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: „. , general Me rtfKdritrilj:'^^'-^ GKEAT CLEABXNa SALS AIfEX&NDER BROWN'S,, vGORM , - ; V FOR ONE MONTH ;ONLY l'^^ A' S it has been determined to close the drapery branch of the business, the wKole^'f the " splendid stock will be ofEered at prices absolutely unprecedented in the ; district. NOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES • /":■■;" Grey, Calicoes from 2d up.waids, Bleached Calicoes from 3|d— rare value,. .Roslyn|Flan nels Is to 2s, Biankets from 13s 6d to 27s 6d — Al value, Ticking all prices/ Caslituiere from Is 3d upwards, Dress Stuffs from 6Jd. ii '• ' * ; *. ' ' ■ A. B. has also a very large assortment of ■ ■ ■■- ■ a ■-•■"•■ ■"-■ ■ >i ] H l^ MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' TWEED "SUITS' I^ at prices that will astonish the most astute Buyers. Men's Woollen Drawers— a very large stock on hand, and thia must be cleared out at greatly reduced prices. Men's Moles at (>s 6d — extraordinary vaftie. Come and see for yourself 1 : : "'"- ■.-.■'- U - STOCZTAKENG. ( . >.*''"'';''* In order to reduce the enormous bulk of general goods befure stock is fakeii/ a month hence, the extensive and well selected assortment of ' ' '• •' "■-; : <■• r> ■ BOOTS AND SHOES (The largest 'and .best" stoxJk; in town), IRONMONGERY, CROCKERY, AND GROCERIES wijl be offered .a^. '. *VCrZXOJL.£:S^.XJi£2 PRICES. ■ , $s?° Do not miss the best chance ever offered in .Gore or Gordon of ;securing Bargains. -A.3L.E2C. BIE^O'W'IISr, QOKIDOIST- ,«•::♦* J832
General Notices. SOUTH WYJSDHAM ROAD DISTRICT !, . . ROAD TO BE CLOSED AND NEW ROAD LINE OPENED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in pursuance. of authority' granted by- section. 93 of "The Public Works -Act, 1876," that it is proposed to stop certain ' road lines as already laid down on Government 'survey . plans, as described in the first 'schedule ' hereto; and notice is hereby further. given : that it is proposed to open a - road line as described in the second schedule hereto, and that the plans showing all the. aforesaid, pro-, posed alterations are open for public inspec tion at the office of I W Raymond, Wyndham,. for a period of eight weeks* from dat hereof. ;.•» -.>••-. \ -. : M. RICHARDSON, , . Chairman, South Wyndham Boad Board. . 12th April, 1887. Ist Schedule. . . Setcnption of Road to be Closed. — A that piece or parcel of, land in the : . Invercargill Land Distiiqt containing la Or 10'4p more" or less, being hitherto known as a road line 100 links, wide within . S,ection 20, Block VIII., Wyndham Survey District. Commencing a.t a point 2164-4 links west and 1361*3 links north of the south-east corner of the said Section 20^ and bounded as follows, viz. : — ; By a line bearing 250° 3 X a distance . of 8000 links,thence~by a line bearing 236° 27 X a distance of 425*2 links, thence by a line ( bearing 70° 3' a, distance of ,13300 links, , and thence by a line beating 290° 37* a distance of 153*7 links to the commencing point. 2nd Schedule.; . Deeoription of Bead ty/le' Qpened— All tihat piece or parcel of land in the Invercargill j Land District containing lr 16*4p more or less, baing a portion ef Seclion 20, Block VIII, Wyndham Survey District. Commencing at a point 21644 links west and 1361*3 links north of the south-east corner of the said section 20, and bounded as follows,, vjz : — By a line bearing 290° 37' a distance of 296*2 links,'thenee by a line^b' earing 21° 46' a distance of 100 links. thence by a line .bearing 110° 37' a distance of 410*0 links, and thence by a line bearing 260° 3* a distance of 153*7 links to the commencing point.' . ■ J873 NOW -OPEN! NOW OPEN--1 *''■'' ' > T^,E''FiD|R' 1 4L' OTISHISS ill 6SKML %W. GORE, T7ISTABLISHED to supply Gore and ! Dis -*-^ trict with goods at Dunedin prices, • - Th© S tock ' i c6nßis'is's ; of : ' ' ,' ' Ironmongery, Tinware', Brrishware, .Oils ' •""•' : ' Pdintg; : Lea<3^ and -Kerosene <Dhiha; Glass, and Earthenware Saddlery and Harness ; and a_ '" '' ,' , Miscellaneous assortment of useful goodt ' " far' too numerous to particularise. All goods are marked for «■ Small Profits and Quick Returns 5 " therefore onr terms will be NET U ASH. . - ; . . ; ; ; Note the Name . »>- THE FEDERAL FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY CO., GORE, •'•■"■ Under the ) Geo. Tb'e'w ' Joiiit Manage- > and menti.of ) . E. MoKa^. notice of removal. N. S. RINGDON AND SONS Beg to inform the inhabitants of Gore, Gordon, and the surrounding districts that they have removed to shop adjoining. Smaill and brown's, and by supplying Beef and Mutton of the Torimest quality hope to receive a fair share of public patronage. A Regular Supply of Dairy Factory Fed Pobk has been Abbangec fob. Sausages, Tripe, Brawn and Pressed Beef always on hand. Corned Beef 20a per lOOlbs ; fore-quarter mutton 2d ; side, 2d, FOE CASH. Genuine Pork Sausages every Saturday PVKERAV LICJNITE, TTNSURPASSED in QUALITY, will now \J be delivered anywhere within Gore 01 Gordon at 49s per truck, ca'.h on delivery. As each Truck contains fully six loads customers may rely on getting extra good value for their money. Parties requiring less than a truck iray make arrangements wiih my agent Mr Wm Jaa. Sayebs", carter, Gore, who is a-ithorisei to settle accounts on my behalf. F. M. DAWSON.' ______ POISON for Doga is laid over the whole of the Otakarama Estate. Any cattle 01 horses found trespassing on the Estate will be impounded, JOHN FRASER, j968 Manager. 1
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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858Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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