"■''" AuctioirSa^es: 11 /U;^ ; STOCK SALE v AT,GOBE f ,, ri KEEN & SOUNESS • will Jhold? a*B»fe at the yards, Gore; on ' ■ ' TUESDAY,' ' 14th : JUNE, • " ''^ At 1 p.m. . Account, vendors : "j fs(~\ Crossbred Lamb^ i)AA Crossbred Ewes, iv lamb P>O 2 ° fcootll Ewes » nearly fat 1 6") Heifers, 7 two-year-old steers '. Milch Cows, &c. . ' H44 ENTRIES ICIVITED. > STOCK SALE AT GORE, i T S. SHANKS & CO. will sell" b| *-* • Public Auifion.at Gore Corporation Yards on TUESDAY, 14th inst.— . . .■■ \ \ . fyO(\ °rossbred Wethera ; . , ,-.. h -'y Also : ,■■;.. :,i,g} Cattle, Sheep, &o. ? k174 STOCK SALE \T CORPORATION^ YARDS} TUESDAT;"I4th JtlNj; "';['£ "TAN S. SIMSON will sell by public auctiSS 1 ■■*• on the above date — ' ;■'"*? 300 Crossbred Ewes and Wethers . r * L> 10 Head Mixed Cattlt. ■••-■• X^ltlfe* CLEARING SALE ' OP STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS?^ AT OTAMA. ' r-'.^nii WEDNESDAYTIAth . JUNE, \ J^f ;. Ati2^oon. ; ;. ■;;.;. ! '; : ..;'_^ "TAN S. SIMSON has received instruction^ -*• from Mi- James Smith, wlid ; is giving up farming, to Bell by Piiblip Aadtiohjpij ffi premises— Wi+hout Reserve— .the" whol^'o^ his stock and implements, consisting, of \ , i 7 Draught Maresand Geldings,, 2. Ha^cjt^ 20 head Store Cattle .U • --o^ ;^ 25 Pigs, large and smalt '•"> a : snvQ* ■■■• B^D.F. Plougha/i Roa& Dr*y (witft tisf§ Cambridge Roller > (new)ji^,|fct* ; : % . :5-leav.e^l; Harrows, ChaffoatttXb (Reid and Gray), , Reaper an^ Binder (SicCormick);' H arnWis^- - -■■ ; Wheelbarrows," Bhdv«sls,^-FoW«lt ; Household Furniture, andv£fcfe<&f effects ; too numerous to nientionir TO WOE&INa MEN &. OTHEBsS . . IMPORTANT SALE r« ; U3? of . ._, t .....i^VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOT-? MENTSi ... :a SATURDAY, 18TH INST M '. '. )n At3p.m, 7 TAN S. SIMSON has received instructions'" -*• from Mr Geo. Bonsey to sell by Public I Auction at his rooms, Gore, on the above " date— ' s Subdivision of allotment 24, Block 11,, ~ Gore Extension, containing 40. full i acre sections, 8 j acre, and 4 one acre sections, situate in"! Brought on street, next Mr Petes'* Calder's private residence. "£ There will be actually no 'reserve, and thof terms are EXTREMELY LIBERAL; viz;? 1 one-third cash aDd the balance in bills aY" four and eight months, bearing six per cent/ 1 * interest. " :l A ■ - -1 . .• - ;- ' i ' ,: =■& The Auctioneer would draw the particuiagig i attention of working men and investors to this bona fide sale of -valuable ae'ctionla; J " iihi '* 3 . . Lithograph plans ca,n" be had oa sfonHok-** tionto '■■.-•■-■ -'^ k149 THE AUCTIONBEB. * : CLEARING SALE. ... ! ' "! = a '? ' • • ■ OF . . ■ - : ..}j!-.j.» : b« STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS^ j One and a-half miles from River^dale.- mint FRIDAY, 24th JUNE, 1887,* p»»o««r : '' At 12 noon sharp; K * ! »tfos^ ; .... _ •:, < i-..»* _ p TAN'S. SIMSON Has raceiyed ; instruefionV? t . from Mr Jas. Barron to sejl by &&$T* Auction on the premises. at the^ above tima,i « Pla<*i WITHOUT IPSE^VJJ -k f 4 t tfe^4 : 3-year old Colt r -dwa* Mv ami* £*(\ Head Cattle, com*priiing~S- year-old %}\J Steers,- and *1^ s€ows^tiat calvi^; i rvipigßi"' ; ' : '- ■'j'Jtrrxth uzwvy'rj s;ii % X.\if -.i<- "i ■::,■■ n\i •■£':•' ??'.!'Ji-,i \.~, ?t|ov itti. "i /^-/^ ; s Crossbred * Lambs.* r;?-- ;h ■sol HQ&t 1 00 Ewea ~ : ' w -' ( - dfii^ * c^ , 3 D.F. Ploughs, oneisubsoil ; Set Tripod , Harrows, Set 5-leaved Harrows, Set'; 6-leaved Harrows, Set Haxton ancl * v ; Beattie's Flexible Harrows, 9-feet^j Cambridge Roller, 8-feet Cambridge ] Boiler . ... . '. -..:?. 2 Reapers and Binders (one only out j>o.l acres), back delivery Reaper (Reid,'' ~ and Gray) ; " : 2 Road Drays (with frames), 3 . sets v Blocks and Chains : 2 SwiHg Ploughs, Four-wheeled Trap->< ; and harness, Lady's Side Saddle : 12 Collars, Hames, and Winkers 3 Cart Saddles and Breeching >* ; Leading Chains, Plough Chains, Back ' Chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCHEON PROVIDED 1 • The special attention of buyers for th« Mcl« bourne and other markets is called to the above sale, a? Mr Barron is known to har some of the best horses in Southland. No entries of Horses except those advertised will be taken. kl€6 Sale to commence at 12 noon sharp STOCK SALE AT WYNDHAM. ';« THURSDAY, 80th JUNE. WILSON, TAINK & CO. will 1 hold th«iif ? next stock sals at Wyndham oa . ab date. Early entries are re<jueste.l,
Page 5 Advertisements Column 5
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 5
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