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Byelaws. WYNDHAM TOWN BOARD, ■•'■■',' BYELAWS. liN pursuance of the powers and provision! ''■•'contained "in * thb- : Municipal Corpora- * t; *6hlß'Act 1882, ( tfte; PtibliC Health Act 1876 rJ^aji Amendments thereof and other 6noling provisions and powers, the Wyndhatr *. Itown Board make and ordain the following UyelaWß, that is to^say ?— *:>.<> •..•-.•■!•: BYELAW No. 1, •V ! ■••■•'■ • ■ ■' With " i'EGtfLATIbN OF PROCEEDINGS 01 ' " .COUNCIL, OFFICEUS, &p., -. . .■■■ :. • •-■■•. A : n^. • ... JBBSEJJAL CONDDCT OF BUSINESS. &B^BBAIj CONDUCT OF BUSINEBS'. " .: < >.■> aii' case's not herein presided foi Jtftmi't. "'shall' be had' to the rues, forms, and Parliament, , which shall be followed, „"-,,' ao far as the same are applicable tp the pro- ?! ceedingß of the Town Board. - , (1 2- At, every meeting of the Townßoard the .'fira.t business thereof shall be the reading putting a question for the confirmation '^df the minutes of the" proceedings, at the .. preceding- meeting, and the p reading^of the minutes of: the proceedings ;bf ! any committee '.presented! at such 'preceding"nieeting ? ajld no ;,., discussion Bhajl. be permitted' thereon; except as '. to their' accuracy , as a record ef the pro- .. - ; and "the said minutes of the proceedings at the i preceding meeting shall then I ..b^^ "by this' Act required, and the rough' "minutes ' of the proceedings of the . : , Town .Board at .any meeting, shall be read at ;-" tlie,. .close pi [such meeting. : ' . !r > '^. After the" 'signing of the minutes; as i ' ,«tpr^eaid,' the order ' o f ihe business of an .^ ■'mdiiiajrj\meetiiny/.sh l al)'/be as follows,' pr;as ? .Aear'tfieiretb.'as'.niajj/:be practicable ; but for ,' ' !lhe greater, convenience ' ; of ' the Town BBard , (i ai any 'particular 'meeting thereof, it may be . altered, byresolutiontothat effect :—*' : " •* ■ • . ' (I) of copies of letters sent by • : •- the authority of the Town ;Bpard: -•■■: • • •-. :4-.wh6n required. : - '(XL) Beading letters received, and.qon- ■:'..-.•'.: ; sidering and; ordering therpn. 1 •. ; J . (HI) Jltfceptioiii and reading ot petitions <>•? ■•> •.-.;■>•■ and memorials . >=-....-,; -: '-'■: ■-■ -(IV). Presentation of reports ..of ' Cotn- .-.,;• v.-mittees.'j ■•':•.-. •• •. : . <:■■ :'■'..■ (V) Payments, -,-r- . .•■ •/•: = •.,..;•/ ;r. ,:*t (Vil),<Ordinaiy.buaiaeßs. / t ,, ... ; • - •:< (VII) Girders :of the day, ; including -r! v,,i:i ij j jsubjectsj continued v from pio- : : ■ i : vceedings o& former .meetings. (Till) Extraordinary business, and, new ■ •■•■' : ..L- .-.! ■■ Tuleabnd regulations. : ••" ■ (E£) Other .motions. o£ which previous -.. t., . •■ notice has .been given,; ;:,•-. ; . ■,-, (X) -Notices; of motion:. , ■ . • • And these orders of business at a special i.t ( : -,v meeting; fih»U be the order in 1 .which fluebjj business stands' in ; : •■ \-t '■ .-;■:•■.- " .thenoticeithere6f^.. ;^ t . ; - '■; '^4.' Whenever a' divijliatt dhkil'be'dematicled ' ' I>y''aiiy Commissioner' the' Commissidnera Wting in the affitmative shall first hold! up ' ' th'ilr 'hands', and 'then:' those voting in the 'iwgatiYe i' snalr hold up their hands, and the ''ijfesnlt be 'declared- by the^'Chairman. ' ' '"' 6. All addressed to -the' Governor shall beprtsen^ted by thd Chairman and the Town Clerk, unless otherwise ordered by the Town : " Board;' : ' 'V. " : '; ■ . . •' ■ ],'■';:■ ' MOTIONS. .' . , '■. = ' ; <& All notices of motion shall be dated and numbered and given by the intending mover to the Townl Clerk at the close of the meeting of pPown or if not required by law to be given at a. meeting, then three clear days prior to the iiext meeting of Town Board ; a^d the ' Town Clerk shall' enter the same in |he notice-of-njotion book in the order in which' they, miay 'be receivedi 7. Ntf ; member shall make any motion. : T ;igitjating.,a siibjec^.^joy but in 'puisu'anpe ptnotjice giv^n as prescribed injthefast preceding clause." ' '•■■•- : y,r,inv&. iNo. motion i that for receiving the same, shall, unless under some urgent circum- '.•-■ '"Btsnces,' beinade -on any petition, memorial, 0r ...0,ther r , like application, until the riexj ordinary^meetirig of Town Board after that'at which it has been presented. fto. Except .by leave ■of ; the Town Board,. f\ motion^ sTi^ll^bfe mpved in" the order in which '" "tney nave been received' and recorded by the Town Clerk" in the notice of motion book and if notlflo*m"dved.-6r postponed, shall be , jjtruck.out. . : , -, '""■'. IQ. No entered in the notice -of . ( pio'tipn bopfc shall be proceeded with in the . .!. absence, of ihe Commissioner who gave notice t , pf /the same, unleßs by some other Commis- . . eioner producing written authority from him ;■': Vtolh^.ieffecK. ...//,.; . '.,' ' ■■ . ■ i . ".,. ;ll.."Np ; :m©tion, fpr ( an address or petition ' , shajl be entertained unless the mover shall at ; '.'doia,G previpus pjeqting have submitted a draft j : . ".of'tliejsame./." ;' ' /., .. sIJ ... ,'.. • . ,J >/. » i ■"■ ORDBE, ETC. ; OB 1 DEBATE. ■,:>■,■ ' /s< ' li.' 1 a&iiy ' Commissioner desirous of making ' 5 a motion or' :> t m > uiidiib^ntj or taking part i n . '? r di^cussloii \ her'eoni "sKiir rise and "laddi'ess jthe 5< tJhairmanr aifti J 4 "MI(V iipt;; be,' interfiled? unless when calied" to J order,' when 1 he 1 snail . >If sit idovirn'.vt'ntiitltliei .Commissioner : (if ainy)- .-._, .calling to pr.4er;shail hayebeen heardtbeijeon: , and the question of order disposed of, wpeD r -the Coflamis^ioner i^i 'possession 1 of' th'e chair mavprpceed wit^i the. subject., . j ■ c'la/^nj bom missipner desirous of propos-^ ing »S brigißatmotiion^r amendment muse' •tate.. the. nature, of the same before • he addresses the Town Board thereon. j Watt H£ $& tnkio'ii 1 or 'ihhil| Be withdrawn without, ihe leave of the Town Board. — ~ j 15. or. amepdment shall: be dliscussed or" put 'it' the vote of the Tciwn {■ unless it- be seconded ; bat a Commis- "■ 'iffi&t Atty, howeveT.rtquire the diif orcein;ent of any standing order of the Town Board' by . diweting/tiie Chairniatfs Attention^6 the' in- ■- -feaction thereof; »' ' ; ' ' -i- : 1 J "' !i Wi T _A Commissioner" moving a mPtionsWl !beneld spoken thereon ; but a Cpm-^ : 'ifrissibiier'' 'merely seconding'^; motion shall net be held to have spoken upon it. 17.. The Commissioners in meeting of Town ■■ ' Boferd sball' J designate each" other by their official 'titleß—^-riamelyj that of Chairman, or Commissioner, as the case tday 1 require.' ! >"-; fltwO of more Com'tnissiipners rise to ■peak at the same time, the Chairman shall .-^jle.cide which, is entitled to; .priority. . 19. The Chairman shall rise inaddressing the Town Board to discuss any question ;end. shall not leave the;chair pnsuch occa'ifrona. ': f .-t;^o.iNp ; Commissioner shall speak &. secpnd time on the same question, unless entitled to >: /fijwply ? r i in explanation . when, he haa been ;, n jpnijjrepresented or misunderstood. %-.< jni-,,21. The Ohairman when caJled upon to decide on points of order or practice shall do - bo without discussion or comment, and his -< r c , decision, as to, order or explanation, in each 1 • fease shall be" fi'tta'l. ■-*-•♦ : 22. No Commissioner shall digress fromjthe ■übject matter of the question under disquseion prvcomment upon the words used by any otmt ®)nimlßßioiierifefl previous debate, and , all imputations of improper motives and all '' : '' 'persbiiai reflections On Commissioners shall be. hi .- daemed highly disorderly. •.. • :! >23., Whenever any Commissioner shall make use of an expression disorderly, or capable of being applied offensively to any other Cbmjnisßioner,the Commissioner so offending shall *T; '': beT- requited' -by the Chairman to : withdraw his expression and to make satisfactory apology to the Town Board. 24. A Commissioner called to order shall '■ . »it down unless permitted to explain. . . . 25. Any Commissioner using offensive or disorderly language and having been twice called to order or to withdraw or apologise for •-, . guch conduct and refusing to do so, shall be guilty of an offence. . . ; 26. Any person not being a Commissioner who shall, having been admitted to any meeting of the Board, be guilty thereat of any improper or disorderly conduct, or who shall not leave-^when lawfully requested by .the Chairman so to do, may be forthwith removed by him, and shall be deemed guilty of (m offence.
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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1,198Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 4
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