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Government Notifications. v. R. " The Land and Income Assessment Act, 1891.” ASSESSMENT OP INCOME. TTJIBESONS have neglected to Bend in tr Return of Income are informed that Legal Proceedings will bo taken against those whose roturus are not forwarded on or before the 13th INSTANT. Forma may be obtained at Postal Money-Order Offices. CHAS, M, CEOMBIE, Commissioner of Taxes, Wellington, 3rd May. 1892. N ote.— lncome from Land and Mortgages should not be included in a return of income. Persons whose income is less than £2OO need not send in a return, 604 •‘THE LAND AND INCOME ASSESSMENT ACT, 1891.” Meetings of the boaed of eeview of ASSESSMENTS will he held as follow At the Proyincial Council Chamber, ChristChristchurcb, on 10th lust, at 10 a.m., for the following Eoad and Town Districts in the County of Selwyn:—Ayon, Biccarton, Templeton, Courtenay, Heathcote, Linwoed. Wools ton, Tai Tapu, Spray don, Halswell, Springs and Lincoln. At the Eesident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Christchurch, on 11th Inst, at 10 a.m„ for the Borough of Christchurch. At the Resident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Leoston, on 13th Inst, at 10 &.m., for the following Districts in the County of Selwyn: Ellesmere Eoad District and Bouthbridge Town District. At the Eesident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Eangiorn, on 16th Inst, at 10 a.m,, for the following Eoad Districts in the Connty of Ashley; Oxford, Cust, MandevilleEangiora, West Byreton and Eyreton, and for the Boroughs of Eangiora and Kaiapoi. At tho Resident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Christchurch, on 16th Inst, at 10 a.m., for the Borough of St, Albans: At tho Eesident Magistrate's Courthouse, Christchurch, on 17th Inst, at 10 a,m., for tho Borough of Sydenham. At the Eesident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Amherley, on tho 18th Inst, at 10 a.m., for tho following Districts in the Connty of AshleyWaipara, Ashley and Kowai Bead Districts and it mbarley Town District. At tho Resident Magistrate's Courthouse, Christchurch, on 19th Inst, at 10 &,m„ for the Borough of Lyttelton. At the Kakaia Bead Board Office, Hororatai on the 20th Inst, at 10 a.m., for the follow ing Eoad Districts in the County of SelwynLake Coleridge and Eakaia, At the Courtenay Eoad Board Office, Kirwee« on the 23rd Inst, at 10 a.m., for the following Eoad Districts in the County of r elwyn: Courtenay, Malvern, East Malvern, South Malvern and Upper Waimakariri. At the Eesident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Lyttelton, on the 25th Inst, at 10 a.m., for the following Bead Districts in the County of Akaroa Pott Levy and Port Victoria, At the Eesident Magistrate’s Courthouse, Akaroa, on the 27th Inst, at 10 a,m„ for the following Eoad Districts in the Connty 1 of AkaroaPigeon Bay, Little River, Okain’s Bay, La Son’s Bay and Town of Akaroa and Wainui. CHAS. M. CEOMBIE, Commissioner of Taxes. Wellington, sth May, 1892. 594 Drapery, Clothing, &o. F. HOBBB & CO. IN Response to the Express Wish of many of our Customers and Friends, we have Opened a SECOND DEPARTMENT, which will enable us to compete in price with any firm in tho city, SUITS FROM ... ... £3 15s. BOYS’ CLOTHES A SPEOIALITY.LAEQEST STOCK IN THE COLONY. Our FIEBT-CLABB Trade will be carried on exactly as before, and customers are assured of every attention being paid to their orders. L 617 INFLUENZA* Has come, it is quite true, so has Summer, and as all Need a Change, let us CALL AND SEE J. W. PERKY & CO,, CASH TAILORS, 173, CASHEL STEBET, Opposite Cafe, WHO have just opened npa Large Assortment of LATEST DESIGNS in SUITINGS. TROUSERINGS and WORSTED COATINGS; also, a Very Choice and Varied Stock of FANCY VESTINGS for tho present season. We are not to be surpassed by any other Firm for Fit, Quality, Workmanship or Price. ALL GOODS SHRUNK. J. We PERRY & CO., CASH TAILORS, 173. CASHEL STREET. Op osite Cafd. X 123 Board and Easidonoe. JjEVIATHAN 31 OT E L Imitated by many—surpassed by none. Opposite Railway Station, DUNEDIN. 3X Mas SILK PROPRIETRESS, ' BOARD AND RESIDENCE. HANDSOMELY- FURNISHED Apartments for Ladies and Gentlemen. Mas SAWTBLL, Sherwood, 230 X 72, Cashel street E, SUPERIOR, Comfortable board and residence Reasonable terms, Waitahuna House. 233 Cashel street west. X 275 UPEEIOS PRIVATE BOaRD&RESIDENCB Gloucester House, 250, Gloucester street West, live minutes’ walk from centre of city, public gardens. Ac, Terms moaoraoe. X 33 Undertakers. H. SCRIMSHAW, UNDERTAKER. F UNEHALS FURNISHED AT LOWEST CHARGES, Town and Country. 41, DURHAM STREET SOUTH. 44CX Telephone No. 430. Properties For Sale or To Let. TO LET. WAREHOUSE 'in LICHFIELD STREET Lately occupied by ua. 9311 BOSS & GLENDININB. j Messrs baqgs & dufpt have foe SALE the undermentioned Farms and Other Properties, and will he pleased to send price and full particulars on application, FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. KIEWBB— Fine Sheep Farm, 490 acres, honse, sheas, &o, A bargain • SPRING SOON—2OO Aciea, good buildings, &o. DUNsANDEL—SO Acres, good land, house, &c. Cheap WAIKARI—(Near) 170 Acres, house, Ac, HALSWELL—62 Acres, house, &o, HALSWELL—2B Acres, house, &o. HALS WELL—34 Acres, no buildings. This farmmust he sold; it is mortgaged for £IOOO, and £IOO will buy equity of redemption; owner will take produce equal to interest HARE WOOD koaD-28 Acres, house, &o. LADBEOOKB'S—3O Acres, house, &c. OXFORD—2O Acres, house, &o, SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. HAREWOOD ROAD—2O Acres,house4 rooms LIN WOOD—S Acres, house, 5 rooms SHIRLEY— i\ Acres, house, 6 rooms, &o. SHIRLEY—6 Acres, house, 6 rooms SHIRLEY—4 Acres, house, 4 rooms HAREWOOD uOAJ)~I4fc acres, house, 7 rooms fowl yards. Ac, No reasonable offer refused OPAWA—3 Aores, house, 8 rooms OPAWA—2 Acres, house, 8 rooms BELFAST—4 Acres {large orchard). £l5O PAPANUI—3i Acres, house, 4 rooms, &o„ £350 TOWN PROPERTIES. ARMAGH STREET—House, 6 rooms, &c., £l5O WORCESTER STREET (over belt)—House of 6 rooms, fine garden, £450 SALISBURY STREET (west)—House, 6 rooms. Ac. Cheap ADDINGTON (near Selwyn street) House, 4 rooms (insured for £100) full quarter-aore, only £IOO. Terms MATHESON'S ROAD—House, 4 rooms, three-quarter-acre, £3OO, Ac., Ac., Ac, PRINTED LISTS SENT FREE. HOUSES OP ALL SIZES TO LET. MONEY TO LEND, In Largo or Small Sums, at LOWEST RATES. BAGGS & DUFFY, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 131, COLOMBO STREET, near Cashel street, X33S
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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999Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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