General Notioas. - ■ .'• - ■ ■ • *. / ■ AItKE-N & LATHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ?■*:? ;t<*; r •:=■•' .: •./ ; '.'•- •■-: .-.• ; : ■■■"■■: ' FA Ml LV B UTC kER S» GOnDON. "OAMILIES waited on for oacflßfl daily. •*■ The Bbst of Meats only supplied. Small goods in any quantity, and of all descriptions, manufactured on the Premises. {^Having a large stock on hand of grainfed Bacon and smoked Beef and Mutton Hams, we can confidently recommend a trial to our numerous customers. j Great reduction in prices FOR CASH I WILLIAM POLLO€I£ (Late ob 1 Goke) TTVESIRES to inform his friends and the -*-' public generally that he has taken the EOYAL MAIL HOTEL, Clinton, . . Where Good Stabling, Excellent Accommodation, and the Best. Liquors may be had. ZEALAND RAILWAYS, QUEEN'S JUBILEE. EXCURSION Tickets issued as follows :— On 18th, 20th, 215% and 22nd June, will be available for return up to and including Monday, 27th June. . .;■ ; TO DUNEDIN. From lst-Clasa. 2nd-Class. Kingston 33s 22s Edendale Mataura L Gore f 22s 15s Tapanui / Saturday Return Tickets issued from any, station to any station on " 18_tb, 20th, 21st, and 22nd June, will be available for return up to.and including Monday, 27th June. , :■ : : Passengers from intermediate stations may take ordinary tickets to the nearest station where Excursion tickets are issued, and there' re-book at reduced rates. • Holders of Excursion Tickets may break the journey at any stopping place, ' either going or ! returning. Excursion Tickets from Kingston to Dunadin, and vice versa, will be available either via Waimea or Invercargill. ' k177 - - BY ORDER. SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION^ Pupil Teachebs' and Scholabships Examination. ALL Pupil Teachers and Candidates for Scholarships must be in attendance at. 9.15 a.m. precisely, on the firat morning of Examination, { JOHN NEILL, Secretary. Education Office, ' Invercargill, 6th June, 1887. kls Meetings, Amusements, etc. MATAURA JUBILEE SPORTS \ WILL be held on the Mataura Recreation ground on TUESDAY, 21st INST. . To start at 11 o'clock shaip. A VARIED PROGRAMME ;i OP i Running, jumping, hammer throwing, \ ■" - putting the stone; quoits, wrest- : frng t etc, etc, will be submitted* !• ARTHUR J. MILLARD, ; Hon. Sec.andTreas. | . : . A DANCE-. . • • •..;.:.. , Will be held in Humphries' Hall in the :.<--.■ ; .. . evening. :. k194, * ! QUEEN'S JUBILEE! M ; US I.CAL SE R VIGE yVritten specially for the Jubilee will be 1 given by^the ( \ ■ BLUE RIBBON CHOIR <j>N TUESDAY,>2IBt INST., IN TOWN .HALL. . ' '. - • i Connective Readings by Mr Golding, B.A. Musical Conductor... . ... Mr Jas. Botne ( Programme : ; ', Anthem—" O Lord of Every-Nation " Ghorus — " Calm me, my God " ... Choir Chorus— ".There's . a Friend |or . ...... '■ Little- Qhildren :>■'■'■ if / \ "{* Chorus—" Rejoice in the Lord " Quintette— f'.The Fairest Flower of May"; ? i Misses Morgan, Gregg," and Brown, '■ and Messrs Boyne and Roy. Solo— " • Lord, Bow Dowio.^ ... ?Misa=J>rown Chorus— " O LcJve, Divine a^d Golden" J : ■• - •....: Choir Song — " Home, Sweet, Home " ... Mrs Dewar Chorus—" Work f6r the Night is CbmiDg" '• ' • Choir Duet — '"Tired 1 ," Miss Brown and Mr J Boyne f: Chorua—" The Christian's Good Nigot " ' Choir Chorua— " Only to Know " Choir Chorus—" Wheels of Time " Cheir National Anthem 1 Admission — Adults, Is ; Children, 6d. To commence at 8 p.m. 167k A SERVICE OF SONG, ENTITLED 1 The Queen's Resolve " or " I will be Good " WILL be given in the Church, Mataura, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 17th inst., in aid of the Sunday School Funds. To commence at 8 p.m. Admission— ls ; children, half price. klB4 J. MAW, Hon. Sec. THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE ! BONFIRE NIGHT I STONEY CREEK I TUESDAY, 21st JUNE, 1887. A BONFIRE will be lighted on the *"*• Hokonuis, opposite Stoney Creak, on above occasion. L A BALL ........ Wilt be held in connection therewith "isi Carroll's Hall. , All are invited, and to suit the times no charge will be made. GOD SAVJS XiiJU QUEEN J k135
Page 5 Advertisements Column 3
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 5
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