Furnishing; Warehouse- <*/ "VTOU can get a CHEST of DRAWERS -*-• for 50s at E. K. McKuSHET'ja, GoreLarge Stock to select from. IF you are about to furnish, he" can supply you with a good IRON OR WOODEN BEDSTEAD at Invercargill prices. j IF you do not want anything, come and see his stock of Wasnstands from 10s 6d ; Dressing Tables, 9s 6d ; Looking glasses from Is, AND tell your friends that he is also selling Hair, Flock, and other Mattresses at Invercargill prices. PAILLASSES,BoIsters, Pillows, Blankets, Counterpanes j in fact, anything required to make a horn© comfortable. UPHOLSTERY FURNISHINGS Of Every Description in Stock and Supplied at Reasonable Rates. THE long cold nights have arrived, bo secure a good Lamp from him, and enjoy yourself at home. Great variety from ,1 6d each, .. OVER 20d0z.. Chairs at prices from 3s 6d upwards. Come and see for yourselves — a grand lot. ; mABLBS-i. Kitchen, Round, Oval, Card -*• — all aorts, sizes, and prices at K. K Md.LISKEY'S, Main Street, Gore. . GET your. Fenders .and.., Fire Irons: at McLiskbt's. Grand at Invercargill prices. ; : j CH EFFON 118 S, Kitchen Dressers, Wardrooea, Bookcases, etc., in stock or made to order at shortest notice. PERAMBULATORS' Cots, Cradles, and BassinetSt ' . Every description of China, Glass, Enamelled and Earthenware in stock— very cheap. BRUSHWARE, Basketwaie, Toilet Ware, Bird Cages. Lamps. Lamps. Lamps, Lamps, From Is 6d upwards. T>HOTO ALBUMS, Scrap Albums, Workr*- boxes, Dolls, Toys, Clocks* aDd 1001 other articles will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST to make ;xoom for other lines. . E. R. : M.cLiskey, FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Main-Street, Gore. Fruiterers, Fishmongers; etc. H. LOVELL, TipRUITERER &c, Main street, Gore . Tea, Coffee, and Pies at all hourp. WAIKAIA, FJRESH FISH ! FEESH FISH ! TOSEPH WALLIS, Waikaia, has arranged for a regular supply of fresh fish and oysters. . ■*. All orders promptly attended to. 02 JOSEPH WALLIS Ironmongery. NOW OPEN! NOW QPE2* THE FEDERAL NUUW AND EENEEAL MfMO^GJSRIT CO., ... - ' GOttE, '.. ' TjISTABLISHED to supply Gore and District -*-^ trict with goods at Dunedin prices. The Stock consists of Ironmongery, Tinware, Brushware,. Oils Paints, Lead, and Kerosene China, Glass, and Earthenware Saddlery and Harness ; and a . : Miscellaneous assortment of useful goods far too numerous to particularise. All goods are marked for •• Small Profits and Quick Returns;" therefore bur termswill be NET UASH.' Note the Name j^° THE FEDERAL FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY CO., GORE, Pnderjthe ) Geo. Teew Joint Manage- V and . mept of } E. McKay. Poison. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN *iiat Poison ia laid for dogs on Otama and Waikaka Runs. F. W. fBBOTSON. CAUTION. ■pOISOj^ is laid for Dogs, over the whole -t of the New Zealand Agricultural Company's Property W. A. DONALD, ' Station Manager POISON. ~ T>OISON for dogs is laid on the Want wood ■*- estate, the property of Mr G. M. Bell. C M. BELL, Manager NOTICE. T>OISON for Dogs ia flid over the •*- whole of the Otakarama Estate. Any cattle oi horses found trespassing on | the Estate will bo impounded. ■• . JOHN FRASER, J968 Manager.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
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