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J. T. Ford & Co. LAND. LAND. LAND. PAET OF THE WELL-KNOWN MIDDLETON ESTATE. BICOARTON. BICCARTON. To Qentlemen in want of Land for Bondental purposes. To Tradesmen requiring Valuable Building Site?. TO CAPITALISTS Seeking Investment in Property rapidly increasingin value. TO LAND SPECULATORS. Desirous of certain preflt on their outlay. TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. MESSRS J. T. FOED A CO. have received instructions from the Freeholder to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Mr C. Clark’s Boom, Hereford street, Christchurch, on THURSDAY, MAY 22 NEXT, At 2 o’clock sharp. 80 ACHES. gQ ACHES. 01 splendid property situated between the Eiocarton road and the Middleton railway station* and bounded by good roads on ©very Bide, and kno *vn as part of tht MIDDLETON ESTATE. The above valuable block has been subdivided into Eleven Sections of from Pour to Six Acres each, therefore especially suitable for Eesideuces. The House ou the Home Block is a drst-clase family residence, surrounded by i acres of ornamental grounds, laid out by the best landscape gardeners in the province in the moat artistio style. The land is unsurpassed for excellence of soil, and, being so conveniently situated—ten minutes* diuvefrem Christchurch, and a stone’s throw of* railway station—should commend itself to buyers in of building sites. It is backed up by choice-plantations and surrounded by most beautiful scenery. Is contiguous to the Ham and Eiccarton Estates, adjoins the residences of C. Bowen, O. L. Hellish, Cl. Phipps Williams, Esqrs., and Captain Clogstonn, and adjacent to the schools of the Eev Charles Turrell andiMiss Lobse. Its position for residents! purposes is ouri vailed, tb.ete being no sections of. this size at so short » distance from Christchurch in any other environ. Terms at sale. J. T. FOHD & CO., Auctioneers. N.B,—Plans of the Property on view at our offices. 2062-27* BY ORDER OP THE MORTGAGEE. J, T. FOHD A CO. are instructed TO SELL BY PUBLIC ACUXION, At Mr Charles Clark’s Booms, ON THURSDAY NEXT, Immediately after the sale of the Middleton Estate, That most desirable plot of land, containing 200 ACRES, being Enrol Section No. 20011 in the District ot Timaru. 2003-272 J. T. FOHD * CO. ASHPIBLD STATION. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1879. MESSES j. T. FOHD & CO. have received instructions from Messrs H. and W. Clarkson to submit co
PUBLIC AUCTION, OH THUESDAY, JUNE 5 NEXT, THE ASHFIELD STATION AHD SHEEP, Situated on the 'Wahnakariri river and West Const road. Distant from Christchurch about ten miles. Comprising—--6585 ACEES leasehold 203 ACHES FREEHOLD And about ~ A 3500 SHEEP * Now depasturing thereon, Together with BUILDINGS AND OTHEE IMPBOTEMENTS, The run is securely fenced, and divided into five paddocks with substantial wire fences and iron standards, and has four miles frontage to the Waimakariri river. The buildings comprise a convenient and wellarranged dwelling-house, with offices, and a substantial building answering the double purpose of stable and woolshed.The leasehold is for the most part reserve for river defences, and therefore secure from purchase. It is well grassed, and most conveniently arranged for working. The sheep are well bred merinos, and have been oarefullv culled for many years. The clip last season averaged 81bs per sheep. The flock now offered with the run are yonng, healthy, and in first-olass condition, and comprise about 1900 EWES Prom 8 months to 4 years old, 1600 WETHEES Same ages. With these are included 30 well-bred Earns. The property is well suited either for breeding or grazing purposes. TEEMS OP PAYMENT. Half cash at sale, balance in three equal payments at 6,12, and 18 months, with interest at ten per centum per annum on the unpaid portions. Hour and place of sale in future advertisements. J. T. FOED & CO., 2441-282 Auctioneers, Christchurch. H/f ESSES J. T. POED & CO. have received Iv IL instructions from G. P. Lovegrove, Esq., to ffec FOE POSITIVE SALE, On or about MAT 30 NEXT, THAT MAGNIFICENT FAEM mmediataly adjoining the flourishing township of Leoston, And comprising fiOft ACEES, UVJU or thereabouts Of first-class agricultural and grazing Land. The above ranks as one of the best farms in the ieeston district, and having been for some years armed by Mr E. Gillett is now in a high state of are convenient, and in good repair, ,nd the fences have been weEke ß t> .. The -, w “party is splendidly, watered, and the“d daptedfor either grain growing or grazmg. ftom ts close proximity to Leeston, it oinuot fau to a ft in isTs e of water and a firstate site for a mill on the Estate. Pull particulars as to present condition and terms f payment will appear in a future advertisement. J. T. POED & CO., Auctioneers, Hereford street, Christchurch, and Strathalkn 235.248 1 street, Timarn. W. J. Q. Bluett & Co. pOE SALE, OE TO LET Pure-bred Lincoln Boms Puro-bred Leicester Earns. W. J. Q. BLUETT & CO., 47-21 G Laeston and Southbridge. FOE SALE, by private treaty, a comfortable 6roomed House, and J acre land, at South* Idge: terms liberal. W. J. G. BLUETT & CO., li-187 Leeston and Southbridge*
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5686, 17 May 1879, Page 7
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831Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5686, 17 May 1879, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5686, 17 May 1879, Page 7
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