i- o^Gbiicrißte Pipes. doSdRETB5[^i ~ CONCRETE PIPES ! JAMES~HOWEY HAS a supply of PIPES of all sizes on hand. These Pipes are everlasting, are cheaper than timber, and can fee supplied in any quantity on the shortest notice. Also: ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BRICK AND STONE WORK, CULVERTS, Etc. JAMES HOWEY, Mason, etc., Next Horea Bnzaar, Mersey street, Gore. SaddlerySADDIERY! SADDLERY ! FT! HE undersigned having determined to -*- sell only FOR CASH, is now crepared to sell at such prices as will make a speedy clearance. Collars from 21a Bridle, cart .'. 10s Cart Saddle and Breeching from ... 62s 6d Riding Bridles from 5s 6d Saddles ... 655, and other things at equally low prices. . REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES GEORGE LOW, Corner Main and Mersey Streets, JORE. Tenders mENDERS wanted by 30th Jane for Bink- . -A- iug shaft on old terrace above Riversdale 100 feot and timbering same, also air shaft at back of Waimaa House SO feet and timbering came, at per running; foot. The ] lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply at the. Com. pany's Coalpit, Waimea. k!81 JAMES CARMICHAEL. TENDERS. mENDERi are invited up to SATURDAY. 'i-JL 18th inst., for PLOUGHING 600 acresland, For particulars apply to. the- undersigned, with whom tenders: are, to, be lodged. kHO J; SINCLAIR,^ Birch woodMarine Department, Wellington, 2nd June, 1887. XTrRITTBN TENDERS will be received VV at this office until NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 29th instant, for the lease ef a i ortiou of the Lighthouse Reserve at Waipapapa Point, Otara District, containing 178 acres 3 roods more or less. A description of the land and the conditions to which the lease will be subject can be seen at the Post Office, Fortrose, and at the Lighthouse, Waipapapa Point. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. By command LEWIS H. B. WILSON, kISS For Secretary. For Sale or to Let TO LET. |^iOMFORTABLE 4-roozned COTTAGE Scullery, and Outhouses, with half acre garden. Cheap to good tenant. kl3l GREEN &. SjSUNESd. J TO LET FOR ONE CBOP. THE farm near Riversdale, known as Spath's, containing 290 acres. Apply tp fcl?2 L ' ; GREEN % 3QUNBSO. / First Class Farm For Sale, • Nbas Otakabama Railway Siding. 2VTV/A ACRES of rich, wheat growing, flat Land, subdivided into three paddocks. Cottage, Stable, Large Stockyard, Sec. To be sold cheap, and on very easy terms. • ... ; GREEN & SOUNESS, 191k Auctioneers : Auction Sales* In the Supreme Court ok New Zealand," Otago and Southland District. SIMPSON* AN;B. A^CtfTHER va&RENNAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under a Writ of Sale issued put of this Court by Ttioinas Morell Macddnald and William Russell, solicitor, at the suit of the' execution creditor, all the estate and interest of the defendant Edward Brennan, being an estate of fee simple in Sections 68 and 47, Block XVI, and Section 9, Block 11, Town of Gore, will be sold by me at th 6 -Courthouse, Invercargill, on SATURDAY; 2nd day of July, 1887, at three o'clock in the afternoon ; unless the writ shdll have been previously satisfied. H. McCULLOCH, Sheriff, The Officer Executing the Writ. Invercargill, Bth June, 1887. k162 HORSES 1 HORSES I GREEN AND SOUNESS will sell oy Public Auction, at their Horse Bazaar Gore, on SATURDAY, JUNE 18, At 1 p.m. Draught Mares and Geldinga Saidle and Harness Horses Ploughs, drays, etc. k145 On accouut Vendor : 6 First class Draught Horses, al guaranteed staunch D.F. Ploughs -| Large Dray, 1 Light Waggon £y Sets Harrows, 4 and 5 leaves /^ Sets Harness, covers, etc. On account Various Vendors : \-r Draught Horses A Medium do. A Rabbiters' do. O D. F. Ploughs A lot of Sundries Three- feet Cooking Range, nearly new. 188k
Page 5 Advertisements Column 4
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 5
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