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- yj;M3dical. ; "Diseased Nature 'pf^timdsfljrea&r Wttb in strange eruptions."— Act' iii^ Scene'l. TO THE £TJS]LI[C. SOME paitents suffering from nervous affeo tions are afraid" from sheer bashfulnes and modesty to PERseKAt^Y consult; alme'd ical man— other patients h^e not >the Selfpossession and coolness whf ■ iin the consulting reom, to accurately de>eribe their symp« tomß,their. habits of life, and the nature' of the disease they 'suffer from. I ■,■■'>■.'■>> Let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down in the privacy of their own apartments and with calm minds describe clearly "each symptom of their case; a clear statement thus written, and laid Wore me, is far .preferable ' in NBBvdua. diseases to a persPna.! cbhsulta tion, Wh ere, however, a disease is of a peculiar and exceptional; character, a persqna^ cys • sultation may become necessary V but atf success in correspondence is, so > great, that of the thousands upon thousands' whom I hare treated by letter during the last'32 years, not a single mistake has ever occurred, not a 6»Be has ever been made public — in fact, ihef cry simplicity of my' system of cPnfoppnJiahce prevents publicity. ■ ■■:■■ .■>.. ■•; At the same time medicines are sent "to. my patients in such a form as to defy detection* How many thousands have I not Wrought joy to? . : ■" J - How many have been enabled to enter* 'rate the marriage state through consulting ! inef? How many aiter marriage have privately consulted me arid been blessed, ' and' their marned lives made fruitful and happy f " How many, wasted ruined youths of both sexes have algo been restored to health, and thanked their 'manhood, for having consulted me by letter ? .... '..'.""'. How many questions arise where the family physican is unable' to unravel 1 the '.ease,- 'and where .often the patient iingers on', 'not daring to tell his family medical adviser the natttre of his complaint, until consumption, wißßti%, or mental diseases', set in and the sufferer tet« beyond the curable stage, and is left a hopeless wreck ? j ; ' '. ; '. ■" ; '/' A letter written in the privacy of theiroom i and dropped in the - post, bok Reaches me quietly ; the s answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously,' and the patient, with* but stepping from ' his chamber, 1 iexcept to post his letter 1 / is by return of pest put in full possession of the ; nature . of his : case. His hopes are raised, his doubts removed and ho is comparatively a new man; iii fact, in many cases, a new being 'altogether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter is the -age,- ■ occupation,; -habits and symptoms, nothing more.- >The usual .consult ation fee of one >LI (one pound) must be enclosed, otherwise no answer will be re turned. ■•'■''■ ' <. ■ -l- -- 1 h ,':Yi There are thousands of cases in daily life ' where a consultation with one' at' a jiiatance, will remove by a single letter a great fear, a great care, and it' often solves wiiit appears as an Impenetrable' mysteryir Many a sad heart has been made 1 joyful on receipt of an explanatory letter 'from 'me. To those who are about; to marry, I would say: consult me before doing.,sp,. and pre» vent many after trqublea, ;; Bnd\ rempve,many unnecessary fears, and prejudice's.';; ihose more especially: who have yielded .tQ^ljtheir passions. To these I say,- . at . once, consufllt withaie, do not, ,tarry, delays are dangerous, and as an expert^ mytiine may not be at your servipe, you. can,; by, simply enclosing one pound, Jhave the, benefetplmy, experience in the same manner as if I lived inV^gu^ own town, and with the additional advantage i thorough privacy v—i Yours truly, : LooiStL. sama Address ' ; '<:-.. ..,s DR, L.L. SMITE- * 182 COLLINS STREET KAST^ ; . . Melbourne.- il '■■■■■-•"■ CONSULTATION FEE, BY lifiTTEBl £1 Fee ft, personal Constiltatidri/'Ll'ls. The latter is inclusive of Medipine. '"■' * Medicines forwarded, wiell-pfackedj to : ftH the Colonies, incba' and Europ^ ''■ ][ ''I 182 COLLINS-STBBET EAST, Melbourne GteATJZFVir^COMFORTIjtiQ^ ] EPPS'S~GOGM. BREAKFAST. :'" " By> ,Aorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of weli-aeilected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavored ' beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills 1 It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be graciuallf built up until strong enough' : +.o resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladiee are floating ■ around; us ready to attack wherever there . is a weak .point. W« may escape many ..a fatei shaft' ay" keeping puiselyea well'fpr^ed e ,yirith pure blood, and a properly, nourished frames'—See, article in the OtvU Serpide tidzette. ' ' '■ :. - Made simply, with boiling water or milk. : Sold in |lb packets 'ry ; grocers labelled thus HOMtBOMmO pHfiM|STS; : - --'-' ';',/, LONDON, 'BNGH^^ND.'.Ui THE GEEAT|33T BONDER Qi MQDBBN * : -' -TIMES!'-' •".••'•-•;.•■ '•'.•* PILJ% ;.OTDlv^OlipfflJ!jßl. THE ..^ILLS .purify .fee 3Jopd, cpjrr^ct all Disorders of the Liver, Stpmach,*Eid» neys, and Bowels. They .inyigprats, and restore, io , health' Debilitated . Cpnlti/tutionß, and &re. invaluable in ali f 'fl6ipplaintß ! incie dental to Fences of all, ages.' .'■.'.'.''* ' .'. ; ; the ! oXntm^jnt' ( ' ; ,"' a ifl an infallible, remedy, for ;JBad Legs; Bad Breasts, ,Old Wounds, Sores, aqi QlecTßt. For Sore Throats, .Bronchitis,.. jCoughsj, Colds. Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular. Swellings, and for all. Skin Diseases ft h^s no equal, ,. , Manufactured Xxdlj at Professor HolloVay'fi Efitablishment, •••.•-:..:.«_• >. ■ : ;:.\ 633, OXFOBD STREETi LONDON, and may be had of all Medicine Tendon thfoughout the world, 1 ' ■■■• •■^-■i Ijgg- Purchasers should look to thef labels on the Pots and Boxfes. If the addresses not 633 Oxford-street, London, they are bpuricai • ' •• ; '. • ' ■.;...■ -.;,-, N. E. VALLEY i^AT rIo.TC(Ry ' - , ;• ' -.. , : y.,<. ..-i ,y «--g ':■■■■ ,-&' pjeiwiiisihlW:: TTAS much 1 , pleasure in notifying. "Jfo hia ■*-*• country clieats that he has> removed his retail branch to more commodious and convenient premises in the , ' ': GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN (Opposite Oargill'a.Monument).As G. Bertinshaw makes all his owri Felt Hats, etc., from the best New Zealand rabbit fur, customers can be certain that by patronising him they will obtain the beat artiola at the lowest price. " ; ' ' The Trade Liberally^jDealt "With. hNCQURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
Word Count
990Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
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