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Byelaws every owner or occupier of any such premises who permits any public meeting to be hcMor any public amusement to be conducted in or out anysuch prcmr-<-s,nol IHng registered fir the piuposu, orwiihont such certificate of registration as hereinaftermentioned having been obtained for the same. 44th. The Town Board upon the written application ot any owner or occupier as &_ foresaid, Btating the particulars aforesaid, may, if upon inspection by the officer appointed by the Town Board the premises shall have been found to be secure and proper for the purpose stated, and if the Board shall see fit, on payment of a registration fee of 20 shillings per annum to the proper officer of tne Board, shall cause tie I premises to be registered in a registry bopk to be kept for that purpose, and shall thereon grant to the applicant a certificate of such registration of such premises in the appointed form, and the Board may at any time suspend, for a stated period, the effect of, or cancel any such registration, and shall forthwith give notice of such suspetasion or cancellation to the owner or occupier o£ the registered premises, and during such suspension, or after such cancellation, such premises shall be deemed to be unregistered in respect of the purpose mentioned in the certificate of registration, and, such certificate shall be of no force or virtue. 45th. The proper officer of the Board may at all reasonable times enter and inspect any such registered premises as aforesaid. 46 th. The ! olio wing fees shall be paid for each Kceii3o to use. any building, or part of a building, which is let for hire for the purpose of holding public meetings, or for assembly room", or for a theatre, .or as! a music or dancing room, or for axiy other public performance or amusement, save and except for such circus as hereafter mentioned. All halls to be provided w^th fire escape doors sanctioned by the Board : — &. 8. d. License for one day of 24 hours 0 2 6 „ „ week ... 0 5 0 „ . „ calendar month ... 0 10; 0 „ „ • year ... 1 5j 0 '..■ &7th., And the fee for a license to hold stay teircus for the exhibition of horsemanship wild or. other animals, or for acrobatic permances shall be as follows :— ■ - £. s.'d. License for one day of 24 hours 1 O, O „ „ week ... ... 2 10 0 48th. No person shall hawk, seil, or offer for sale in any street in the Township whether public or private, or in any public place in the Jdwnship, without having sach license as jhereinafter mentioned, given under the "authority of the Town Board, Wyndham ; and anyone so hawking. Belling, or offering for sale any goods or articles- as aforesaid, without such license, or in any other manner than is authorised by such license, shall be deemed to have committed &; distinct offence upon each day that 'he shall either hawk, sell, or offer for sale any articles as aforesaid without having such license as aforesaid ; or having such license, shall hawk, sell or offer for sale as aforesaid any other description of goods, or sr^all hawk, sell or offer goods for sale in any other manner than is, or shall be, authorised by such license. And the onus of proving that any articles being delivered about the streets and public places of the Township have been previously ordered, and are hot being hawked, shall in each case rest with the vendor or party delivering such goods. And the Town Clerk or other officer,, is hereby authorised to issue the following licenses upon payment of the fee hereinafter mentioned in respect of each license, which said license shall respectively entitle the person therein named to hawk and sell in the streets of the Township, for the space of time in the license defined, such description of goods as, and no other than, shall be therein named or indicated, and in such manner as shall be therein specified and not otherwise — that is to' say : LICENSE FEE. £. s. d. To hawk books or any kind of goods carried by hand, or in a basfeet, or otherwise upon the person. For one month or any less time . ... 0 2 0 To hawk fish only, carried in a cart. For each cart, for three months orany less time ... 0 2 6 To hawk books, or any other kind of goods whatever, carried in a cart. For three months or any less time ... ... ... 6 10 0 Bellringer per quarter. 0 5 0 Provided always that the Town -Board may at any time by resolution vary by increasing or decreasing, the fees by this section authorised to be charged, and after publishing such alteration one week before its coming into operation in a newspaper circulating within the Township. The fees s o altered , shall be deemed to be the fees authorised by this byelaw. 49th. It shall not be lawful to make or keep any stack of hay, corn, or straw in the open air at a less distance than 30 feet from any building.. 50th. It shall not be lawful for any person to make, of place, or keep, or continue any fence of gorse or whin bushes or other like material within one chain from any street or house within the. township without permission from the Board. : ' 51st. Any person riding or driving any horse or any other animal, either with or without a vehicle, round any angle or corner of any street! or thoroughfare within the Township or within three (3) feet of the apex of any such corner at other than a walking pace. 52nd. Any person im charge of any 'entire' animal who shall suffer the same to serve or become a nuisance within view of any public street, thoroughfare,or place within the Township. 63rd. Any person loitering on any public footway and refusing t© move on when requested to do so by any officer of the Board or any constable. 54th. Whoever shall sell or expose for sale within the Township any diseased, unwholesome, or unsound meat, bread,flour, groceries or any other kind of food or provisions, or who shall sell or offer for sale, within the Township, any butchers' meat, which shall have had air blown under the skin tbereof,or shall have had any fat or grease spouted thereupon, shall be guilty of an offence. 55th. The Police Constable or any person authorised by the Board may impound any horses or cattle which shall, at any time of the day or night, be found wandering at large, or straying in or depasturing attended or unattended, or lying about, or tethered in any road or other place of public resort) or so immediately adjoining thereto as to obstruct the same ; and the owner of such horses or cattle shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings (40s) for every head thereof, over and above any other rates and charges incident to the impounding of such animals. Provided that when the proper officer appointed by the Council shall have seized, for the purpose of impounding any horses or cattle, he may release such horses and cattle, upon the payment ot the sum of one shilling from each owner,provided that such payment is tendered to the impounding officer before the said cattle shall have been actually impounded. 56th. One half of the cost of constructing asphalt footways on one or both sides of any street in the Township shall be a charge upon the owners or occupiers of the lands and buildings fronting on such footways. If any owner or occupier liable for the payment of any part of the cost of constructing the footway adjoining any land 3 and b-iildings shall fail to pay the same on demand, he shall be deemed to be guilty of a breach of this byelaw, and shall on conviction thereof be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. 57th. Any persou or persons gaining access to any property with any horse,, driving any cattle or vehicle where there is no approved crossing to the drain or footpath, shall be deemed guilty of aa offence. 58th. Any person or persons having on their premises more than 25 lbs. of blasting powder or more than 251bs. of sporting ponder or more than 141bs. of dynamite at any one time shall be deemed guilty of an offence,
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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1,398Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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