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' jfyelaws^ '' :59th. Placing any water closet,' privy or cesspool in a position that shall be deemed a nuisance or offence to the neighborhood. 60th. Having on any premises or under the control of the owner of any premises, any excavation for the reception of exr crementitious matter. 61st. The owner of pigp.ons allowing such pigeons to settle on roofs of houses other than the property of the o«vner of such pigeons, 62nd. It shall not be lawful to keep any swine within 60 feet of any private or public dwelling, shop or of any public or private street within the meaning of the said Act, or within 60 feet of any adjoining land. CARTS AND CARTERS. 63rd. The word " cart " shall include, every waggon, dray, or other tuch carriage whatever be its construction, drawn by horses or other animals used wholly or chiefly for the carriage of burthens or heavy goods; the word "woodcart" shall mean a cart used for the delivery of firewood ; the . words "brick cart" shall mean a cart u.jed for the delivery of bricks; the words " timber cart " shall mean a cart used for the tle--1 livery of timber ; and the words " night cart " shall mean a cart used in the carrying or removing, of night soil, offal, or other offensive refuse. 64th. No cart, dray, express, or other waggon shall be kept or used in the said Township to ply for hire unless the same shall have been duly licensed as hereinafter mentioned, And any person using in the said Township to ply for hire any unlicensed cart, dray, or waggon, shall forfeit for •every day that he shall so use such cart, dray,, or waggon, as aforesaid, a sum not exceeding. forty shillings, ,65th. Licenses for carts, drays, and wag. gons may be granted by the Town Clerk, or such other officer as the Town Board may , appoint in the behalf. 66th,. For every such license there shall be paid to the Town Board granting the same for a two- wheeled cart the mini of twenty shillings ; and a four-wheeled waggon, the sum of thirty shillings : provided always that where licenses have been paid to other Townships, a reduction of ten shillings shall be allowed on any of the before mentioned licenses. All licenses shall terminate on 31st day of March in each year. N - , • 67th. The weight to be carried for a single load by any cart or dray licensed to stand or ply for hire shall be one ton (22401b5), for ; any express waggon half aton(H2olbs), and for an/ farm or ■ six horse waggon two tons. And any owner or driver of any cart, dray, or express waggon, who shall refuse, upon being required so to do by any, person offering to hire such cart, dray, or express waggon to carry therein such weight as aforesaid ! shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty Bhillings. 68th. The owner of every licensed c&rc shall paint upon a conspicuous part of the off-side thereof his name and the word (i licensed " and the number of the license in white letters, one inch in length on a back ground. I. W. RAYMOND, Chairman j J, L. EVANS, Town Clerk. Wytidham, May 2, 1887; k3O Dealers in Rabbit Skins. Babbit skins i rabbit skins ! THE Undersigned are CASH PURCHASERS of Babbit Skins in any quantity. CARSWELL, WHITE & CO., I k136 ■ Invercargill. Rabbit Skins! Rabbit Skins ! "VHTTE are CASH PURCHASERS of . * * Rabbit Skins in large and small ' quantities. Highest .market prices given, and prompt returns. WILSON, TAINE & CO., k126 Auctioneers, Invercargill IMPORTANT. ■RABBIT.S.KINS. ROBERT CLELAND and GO., Bokd and Cbawfojrd Streets, Dunedin Give HIGHEST CASH PRICE for, all kinds of RABBITSKINS, SHEEPSKINS, HORSEHAIR, &c. We want Two Millions of Rabbitskins this season, and must. get them. €L C>- TOTHILI, C[ABH Purchaser of GRAIN, GRASS '■' SEEDS, RABBIT SKINS, HIDES, &c;' " ' ■ '■• ' ■■' ■••' ' . . Indents and Shipping Effeoted, Fowl Feed on Sale. Agent for P. and D. Duncan's Implements , „ „ Ryal Bush Bacon Factory „ . „ South British Insurance Co. . Offices— Esk street, tnveroargili. kIH Dentistry. JOHN P. ARMSTRONG .;. : DENTIST. ••' ■;' [Established 1861 1 Exactly opposite Caigill'e Monument, Princes street, Duuedin. The Best Work at one-half the Usual Charge, Guaranteed perfect satisfaction. Teeth Extracted absolutely without pain by a new process invented by Mr Armstrong. FEE ss. Teeth Filled and Cleaned so as to preserv them for life at half the usual charge. Broken Sets Repaired and made as good as new while, you wait.. Open until 9.30 p.m. on Saturdays. A/I" AT &.URA RIVER MISSION DISTRICT SERVICES FOB JUNE : Gore — Curate : 12th, at 7 p.m.; 26th, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other Suudtvys : Lay Reader at 11 and 7. Mataura — Every Sunday, 3.30 p.m. Curate on 26th. Wyndham — 7.30 p.m. Curate on sth. Lay Reader 19th. Fortrose — 11.30 a.m. Curate on sth. Mandeyille— ll a.m. Curate on 12th. Tapanui — Curate on 19th, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Lay Reader : On sth, 11 a.m. J. HOIiBS, Curate. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. RABBIT POISONING has now commenced in this District . United and continuous effort is hereby enjoined. Incases of default the Inspector will* take independent action at the expense and risk of owners. ANGUS A. MACDONALD, Inspector. Gore, Ist June, 1887. k125 J^[R GEORGE BRETT Will in future be in Gore from THURSDAY TO SATURDAY to receive pupils for t instruction in pianoforte, singing and violifl,
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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886Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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