Hl[ U S Ic. M u si c. DOHERTY BROS. Beg to announce that they have started business at xMo. 81, Lower High street, livery description of Musical Instrument, Strings nnd Fittings in stock. A Splendid telectiou of Masio to choose from. Violin Strings a Speciality. Just arrived, a Large Shipment of urgacs nnd other instruments, also new music. Inspection Invited. Pianos, Organs and Harmoniums Timed and Repaired, single tuning 7s C;i. Note tlio address—DOHEßTY BEOS,. 81, lower High street, Christchurch ; late of Do Monte, Glasgow; also, 11 years with Bpenslay and Go., 1 hristchnroh. Town and country orders promptly attended to. J. Dohsrty sole agent for the Karn Organ. X5Bl THE WALLABY BICYCLE AWAEDED FIRST PRIZE AT THE DUNEDIN AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION. HAS the Simplest and Best Spring Frame yet invented, fitted with ORDINARY, CUSHION OR PATENT CLINCHER PNEUMATIC TYRES of special quality. Second-hand Bicycles from S 3. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened Equal to New. REPAIRS of all kinds at Reduced Prices. A Trial Solicited. F. W. GOUGH, coys works? tcle £B, Colombo street, Christchurch, X 451 SEASONABLE. HICKMOTT'S CELEBRATED TOMATO SAUCE Has been pronounced by the medical faculty o Canterbury to be the purest in the market, and absolutely free from deleterious ingredients. The general support which has been accorded to Hickmott's Celebrated Tomato Sauce has marked the public appreciation of its quality and cheapness. It is the cheapest in the market. For chops. Steaks, Cold Meats, &0., it is moat appetising. For Flavouring Soups, Gravies, ie., it is unrivalled. Wholesale from all merchants, and retail from all respectable grocers in Christchurch and the Manufacturer, J. A. HICK MOTT, 109, Cashel street, Christchurch. X2II J. DUNN, Flume bk, gaspitier. glazier, PAPERH ANGER, &C„ 179, ARMAGH STREET; All Orders Promptly and Faithfully Executed, Estimates Given. I have a specially Cheap Lins of Lead-headed Roofing Nails, wholesale and retail. X 569 So H*lF# HITTINQHAM& C/O TIMBER AND PRODUCE BROKERS. GENERAL AN$ MANUFACTURERS 1 AGENTS HAY STREET, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA; Correspondence Solicited. Cable address—“Whitsand," Perth, ABC Code, 8834 4th Edition. THE KAPAI CORN BROOM CO..LIMIT SSD AUCKLAND, N.Z. Price Lists and Terms on application. X 257
Page 7 Advertisements Column 5
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 7
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