Business Notices, UNIVERSAL. CO-OPERATIVE BOOT AND SHOE COMPANY, (LIMITED.) ANNUAL BALANCE, MARCH, 1892. NOTICE. TO SHAREHOLDERS AND CUSTOMERS HOLDING COUPONS. Friends are reminded that Holders of our Coupons, who wish to PARTICIPATE in the DIVISION OP PROFITS For the PAST YEAR, must SEND in their Coupons on or before TUESDAY NEXT, MAY 10, Otherwise they will not be entitled to any Bonus, See conditions printed at hack of each coupon. BONOS DIVIDEND IS PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, ON AND AFTER MAY 11, 1892. B. SMITH, S99X MANAGING DIRECTOR, MALING & COMPY., LIMITED, 151, WORCESTER STREET, WINES, SPIRITS, ALE AND STOUT, AUSTRALIAN WINES. The Yalumhus and Others. N.B.—Some Special Lines of Chablis, Sauterne, and Champagne suitable for the Oystsr Season, THE GOLDEN APPLE CIDER. CHOCOLATE MENXER, The First of all Brands, Inspection of Samples Invited, A FINE SELECTION of HAVANA and other CXGAIi.S. CORONET CIGARETTES. WAI KAPAI. X 173 REMOVED. K. .A, T KI, NS O N BOOTMAKER, Has Opened with a large, new Stock of BOOTS and SHOES AT 203, CASHEL STREET (Opposite Whitcombs and Tombs’). Every description of Boots and Shoes made to measure. XSO SaHoIT® W HITTINQHAM&C/O TIMBER AND PRODUCE BROKERS, GENERAL AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS HAY STREET, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA.' Correspondence Solicited. Cable address—"Whitsand," Perth, ABO Code, 8831 4th Edition. fWC vBRAN D m o USE M A T W A. E D BeOS. CELEBRATED •' FLAG BRAND" PICKLES AND BAUOBS, 20 First Awards to 1880, CHRISTCHURCH. NEW ZEALAND. 1687 BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO LORD ONSLOW. PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO 150, COLOMBO STBEET, u NDIiE the Distinguished Patronage of H.R.H. Prince George of Wales The late Duke of Clarence The Earl and Countess of Onslow The Earl and Countess of Meath Lord Harris Kir W. F. D, Jarvois Admiral Fairfax Sir W. Robinson Sir A, Musgrove Sir F. Broome Lord Massereno ‘ &0., &c. C, H, MANNING having been honoured by sittings from the above illustrious personages, testifies to hie capabilities as a Photographio Artist of repute. 159, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, Hi Z. XlO3 - SBk » CONTRACTORS TO THE NSW StaALAHD QOVBEN2II2MT A.BHBT, & CO. (Lira f, ITabhelski) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, H aedwaeh M EEOEAN':f3 &HZ> GENERAL IMPOSTERS, Sl7, HIGH STREET. AND 129, HEREFORD STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, LARGE AND VARIED STOCK 07 ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND CONTINENTAL HARDWARE In all Branches, which they are now offering at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Is order to make room for Extensive Shipments, shortly to arrive. STATION AND FARM REQUIREMENTS A SPECIALITY. Complete Assortment of BLACKSMITHS', WHEELWRIGHTS', COACH* BUILDERS’, BUILDERS', AND PAINTER*.' MATERIALS Cheaper than ever. ‘ EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN Ranges, Register Grates, Stoves, Marble and Slate 1 Mantelpieces, Tiles for Hearths, Fenders, Fire-irons, Coal Scuttles, Chandeliers, Lamps, Kloctro-plated Ware, Cutlery and all furnishing goods, INDENTS undertaken on most Reasonable Terms' lot all English, American, and Continental -Poods,
Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 7
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