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General K6ticeß«-'i "XT E W * fj XJT^Tb,^J L.W.A V S PARGEL RATES. '. Ttt"os"!<s iC O5:JO «C. O*>COCOCO (C CO O . ; oo ri eo^^.io^t"* cfs ph »o o» '" - , Hrtrt rg ©. 0»-0 <O 9» 5? «?-O> «? SPS O> 58»" <=• O •■' i: ■ .'• '■ j T : ! 'eo.<«o©«8 < 'si> l: <^o o .9 : v •■<© ' ,'6h ! i-! : rt «n '4i '<si*ici'-#''2& l ß>i* oo co •T3 1O . CB. ; ■ lT ■ « . o» a>o «o<wo«o o«eoooo o ,*2, . ; T'l-It'^vr. nil yd '•! K oo co O O i-i rH »-< i-l (M <N 00 eft ■*•*•#■* <U <N I ■■-;,,■ t ..^ -,-i ■,; .-.«■- . i^-^ . t^.\ & lO.O ;O ,© © O: rt,rt fi -r*W : tjf »H r-l ' ■■ '.•! CO ' OiO 6'OO-Ci CJ*«O?3o O ■■■&'■ :c • /i. ! - "M I*-*-» il ■»««iii[Jlr*fiM. g ,* r-tefl«s^<eoo© cvta o w» © o S :Rl--"- »3 : ..■,-'-.. ■••i^.-'« rt i i n* I !<<J%Slflw *& * 4s, -'■ '■' '■ r > '■'-:'-"■ : '- r ■■ '■} ''■"*> ! rt^ j| ■ • ' :>,•.;■ ■■'.; i iu,U ■■^■:h-> "■& ■■' , ;." ? v. "s&'jfj, maxwell;^ ■■ 686 , . ; . , jjfacner^i.ManAgof? ROPTCY; GAZEITB 0$ NEW^ZIIAI^ND (With which, is Incorporatdd ' ''-tfie'l^ekly Advertiser), '"'■ :<J? •'- %i Published Every Saturday Mos?iling, .. x ■-. , , ;.,Co^tains|: \rjM---i -m s . rf Particulars of Bills of .Sa)e,. Stock Liens' on 'Wool aod'on Cfd^s/Bailments, Affidavits of Satisfaction,' 1 Bati&raptcy Petitions, and Dis6harg§s-&3;,' filed? dur* . ing. each, week. ;.-, ;/ :.mjj-«o«O Also carefully-revised Share, and, Pjrgduce Market Reports'; LaiestTLegal, Decisions; • Ori s inal Articles, iliustrating thS working of Comnieroial Law,- arid ••other interesting, and; valuable jmatter.: ;.* ABSOLUTEIiY iKDISPENSABVE; "TO . THE SA'PETY OP AtL 'TBADERS.' '. Terms 6d ! (difcliiding^rßgeatpper :-■•:■ • annum, U, i m^-11 >\tn Strictly Payable! in 1 Aflt&tfjgi * Free Sample Copies obtainable' f:&"m 'the Proprietors, &. Ti WHEEEB& •i & .GO*, Dunedin; . 5 • . ; i ! ■• • : : & THE NEWiZEALAND PROTEOTION OF CREDITORS' SOCIETY is 7 alsVin connection with the ahovg. Gazette," ano( 4 the Society possesses -'unrivalled' 1 facilities for giving RELIABLE r JWVATB IfCFOBMATI^N as ,to the.commercial standing of individuals. ■ ■ * - '* ' '■ * ■* I **' * i _A - 1 J /I For particulars apply JHead Office, Dunedin ',?' ''iioMssmk AOTyiaai^s special' tlicMWd ! Di^RicT"; op tJPPER Waikaia. ; [ > ;u NQTIGE tIB HEREBY fiIVJBN r ;th^R the , ■ t Licensing; i^Ooqrt,,. .f9.r ; thg^V^^cial^ Licensing Distiict of Upper Y^afk'aia^wiU be ield ; at 1 ttie- Resilient M:agistrateV Xfpuib tf ouse, Waikaia, on Tuesday, the : l#tn*-day of June 1.887, at noon, when all a^plibations Cor licenses.. of wJbich .due no t t{pe hag^b^en. given will behearji and qeterminedi: t ■ .. Given under lny^aiuf this ibtn day of ■ May, 1887. "i'"*i w'v--'.: «•« i ■■*<■ *%M k53 . v i|f< - Resident -Magisftate. A$ V Petaqii \ nifly f /{appoint Trustee executor and .trjisteejuiderhia ' ''.'-', '■Jjll'" '"'■'" '.ti' ''--.Ir i' 7 . l\\ ! l!H f-ff*V will or codicil; , " , ; « /• H m -"■^■v\ " '• Akiy present ' trustee may , t^ansf^r f Ahe m»nagement- of ; 'erust^pidpeniy &F&l4 'Thdiblic Trustee, whdj willf.thereupoa'nMd'wi'dh property upor <tae; origin^ trusty ...att{a,ci^ng thereto. -. " {.„.,... .. r f .l»i, (l in'i Aty person, company, association or.pu^lic body within 1 of without'th'e c6lo'ny ? I may^lace any propetty. belonging to : them in,charg4 of the Public Trustee upon jfcruat. ■ or, su,ch; suses as may be, denned ia t the. jdeed the trust. """ •' ,'".'' ," '• Any building, landj or friendly sodely may by its rules provlde'.that ; proper tyi belonging to it may be placed in. t-he; P,ubliCvTru,Bt Qfl^ce Jor such trusts and uses and with su^h' powers as may be defined' in of by the said rales. The advantages offered-lare'r-^ ' Ist; State G.uabanteh: againist Bpeo-41 on, framl, os dishonesty,. H , : j; . 2n All", proposed , iuvestments 1 con sider'ed'b'y : a BOai'd, consisting of "tEe? Honor able Colonial Treasurer, theAttOrney-Genera the Comptroller and' Auditor* General* {^iQ Government Insurance Commissioner^afldjjha Public Trustee. Careful consideration; pi^l securities offered is therefore, ensured. 3rd. The Public Trustee l ifi his corp'jiSte Capacity NJ3VEB DIKS, NEVER LEAVES' &fetE COUNTBY, AJSD. NEyEft. BECOME^ jINO^PAGItated, thus avoiding the. many inijony.fjni* ences resulting from frequent fresh appb'intnients of Trustees, necessitated ' b y , '.eath chang' o abode, or mental or bodily infirmity 4th. Punctuality and promptitude yin v in the remittance of periodical payments tp beaeflciarieß under trust or will to any part of the colony or elsewhere at which it may be de* sired that pay? should be made. . - . sth. Ihe effective check which. is called into operation boforo any rao.ueys cah^bo drawn Erom the Public Truoteus acco'un* , t 6th. Reasonable cnarges— On eat.%tea'Wnfth are now being considered, the Public Trustee is authorised to charge 1£ percent, on all receipts, and 1J per cent, qn disbii^e f ments, and ss. per cent, on all moneys invested. No charge is ihade foi obtaiiimg probate, nor for passing stamp and property ax. returns, nor for correspoftdena* 1 . however voluminous. Thus the saving 'fo es^f nlaced ia this office is considerable. ' '"- V R, "U 1 HIMEBTtfN (t?/^ litlbliiXruttif
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
Word Count
734Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 3
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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