f or an affection of the throat, and deemiit;Qnly just to inform you that I have experienced,, great benefit from its use, being enabled to' preach now with a' degree of ease and comfort to which 1 have teen for some time a stiinger. I shall certainly recommend it to | all who suffer in a similar manner. To be had of all Chemists aud Storekeepers ia bottles, Is 2d, 2s 6d, 4s (id, and 8s each. Wholesale Ageufcs. J. Baxter, Chemist, 21, Victoria-street, Christchurch , Messrs P. Hay mi, j and Co., Saiusbury, Elisdon and Co., and Kempthorae Prosaer and Co. ,s#° Purchasers mv requested to ask for Baxter's Lung Preserver. Be cautious against being put off with any Other nielic ue, which dealers may recommend ' solely on. the ground of having more profit. Agen for. Gore : D. B. EBTHBB. Agents for Tapaaui : 1 £, HABW^OD * 00,
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
Word Count
850Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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