General Notices' SLAUGHTERING- LICENSE, X HEREBY give notice, that I have ap- -*■ plied on Ist June to the Chairman of the Southland County Council for a Slaughtering License in respect of my yards, situated and being in section 16, Block I Wendon, Waikaia. k135 JOSEPH DAVIDSON, Junr. SLAUGHTEEING LICENSE, T HEREBY give notice that I have ap- •*■ plied on 23rd May to the Chairman of the Southland County. Council for a Slaughtering License in respect of- my yards situated and being in Bection 1, Block 1,, Wendon, Waikaia. ! k99 D. GILLANDERS. SLAUGHTERING LICENSE. T HEREBY give notice that I have applied -*- on 4th June to the Chairman of the Southland County Council for a Slaughtering License in repect of my premises situated at Oaklands, Upper Waikaia. . : k143 ALEX. GALL. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. PUBLICANS' LICENSE PEES, &c. " The Licensing Act, 1881," Section 70. " Every certificate shall be void, unless the sum required to be paid for the License thereon authorised to be paid to the proper officer entitled to receive the same within fourteen days after the granting of such certificate." Ifc is hereby notified that License Feea ca»not be received by the Treasurer of Southland County, unless the same be paid to him within the time specified in Section 70 of " The Licensing Acty 1881," namely fourteen days from the date of granting certificate by the Licensing Committee. By order, R. P. MacGOUN, k157 County Clerk and Treasurer. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. ARREARS O? GENERAL RATE ISS6-7. It is hereby notified that the Southland County Council has issued instructions to sue for lecovery of all Rates for the year 1886-7 still remaining unjviid, R. P. MacGOUN, , k96 County Clerk and. Treasurer. «
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 3
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