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Properties For Sale or To Lot- ° B S A L K ' ■SKK ACEH HAEM, nearßaagiora; good.' x«l«l dwelling-house ondevory-iDiproveßieat, in fact, a Model Farm. R W£3s per ! acre. RflK ACHE FARM, near Bengiora; largo; *f i** house and good ***m building#. Mi desirable property, PrioSr£3peraore,' Oft ACEH FARM, at Ghoka; iiolr •71F land. Erica low. land. Erica low. JOSEPH B. SHEATH, Land and Estate-Agent, ' , Banglcra; '■ PRELIMIN AR Y N OTICS. f|lHB WELL-KNOWN FREEHOLD ESTATE. WHITE BOOK, ; Containing ■ 42,000 ACRES* i Selected by the late JOHN MACFARLANB, ESQ., ■ IN 1853. WILL BE SUBDIVIDED INTO BLOCKS, AVERAGING FROM 3000 TO 7000 ACRES, ’ SUBMITTED TO AUCTION THE FIRST WEES NOVEMBER. The Estate is only 14 miles from EANQIOBA# and 12 miles town nearest Railway Station. • Further particulars as to TEEMS, Ac,, irtH ba given in future advertisement.. Persons wishing to inspect the Property can do so by applying to W. KIOHOItS, V White Rook,' • Ashley, ACLAND, DUDLEY & CO, STOCK AND INSURANCE AGENTS,’ VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, . AND - SHAREBROKERS. Money to Lend at Current;Bates. Stock and Grain Sold and Bought on Commission! FARMS. • ” . ■JjIOK SALE—Several BLOCKS of rick alluvial Grazing and Grain-growing LAND,' 1 Plans and particulars to he had at our office, : ■ X 677 174, HEREFORD STREET,. T B Furnished or Unfurnished, HOUSE, Corner of Durham street and North Bilt, For a Term, The property of M, Harris. Esq. The House !• one of the largest in Christohocon, with extensive grounds, Ac* ‘' For partioulare apply to „ . J. B, DALE A CO. FEND ALTON: HOUSE of eight rooms, in thorough repair, witb.B acres of land in Orchard, Paddock, do. ■ ST ALBANS, near Avon Road Board Office. HOUSE. 5 rooms, with S acres of land, StablMi Cowshed, do. TANCEED STREET, LIN WOOD. HOUSE of 8 rooms, with three-quarters of ftQ acre. CANAL RESERVE, LINWOOD. Siz-roomed HOUSE and 9 acres land. 3. B. DALE & CO. 146, WORCESTER STREET. ALLAN HOPKINS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATB AGENT, ' Cathedral square, adjoining Bank of New Zealand. Telephone 437. Bankers, Bank of Australasia. ' The undermentioned properties are a few selected from a large variety now on hand tor Sale in both Town and Country, and a more extended salestfoa can he found in my new lists, to b? hod free on application, or sent to any address if requested.- ' FOB SALE. BELFAST.—Section containing one-eighth of aa acre, together with large building thereon, used' as a blacksmith's and wheelwright’s workshop, alio trap-house and ooaoh-honss; splendid business* position, corner section; price ££so, email deposit, balance as arranged. 87 , OPAWA.—A very convenient and • compact House of five rooms, with all usual outbuildings and kitchen offices; also, good stabling and two acres land, securely fenced. Price £535. Easy terms can be arranged if desired. Sls . EICOAETON.—A very superior Residence, containing 1 eleven large rooms, ail the usual kitchen offices complete in every detail; splendid bolconyaconnd upper storey, closed in with glass; all the; usual outdoor accommodation, compruingstablisg, < trap-houses, man’s room, servant's offices, varan.: dah front, water service all through house, 15 acres j land, gardens, orchards, pluntati ns, paddocks; price £3500, or would let at £IOO per annum. 315 , LIN WOOD.—Two three-roomed cottages, well hnilt, and in good condition and thorough repair, ; concrete foundations, good ranges in each one,i picket fence in front; always let to good tenants; • price £325. . . . ; MERIVALE.—Nice House of eight rooms, font j fireplaces, every convenience for comfort and use, j bath, water service, and the usual outbuildings, scullery, stabling, three artesian wells dralcedinto ■ main sewer, one acre land, nicely arranged as • garden, lawn, etc.; price £650. * WaLTHaM.—a comfortablefont-roomsd House and small Bhop, together with baker’s* van and' bakehouse, storerooms, etc.; all oonvenlenoeefor. UUBO; BUWiUIWiUO, >*« vvm . —" ’V'” ' snug business in a rising neighbourhood, quarter. ; and, well fenced; the whole price £315. or ere land,' —-—, - ■onld exchange for a farm. 240 BELFAST,—A very convenient Cottage of - font ooms, matchlined and papered interior,, replete ■ith every convenience, scullery, built-in copper, ood water supply, garden, in excellent endec and; mdition, containing quarter-acre ot land'; price .70, terms. a—. MISS LOHSE’S well-built Comfortable House ATLOCK BANK. UPPER RICOARTON. With >a Acres of Good Land, now in the occupation of , Boyle, Esq., consisting of Ornamental Grounds, iddooks, Kitchen Garden and Orchard, and' [j oinin? the estate of C. C. Bowen# BxtesiAiv# Iditions and improvements have recently been ade to house and stable. Possession after 70 months* notice, TERMS OF SALE XCEPTIONALLY EASY. Apply to Mb J. T. BBi/L, 53 Cathedral square, Christchurch, B S E—iUEEN STREET, Sydenham—A neatly new uea of 6 large rooms, scullery, washhouse and pper ; 2-stall stable and traphouse; nearly quAr-r-aore ; easy terms ; very handy to railway • ONG STREET, Sandridge—Close to Colombo id, well-built cottage of 3 good rooms; good stion; to be sold a bargain J jiii ELAT—Close to Dudley Creek and Canal: serve, a house of 6 zooms and outbuildings, 9 res of first-class land; low price and easy terms PEN DALTON ROAD—House of 7 rooms, souly, store-room, washhouse with copper, stable, tae-box, Ac.; one acre land . ’' - ■ IXi’OBD TERRACE EAST—A' well-built home 6 rooms, Ac. and outbuildings, about-.three* •hths acre garden, stocked withTruit trees; fine sition fora boating man; small deposit and very iy terms .. iißb. WOOD ROAD-15 Acres of Lind, with well-built House of 8 rooms, scullery, dairy, cached washhouse, copper built in, and other [buildings. Water-race terminates on the iperty. Price£4so. . , ... VOROESTkR .STREET, Linwood—A splendid ilding section, Half Acre; 16 minntee walkof ) city. LNTIQUA STREET—CIose to centre, house of rooms and outbuildings; nearly quarter-sera; try thing in first-olaasorder; to bVpoidohaap,ley to Lend on Mortgage. Houses To Let. pply J, T. BELL, Cathedral square, 4X Christchurch. T T HEREFORD STREET WEST—Honse of 10 zooms, washhouse, copper.bath-room ;quarteracro section ■ KILMOBB STREET EAST—House of 5 rooms and scullery, washhouse and copper, connected with sower BEYNDWR, Glandovy road—House of 6 rooms, pantry, scullery stable, outbuildings,' vinery, Ao.; 2i acres land in garden and paddeok;. everything in beautiful order; at present, occupied by J. N, Hamer, Esq. SPEIMGkIKLD BuAD—House of 7 rooms, seal. ; lery, good garden /* STANMOBE ROAD— House of 7 rooms, soullsry, Ac., newly pointed and papered throughout CRESCENT ROAD. St Albans—House of 6 rooms and scullery, outhouse; splendid flower garden AIRMAN’S ROAD—Honse of 8 rooms, washhouse, copper, scullery, gas and fittings; largo fruit garden ~ PAPaNUI ROAD—House of 6 rooms, washhouse and copper; grand garden . SOUTH BELT—Honse of 8 rooms, washhouse, gas and fittings; large section Apply to „ v--9. T. BELL, 620 Cathedral Square, Christchurch. ,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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1,059Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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