H. Kate on *c Co. SALE OF EQUITY OF EEDEMPTION. STOCK OF GROCERIES, Ac., So. ESTATE OF JOHN EITHER, Sheffield, aifiebter. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1879. M ESSES H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions from, the Trustees, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Premises, at Sheffield, TUESDAY, MAY 20, .1879, immediately after the sale At Mr Jobson’s, THE EQUITY OF REDEMPTION ID TBS STORE AND LAND AT SHEFFIELD, In the above Estate. AIM, The Whole of the STOCK OF A GENERAL STOREKEEPER, GROCER, Ac., Ac. Terms at sale. TUESDAY, MAY SO, 1879. H. MATSON A CO., Auctioneers. MALVERN. MAY 20, 1879. BBOOKDALS. MESSES H. MATSON a CO. have received instructions from the Trustees in the Estate of Mr E. Jebson to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Homestead, on TUESDAY, MAT 20,1879, 7 Horses 1 Cow . . 4 Heifers 10 Steers 4 Wean era 1 Plough 2 Bead scoops 4 Contractor’s drays 8 Workmen's portable huts Contractor’s tools Also, Interest in Lease of Brookdale Farm, with purchasing dame. 2422-282 Sale at 12 o’clock. H. MATSON A CO., Auctioneers. SALE OF SUPERIOR FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, WATCHES, FANCY GOODS, CHIMNEY ■GLASSES, Ac., Ac. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1879. 2 o’clock. MESSES H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions from the importers TO HELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THZXK LAND AND FTJEHITUEE BOOMS, CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, OB TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1879. 2 o’clock, A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT or FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE (Specially imported), FANCY GOODS, &c., Comprising— Dining-room suites in oak and mahogany Drawing-room suites, various Telescope dining tables Three shelf dumb waiters Fancy tables Bedsteads Whatnots Dinner waggons Washhand stands Toilet glasses, various Chimney glasses, gilt, Ac. Pianos, various _ Chamber and toilet ware Musical boxes _ Fancy glass shade lillies, Ac., Ac. Papier machl tables, work boxes, desks, Ac. Pictures Don bedsteads Fenders and fire irons Oilcloth, all lengths Dessert services Camphor trunks, nests Bohemian glass, great variety Watches Fancy goods Cushions Ac. Ac. Ac.
TUESDAY, MAT 20,1879. 2 o’clock. H. MATSON & CO., 2415282 Auctioneers. CARGO MAURITIUS SUGARS. EX PIONEER EROM MAURITIUS. 280 BAGS. 7193 POCKETS By order Trustees of William Saunders’ Estate. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1879. 2 o’clock, MESSES H. MATSON & CO. have received instructions from the Trustees in the estate of William Saunders to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THEIR MERCHANDISE SALEROOMS, Cashel street, Christchurch, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1879, 2 o’clock. The entire cargo of MAURITIUS SUGARS Just landing ex Pioneer from Mauritius, UPON LIBERAL TEEMS. 1486 Pockets finest White Snowdrop 1783 Pockets finest White Crystals 2273 Pockets fine do do 6#5 Pockets finest Yellow Crystals 1006 Pockets good to fine Yellow Crystals 280 Bags Brewers’ Crystals 7193 POCKETS. 280 BAGS. ESTATE OF WILLIAM SAUNDEBS, FOB ABSOLUTE SALE. Terms Liberal, WEDNESDAY, MAT 21, 1879, 2 o'clock. H. MATSON * CO. 2413-282 Auctioneers. BONE DUST! BONE DUST!! THIS is the time for sowing young Stubble Turnips. This Grand Fmctlfler can bo obtained in any quantities from H. MATSON & CO.; or D, MAYDWELL, 8883-182 Papanui.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 2
Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5686, 17 May 1879, Page 8
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