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Money, BOEOUGH OP AEEOWTOWN, SPECIAL LOAN OF £4/000 FOB WAXES SUPPLY, THE Batepayers of the Borough of Arrowtown, In the Provincial District of Otago, having Pjased a resolution authorising the Town Council of the said Borough to borrow tho sum of £4OOO for ff purposei, it has been resolved by uiesaid Council to issue now Fifty Debentures of «o 0 each, having a currency of 40 years, and bearP©r centum per annum, ite undersigned having been duly appointed agents for the said Council, offer the debentures for sale. The debentures are r first charge upon the genend rates, rents, and licenses of the Borough. A Special rate will also be levied and pledged as a security for the repayment of this loan, and tho interest thereon. 9 For further particulars, apply to STREET & MORRIS, ”” Liverpool street, Dunedin. M ONET TO TEND ON PEEEHOLD SECURITIES, In Various Sums At Current rates of Interest. ALFRED THOMPSON, Solicitor, Hereford street.
Tenders. TO BUILDEES. TENDERS aro invited for the re-erection of the Kaikaumi Hotel. Plans and specification may be seen at my office, where tenders will ho received on or before Friday, April 12. The lowest or any tender not necessari'y accepted. 6369-8 J. 8. M JACOBSEN, Architect, &c. " TO BUILDERS. fIIENDERS arc invited for the erection o! two JL Cottages, in Tuam street. Plans and specification may be seen at my office, where tenders will be received on or before April 9. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6370-8 J. S. M. JACOBSEN, Architect, &c. ' CANTERBURY SALEYaEDS COMPANY (Limited). TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will be received at the office of the Company, Hereford street, up to five o’clock p.m. on Tuesday next, April 10, for alteration and additions to the cattle yards. Plans and specifications can ho seen at the residence of the Yardsman, at the Saleyards, Addington, who will point out the nature of the work, the additions and material required. 64*6-10 GEO. A. MAKEIG, Secretary. | ” TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are required for alterations to Union Insurance Company’s premises, Hereford street, on reduced plan. Drawings and specification can be seen at my office, where sealed tenders are to he sent by MONDAY, the Bth proximo. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FEEDK. STEOUTS, M.R.1.8.A., 9152 Architect. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of Three SHOPS and DWELLINGS in Manchester street South, for Mr J. Rowley, senr. Plans and specifications can be seen at my office, where tenders will he received on SATURDAY, April 11, at noon. The lowest orfany tender not necessarily accepted. S. C. FARR, Architect. Cookham House Chambers, April 1,1878. 6295-4 SPREYDON ROAD BOARD. TENDERS are invited for Penning sides of Whincop’s road, and carting surplus earth away. Specifications to be seen at my residence. Tenders to be sent in on or before MONDAY, April 8. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JNO. THOS. HARRAP, 6430-10 Surveyor to the Board. TENDERS are invited for the supply of One Hundred Tons of COAL, either AA or Co-operative, the former preferred. Separate tenders for each mine, to he delivered at the Lyttelton Gas, Goal,and Coke Company’s Works within two months from date of acceptation of tender. Tenderer*© state when coal will be delivered. Tehders to be sent in on or before Monday, April 15 next, to THE CHAIRMAN, Lyttelton Gas, Coal, and Coke Co., Limited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6698-17 SOUTH RAKAIA ROAD BOARD. TENDERS are invited for the following works : Ist.—For Forming about 7 miles of the River road from the end of the present formation near Acton Station to north end of Reserve No. 1117. 2nd,—For Forming about 7$ miles of Mainwaringroad, from the junction of Great South road to north com ;r of Section No. 27657. 1 Specifications to be seen at the. Board office. South Rakaift. Endorsed tenders addressed to the chairman will be received up to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1 next. Forms of tenders may be had on application at the Board Office. 6667-16 . - ■Ju MAKEIG, Clerk to the Board. [ GUST ROAD BOARD. RENDERS are invited for the following JL :WQTO— No. 2—Building concrete arch on Stoke rood, near Mrs Charles*, Over 4ft centres, j No. 7—Metalling about 150' chains on East • Boundary road, from Mr Ruddenklau’s gate to Sprott*s corner. No. 14—Deepening and widening drains on Glen’s and Page’s road. No. 15— Forming and metalling about 20 chains • -of Lower Cust road, - No. XCirßuilding bridge on Lower Oust rood, . concrete walls and timber top. • • Tollatt’s road to full width,'; 'llfTchalihs. ■ I No. 18-pMetailing portions of .Ashley road, I about 30 chains.
Endorsed tenders to lie sent in, addressed to the Chairman of the. Board, on. or before 2 p.m. on Monday, April 8,1878. ■ Tenders for wars exceeding £SO must be accompanied with a deposit of live per cent. i Specifications to' be seen'at the Board Office, Oust. JOHN INGRAM, Clerk to the Board. : Cast Hood Board’Oifice, April 3,1878. 0172-11 I COURTENAY ROAD BOASD DISTRICT. nriENDEES are invited' for the following iB works:— • Formation—- ’ No. 11—87 chains, Templeton boundary road, from Fuller’s corner to Phillip’s corner. No. 13—55 chains, road leading from Orcendale forge to Dip. The tenders received for these works being consfdered eiKKissive, tenders are again invited. New Works. Formation' (more or less). No. 21—80 chains road between sections 5650 i and 4953 to 6re it South road, thence to i formation near Bolleston. 1 : No, 23-pfi‘J chains road from Newton’s and Coal • Iv traiAway rdiid to section 10477. No. 23—160 chains Ward’s road, from Highfield road towards Bnmhnm, two chains below old gateway. , , I Me tailing! moreor less). No. 11—80 chains Bealey* s road, from Trascott’a .c to Walker's. : Specifications ream be seen at the Bond Board office, Kirwee, andaUf endera are to be addressed, to the Chairman, Kirwee, on or before TUESDAY,. April 30; at neon, audio be accompanied with a deposit'OtS.per cent. of the amount of tender. 0618-15 -. A. J. FRANCIS, Clerk to the Board. ■ COURTENAY EOAD DISTEICT. ~ THE following tenders have .been accepted, by. the Board:— FORMATION. No.-12. —W. E. Welbouroe, 9s 5d per chain. ; No.l4.—Goodman and Han, 9s lldpe.- chain. ; No. 15.—Thomas Harris, Ss 5d per chain. • No. 16.—Stephea-Crompton, Us per chain. ■ No. 17.—Stephen Crompton, 11s per chain. No. 18.—Thomas Harris, 11s 9d per chain. ' No-19-—Hugh Smith, 9a lid perebain. No, 20.—JohnTumer, 15s per chain. : MErALII'G. ■ No. s.—Hugh. Smith, Is lid per yard. No. 6i—W, 8. Parker, Is 7d per yard. No. 7,—W. S. Parker, Is 8d per yard. No. 8— v tepben Crompton, 2aper yard. Ho. o.—John Burnett; Is lid per yard. No. 10.—Peagratu and Haines, Is 6Jd per-jard. } By order. 6656 ; A, J. FRANCIS, Clerk to the Hoard. WANGANUI HABBOUB AND IHVEE CONSERVATORS BOARD. SEALED, Tenders for Nos. 1,3, and SiContracts of the Wanganui River Improvements will be received by the Chairman up to Noon <m THURSDAY, May 16. Telegraphic tenders will also ho received on conditions named in the specifications. Plans&nd specifications can be seeanat the offices of the Public Works Department, Wellington, the Harbour Boards at Auckland and Lyttelton, Messrs Barr arid)OUiver, Dunedin, and at the offie of the Board, Wanganui The lowest ■ .--any turner not, necessarily accepted. EDWARD CHURTON, Secretary. , March 20,1878. 6441-1,0 TIMABU HARBOUR BOARD. TENDERS are invited for-a Steam-Travelling ' CRANE for Harbour Works. Particular* may be obtained at the Harhoiip Board Engineer's Office. ■ Tenders may be addressed bo the Chairman, of the Timaru Barbour Board, amt are to be sent in not later than 4 p.m. of April Id ■ * JOHN OOODALL. C.E., 5634 Engineer Timaru Harbour Ihisxd. P" and pa iOUQHINQ —Wanted, Tenders for ploughing about 40 acres of land, part EngKah grass port tussock. R. li. Higgins. 6556-13 POB SALS, by Tender, a FARM of 60 Acres, with six-roomed house, stable, well, fboj at •resent occupied by Mr 0. Jarvis. The above is withing half a idle of the Templeton stat ion. Tattlers, addressed Mr B. BENN ETT, Templeton, to be amt In by April 20. a 617 Hotels. BIRD’S CRITERION. IHE Proprietor baa much pleasure in unuounc- - Rjjf that tie above Hotel is now open. Tbs pmmodation cannot be surpassed in Christ, twill, Friends please take notice. 6SSV AX’ I BARRHILL. N N, Tonjours pret.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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1,366Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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