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Tddlmxit«r ft Jennings. CLEARING SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, - . PEBBBLHTON, TUESDAY NEXT, lOib INST. TODHUNTER* JENNINGS 'Ate ihittttftted by Mif Thoihae Gabbatie, who is • leaving the district owing to ill-health, to Sfcu. BY PUBLIC AUCTION. OB TUESDAY NEXT, Ths lOte INST., Co&lßßhcing a* * 2 o’clock noon. The Whole of the LITE AND DEAD STOCK, As follows 2 DRAUGHT HORSES, good in all kinds of Brand i year-old HA.dK, broken to saddle and a fast trotter 5 Grand DAIBT COWS, just springing to Cairo JQQ Good STOKE LAMBS 3 Breeding Sows, 1 Boar (prize-taker) Nearly New Whitechapel Dog-oart Dog-cart Harness, Farm Dray and Frame Double-furrow Plough, 3-leaf Harrows Horae Hoe, Shaft and Plough Harness Swingletrees, Chains, Block and Tackle 2 Ladder*, Lot of Tools . Large Lot of Sundries Stack of Oaten Sheaves, rery prime 4 Tona of Derwent Potatoes ▲ Lot of Grand Poultry A Petr Backs of Oats and Wheat, Ao., &Oi The Whole to be Sold without the Slightest Reserve. Sale at 12 noon. Luncheon provided. Extra Stock ean he entered for this Sale, on application to Mr GaVbatis or to 574 TODHUNTER A 3 MININGS, Auctioneers. CLEARING SALE OF LITE AND DEAD STOCK. CHARING CROSS-CUM-KIRWEE. MONDAY. MAY 16ia INST. TODHUNTBrI JENNINGS Have received instruction ■ from MB J. ILLINQWOETH. Whoee lean bas expired, and who is leaving tho District, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, c MB HOMESTEAD, On above date, THE WHOLE OF HIS LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, AS follows—- • S Good Draught Hones, used to all kinds of . farm work I Light Harness Horses 300 Merino Ewes, in lamb .'•0 Prim* Orou-bred Lambs 1 Cow, springing to calve 1 Cow, oat red sth May, a grand dairy oow 12Plga 2 Reaper* and Binders. "Triumph” Oram Drill. 2 Grass-Seed Strippers. Double-Fur-row Plough, Single-Furrow Plough, Set 3. Horse Harrows, Dray and Frame, TipDray, Boiler. Grnhber, Yankee Waggon, Harness. Pole and Shafts, Shaft, Plough - and Leading Harness, Horsepower and Chaff-cutter, 2 Iron Coppers, 2 400-gallon Tanks. Lot of Fowls, Dnoks and Geese HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Beds. Bedding, and Effects, and a hundred and one Sundries too numerous to mention. Bale MONDAY, MAY 16th, at IS noon, sharp. Luncheon provided. TODHUNTER A JENNINGS, ggt Anotioneers. FREEHOLD FARM I* OB Sale WEBDONS. TODHUNTER * JENNINGS ak* instructed by the Mortgagees to BELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At their Wool Stores, Hereford street, on BATUBDAY, MAY 21st. NEXT. At 1 o’clock p.m„ All that very desirable Farm, now in the oocnpatioaof Mr W. J. Phillips, Farmer, coneiating of 220 ACBEB very good all-round Land, one mile from Weedon’s railway station, close to church and schools, together with the BUILDINGS, oonsiatiag of a Good SIX-BOOMED HOUSE, Granary, Stables, io., thereon. - Oea Acre is nicely laid out as Garden, and planted with fall-bearing Fruit Trees; the whole moat econrely fenced and divided, and forming a moat daeirabla Farm, either for occupation or investment. Title: Land Transfer Act. BY AUCTION at I o’oIookSATUBDAY, May 21st. TODHDNTHE A JENNINGS, 374 Anotioneers. IMPORTANT NOTICE or LAND SALE. THE PICK OF HALSWELL. THE CREAM OP CANTERBURY. TODHUNTER * JENNINGS Are instructed hy A. W. Bennetts, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At th *ir Wool Stores, Hereford street, on SATUBDAT, MAT 21, At 1 o’clock p.m., , His FEBEHOLD PROPERTY at the HALSWELL, consisting of ' 9Q ACRES, Part of tho famed LANSDOWNE ESTATE, and being some of the very best land in the Province, divided into 2 LOTS of 43 ACRES each; plans of which can be seen at our offices. It is quite unnecessary for ua to say one word in praise of this land; its quality and productiveness are known to all who know anything about land, and sot having been cropped for the last FIFTEEN YEARS, it is overflowing with richness and Btroogtb* Situated, within 7 miles of the centre of Chrietchuiob. it is eminently adapted fora milk farmer market gardens, and being only 4 miles from tho Dairy Factory, it could not bo beaten for a Dairy Farm. Splendid Water Supply. Title—Land Transfer Act. BY AUCTION, SATURDAY, MAY 21st. Plans and terms at our offices. TODHUNTER & JENNISG3, g2S Auctioneers. TO FARMERS. CONTRACTORS, GRAZIERS, DAIRYMEN. ko„ &o„ ho. IMPORTANT HOTICE OP SALE OP LIVE -i AND DEAD STOCK, TODHUNTER* JENNINGS Have received instructions from Messrs Willcoz aad JCseley, who are dissolving partnership, to BELL. ON AN EARLY DATE. At their Farm, BFBING S T O N, THE whole of their LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. DRAUGHT HORSES, broken and unbroken LIGHT HORNES, broken and unbroken SHEEP. CATTLE, PIGS, IMPLEMENTS, 80.. Ac., Ac. IHta and full particulars in future advertisements. TODHUNTER* JENNINGS ' 831 Auctioneers. TAI TAPU. TAI TAPU. ME P. SPENCER’S FARM, of 130 ACRES, is OPEN for PRIVATE SALE FOB A SHORT TIME LONGER; There is no better farm even in the Tai Tapn. TODHUNTER & JENNINGS 429 Auctioneers and Land Agents. TODHUNTER * JENNINGS AUCTIONEERS, WOOL AND GBAIN BROKERS, LAND AGENTS, *O. ARK NOW RECEIVING GRAIN W » \ INTO OUR STORES v fob par.TE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OB PRIVATE TREATY, THREE MONTHS’ FREE STORAGE, MIT - ASD liberal cash -ADVANCES.
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
Word Count
834Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
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