lilacs* Softies®; > BLANKETS, FLANNELS, AND TWEEDS. WINTER COMFORTERS. A Syndicate having been formed embracing Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill, to take the entire output of one of the Largest Woollen Manufacturing Companies in New Zealand, we have much pleasure in stating that we are the only Firm in Christchurch empowered to sell these Native Productions at Mill Prices. Mill prices mean that you can Buy a Pair of Blankets, a Yard of Flannel or Tweed at 25 to 30 per cent LOWER than elsewhere. BLANKETS, FLANNELS. TWEEDS, AT MILL PRICES. LONARGAN & COMPANY, CHRISTCHURCH. XS3
Chrietohuro Drninaja Board, Christchurch, Nov. 23, 1839. I have much pleasure iu stating that the well lately driven by you nt the Pumping- Station, to the lower stratum, has bean in >it satisfactory, an abundant supply of water having beau procure:!. I consider your mode o' driving to be most effective and economical, and ns free from rhk of aooiienls in driving as is possible ia ivork of this nature, [Sd.) Touro, faithfully, JCdwin Cuthbert, M. Inst. C.E, Engineer to the Board. gpSfi fi m 3HBT SB**! 'mm OSBORNE 3 S RELIABLE WELL-SINKING MACHINE (Established 1331). PATENTS Nos. 670, 2730, 3131, 3315, 3333. 3333, 4901. HUNDREDS of these WEI/LS have basu SUNK, with my Apparatus ia the North aud South Islands. A depth of 338 PKET BRACKED WITH A It INCH PIPE, ■ Mora Deep Wells Sunk by this Method than by all the Wellsinkorsin Now Zealand put together. The Patentee his given universal satisfaction t J his clients, as can be seen by numerous testimonials. Full particulars of cost aud all information can be had on application to JOB OSBORNE, Doyleston Or from the Agents, TAYLOR & OAKLEY, 22V Tmm Gtreot Wast. Ghriatobnyrih-. ■MsaaMQflßflSWg <S^N IQ wnvnanncttn^m-smfVtfvv^iß/ipunvr^ r' CRETONNES SATINETTES 1 ART SERGES PLUSHETTES TAPESTRIES &c J CARPET TAPESTRY AND KIDDERMINSTER ) • CARPETS • i B®* THE LARGEST SELECTION iN NEW ZEALAND —— - Ffeßrecs -Fiijisis Inspection {nvited. Zi3tcWC«MM<«CAtfUSWa3B!d»fIIS Catalogues Posted Free. 'WwiiwararA '9l|BssS§ ‘783, WB CiYS THB BEST o<N> HP fir EaFlOrSDroMraWfcns t»m%\ f Sr m mens FRornmTOTfe m\tC SSSTC2? mugßm LYSAGHT’S ” ORB 35 BRAND 1M GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON. LYSAGHT “ORE**- IRON, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IRON. THE MOST UNIFORM IRON. TWENTY CWT. OF *• OEB ” lEON WILL COVES AS MUCH AS TWENTY-ONE CWT. OF ANY OTHER BRAND. SOLD BY ALL Galvanised Tinned. <33* IRONMONGERS AND MERCHANTS B R O m mw l . S® K® m am mmm ’eat mmSm WrSEKS? W OULD call attention to the GREAT REDUCTION IN FLOUR, KEROSENE and GENERAL GROCERIES. HIGH-TEST KEROSENE, BEST BRANDS FINEST SILK-DBEBSED FLOUR, 251 b ... Dt „ „ 501 b ..I c ,1 y, 1001 b ••« .. ~ „ 2001 b ... FINEST ROLLER FLOUR, Wood’s or Sollott's, 251 b i. » •• t. 501 b 200;b Best Brands Oatmeal, Lnngdown’s, Molr’s, or Dunedin. 251 b bag, 2s 61. Gatina. recommandod, 61 per packet. Sugar, flue white, 2Jd; Brown Sugar 2Jd PROVISIONS—We always have a good stock of Qua! gS g pet tin, |OB go per case 2 s 9* 4i D 5 s 10 s 6° 20 s 3 s 5 3 11 s 22 s iop 6° Sago or Tapioca, 2}d per lb, Sib for la. . S Price Bacon, in sides aud rolls; also. Hams of tha finest quality. Cheese , finest Wow Plymouth, Sd par Ibj finest Akaroa, Sd. Factory and Dairy-made Butter, fresh daily from the best makers. Price sent to nay address, on application to 195 and 197, HIGH STREET. Telephone No 25. X 558 SEVILLE’S ENGINEERING AND CYCLE WORKS, 110, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. “ THE CALLIOPE ” CYCLES BE OPEN TO THE WORLD for HONEST CRITICISM and STRAIGHTFORWARD OPINION EVERYTHING UP TO DATE. Enquiries Respectfully Solicited, I have for Sale a 1J HORSE-POWER VERTICAL ENGINE, and a 3 HORSE-POWER BOILER, with Inspirator and Fittinge Complete, B. SAVILLE, ENGINEER AND CYCLE MANUFACTURER. COLOMBO STREET. • ,»«
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 7
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