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Business ITotioog. a CASH PRICES FOB MARCH. I^EE'O^ 9B ' i odourless, 150 test, patent tap, gs gd par tia;.|^^Jg EVjr r>ITT? (irn Best Brands Holler, 251 b bags, 3a i 501 b, 5a 10*d; 1001 b, lls Gdj Finest Silkfl. iU\J U JLV, droßßei j i 25ib, 3s 9d; 50ib, 5s 4id; 1001 b, 10s 6d ; 7lb bags Moir’e Oatmeal, 10d; 251 b bags, Ss 6d; Langdown’s 251 b bags, 2s 3d GTTO AT? G°° a 'White, 2\d ; Sparkling Crystals, 2|d; Finest Snowdrop, Sd; Best Cut Loaf, 4dj vA-eL Ah'" 21b tins Lylo’a Syrup, 81 ITTQ TJ Fresh Herrings, GJd tin, 6a 3d doz; Cutting’s Salmon, 8d tin, 7s 6d doz Cocktail Salmon A AiO JUI llc i ti„, ion bb. doz i Mullet, 8d tin or 7s fid doz; N.Z. Moki, Blue Cod or Trumpeter, 7id tin or 7e 3d doz 222, COLOMBO STREET (LATE G. 1.0.), NEST OOOEHAM HOUSE. Sl3O
SCOTT BROTHER®, nnSB Largest and Moat Successful Manufacturers of COOKING RANGES in the Australasian Colonies, having just completed New Patterns and Appliances for taming out their CELEBRATED STORES in Larger Qaautities than heretofore, and being desirous, as in the past, of giving to the Public tbs benefit of any improvement or reduction in cost, have decided to SELL THEIR £4. 10s STOVE POE £3 CASH. A RIGH'CLASS THSEE-FOOT COOKING BANGS, Fitted with all tb© Latest Improvamontfl for Efficiency and Economy* FOE £3. This Stove is guaranteed to do thojsame work as tiny other makorV, with a consumption of at least 25 per cant less fuel. mm sm "fSif imm ffeSi mmm Is i’sllk 1 rss. teas m m Paul A NEW LINE OF PORTABLE STOYES IN ALL SIZES, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR FARMERS AKD COUNTRY DISTRICTS. SELF CONTAINED. NO BUILDING IN REQUIRED, ELEGANT, EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL, In the Larger and more txpensive class of COOKING RANGES we Stand UNRIVALLED and Beyond the Beach o Competition. 2398 X 691 II EMENT BEO 80, V. K. Telephone 209 Telephone 2C9 • BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT SANITARY PLUMBERS . AND G-ASFITTERS TO HCS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF ONSLOW, IMPORTERS AND AGENTS for all kinds of Plumbing and Gasfltiers’ Moods. Solo Inventors of the now nyeteni of Closet Ventilation, A very Large Stock of Sanitary ’Ware, Closets, Lavatory Basins, Btouoand Cast-iron Knamel Sinks, Plain and Galeaeised Iron Baths, Seamless Zinc Baths, Enamelled and Cast Iron Porcelain Baths. Importers and iianufactursrs of all the Trade Requisites. Makers of the Premier Windmill (best value;. Brass Pounders and Pnmp Makers, Hot-house Boilers and Seating Pipes. Large stocic on hand, solo makers of the Automatic Cast Iron Syphon Flush Cisterns for Closets. Large stock of Gas Fittings, Globes and Earners. All kinds of Pumps, E lectric Bells and Common Bells, Spouting and Rain-water Pipes, Sheet Lead, Galvanised and Black Iron, Water and Soil Pipe, Brass Cartings and Turnings on the shortest notice. All of the above can be supplier by us at the very lowest market value. Builders and others should call for estimates. Cheapest and best value and workmanship. ELEMENT BROS., Licensed Sanitary Plumbers for Connections for Closets, Baths, Urinals, Lavatory Basins, Sinks, and all House Drainage totho Main rowers, 5404 4g, Hereford Street, CHRISTCHURCH, New Zeaiasd, I Wmt* or W m&MMM-COLO SHOWER —WASTE . lisiM ipWl EMMETS TffICOPHEROWS An elegant dressing exquisitely perfumed, removes 1 all impurities from the scale, prevents baldness and gray hair, and causes the hair to grow Thick, Soft find Beautiful. Infallible for curing eruptions, diseases of the skin, glands and muscles, and quickly healing cuts, burns, bruises sprains, <&c. Caution. —None genuine without the trade-mark of Eauclat & Co.. New York, affixed to each, bottle. FORTHE HAIR AM US SKIN. ESTABLISHED ISOI*
QUALITY TELLS IST THE LONG PUN. BOEING the month of February a large number of letters • zero receive! testifying as to the splendid quality Of the celebrated ZEALANDIA BOOTS. The following is one of many “On Slay 2nd c£ last yoir I chose this pair of, ZEALANDIA Boots from the general stock in the City Boot Palace, Dunedin, “ I wore them frequently about Dunedin during the following six months, and then almost daily from .November 2nd till January 27th (86 days) for 1030 miles, walking over the interior of Otago, crossing a score of mountain ranges, “On previous similar tramps I wore other makes, but all those were in a sorry plight long before the journey’s ond. “ After over twelve hundred miles walking, mostly very rough, the original soles of this pair are still in fair condition, and the sewing of the same quite Intaot, while, with the exception of a email hole in the crease of each heel, the uppers are good for another thousand miles. *• 'The boots received no special treatment, merely the application of. neatsfoot oil and black- •• Tours faithfully, •• ALEX. DON, “Chinese Missionary, •• Dunedin, February 3.1893." It is now over seventeen years since this brand was Introduced, and they are to-day more popular than ever. This result has only hean obtained by using the bast materials regarolesa of cost, and by employing only iirst-cla*s workmen. There are more ZEALANDIA Boots manufac-, tured to-day than any other brand. j Cuntomars who ask for this brand should not be' put off by shopkeepers giving them some other! boot under the pretence that it is the 1 ZBALANDIA. Romombup, there Is only one genuiro: ZhA LANCIA, and every pair is either branded on' the solo or on the topbaud with the following! registered Trade hi ark. ' MANUFACTTTEED BY SKELTON, PKOSTIOK»O°i AIBA U C B Manufactured by BEAND & CO„ LONDON, Purveyors to H.E.H. THE PSINCE OF WALES, THE EMPEEBS OF GEEMANY. AWARDS. Silver Medal and two Honourable Mentions, Paris Exhibition, 1878. First-v ltiss Award, Medical and Sanitary Exhibition, Kensington, issi. Prize Medal, Brighton Health Congress, 18SI. Silver Medal, International Health Exhibition, 1831. First Order of Merit, Adelaide Exhibition, 1837. Silver Medal, International Food and Cookery Exhibition, Kmghr,a bridge, 1889. Gold Medal, Pans, 18s9. CHKFSTALL & CO., Wholesale Agents for Now Zealand. X 330 COLLIE UtiOS., Grain and Produce Merchants Christchurch. New Zealand, TO FARMERS and GRAIn MERCHANTS.— We are prepared to dry Damp Grain without injury to the grain. When our threshing machine has done threshing we shall bo prepared to cut Chaff with one of Andrews and Heaven’s Australian machines, specially ' made for our firm. Having one of Fowler’s traction engines, farmers will have no trouble in shifting us. To Livery Stablekeepers, Cabmen, Camera and others.—A largo quantity of good Oat-sheaf Chaff coming to hand Irom Kulraia next week, 22 sacks to ton, to bo sold nt prices that defy competition. Wanted, 1000 tons bright Oat-sheaves or Chaff; also. Light Spring Dray, about 8 cwt. All orders by post or I otherwise receive prompt attention.
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 7
Word Count
1,112Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 7
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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