TattersalTs. TATTERS ALL’S. THkTdAY, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1879. TI*"ESSES H. MATSON A CO. will Sell, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Sbe usual assortment ot Xhuught horses, light harness horses, and hacks. Sole at 11 o'clock. H. MATSON A CO. On account Mr W. W. Charters Chestnut mare, broken to saddle. Also, Saddle and bridle. "Without j-c serve. H. MATSON & CO., 2411-282 Auctioneers. H. Matson & Go. ORDER OP H. M~ ATSON & C/O.'S SALES BY AUCTION sea can ENSUING WEEK. THIS DAY, SATUBDAY, MAY 17— Hones, Carriages, Ao. —Tattarsall’s. MONDAY, MAT 17— Goods per Kako—ll o'clock. TUESDAY, MAY 20Clearing Sale, Jebson’s, Sh effield—l2 o'clock pjaaWng Sale, J. and W. Liner's, Sheffield—* 12 o’clock Rik of Equity of Redemption and Stock of Groceries, J. Pither’s, Sheffield—l2 o’clock Furniture, Cashel street—2 o'clock, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21— Cargo Sugar, ex Pioneer—3 o’clock Sheep, to. —At Yards. THURSDAY, MAY 22 Sal* of Merchandise, to.—2 o’clock. Skins, Hides, Wool, Ac. FRIDAY, MAY 23 Potatoes, Barley. Oats Grass Seeds, Hay, Ac.—2 o'clock. SATURDAY MAY 24 Hones, Carriages, Ac.—TattersalTs. Also, PROPERTIES FOB SALE; 68 Sooth Town Belt (Harry street), sections land, together with 3- roomed house 67 South Town Belt, 4-roomed house, do do 68 Tnam street, town section 992 69 Lichfield street, leasehold, shops and house 69 Colombo road south, Angus street,4-roomed - T-shaped cottage and section 74 Ashburton town sections Long beach, Wheatstone, first-class hotel 77 Lincoln, ICO acres choice land 78 Ohoka Estate. 1700 acres 80 Township of Crewe, section SS 80 Derby township, Amberley 83 Dtmsandel, 673 acres 88 Bealey’s Track, 200 acres 83 South Rakaia, 350 acres 87 Lincoln road, house and section land 87 BiUmorten, house and section land 88 Woedon, 61 acres 89 Auckland (Bakin), 593 acres S 3 Amberley, 103 acres (improved land) (Rush land) 91 Balkett, SCO acres 96 Tai Tapu, 44 acre farm 93 Horn don Junction, 100 acre farm 97 Graendale, 2 acres land, together with house and workshops 98 Bedford Row, section 62 96 Cashel street, sections 39 and 40 99 Papanui, Hackettis land, 3 acres 99 Papanni, Rev James' land, I acre section 103 Lyttelton street, Christchurch, 2 fourroomed houses 104 Yildhurst, 50 acre farm, very choice land 106 Coalgate, Glendore estate, 2600 acres 107 Oust, 555 acres 109 Addington, quarter-acre sections 10 Decanter Bay, 400 acres IS Templeton, 120 acres 25 Windmill road, sections, building sites 26 New Brighton, quarter and half-acre sections 39 Ashley, 937 acres land 51 Fendaltown, 4 acres land S 3 Fendaltown, 9 quarter acres land S 3 Bydenham, 2nd street, quarter-acre section and house 69 Motonau run, 265 acres land. H. MATSON A CO., 2U2 282 Auctioneers. SECOND SALE OF GOODS, EX PIAKO. On account of whom it may concern. MORE OR LESS DAMAGED. NO RESERVE. MONDAY, MAY 19, 1879, 11 o’clock. [BBSRS H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, heir Warehouses, Cashel street, Christchurch, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1879, 11 o’clock, (On account of whom it may concern). More or less damaged, AVery Extensive Assortment of merchandise, Comprising— Over 1000 coils Fencing Wire, various gauges A Urge quantity of Corrugated iron, all sizes Bar iron Iron bedsteads Fire grates, fenders, Ac. Copper boilers Plough-shares Hollowara Shafts Bolts and screws Sheet zinc Tubes and hoop iron Sheet lead Shot Horse powers Clothing and miscellaneous goods Candles iod iron Hails Jaska -looks Train pipes No reserve. MONDAY, MAY 19, 1879, 11 o’clock. H. MATSON A CO., , Auctioneers. MALY B B N SHEFFIELD. CLEARING SALE TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1879. ■SSBS H. MAlioi A CO. have revived instructions from the Trustees In the estate iiotn ftmA James LiUey ) SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, )N TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1879, e premises of R. Jebsos, immediately after his Sale, The whole ot the IVB AND DEAD STOCK, Comprising—horses 3 seta shaft harness drays ooUars hjurowa 8 horse confers chafloetter plough harness Quantity of shears* and # Sale at 12 o’clock. H. MATSON & CO., Auctioneers,