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Hotels. rjIHE jjimoneon on tlie table every day from 13.98 to I OCEAN YIEW HOTEL, Goyekkob’s Bat, SAMUEL NEALE, Proprietor. HE Hotel is I>enntifully situated on the road to the Head of the Bay and Akaroa, and. commands a magnificent view of Lyttelton Harbour, together with the lovely scenery of the surrounding hays. The climate is genial and bracing, and is particularly suitable for invalids. Every comfort is provided for travellers and boarders, together with good stabling and paddocking for horses* Easy access to the beach, and every convenience for bathing. The best brands of spirits, wine, and beer kept* Mr Neale will arrange to meet parties on th& arrival of any train in Lyttelton, and convey them P;“* p.m, 5939 "W, H. POETEB, Proprietor. to the Bay on moderate terms MAPLES’ SOUTHERN HOTEL. Sr. ASAPH SXEEET, Bottom of High street.
MAPLES B r .OS, will again have much snre in catering for the Christchurch public prestige lucherto gained by thmn for tho superior quality of their goods wiu he upheld, and customers may again rely upon obtaining a genuine and pure article. Late shipments ex Crusader, Wanganui, Waikato. Ac., Ac., (direct • rom the renowned cellars of WmT Maples and Som of Liverpool), have placed them with a largo ard varied Stock, and trust to he again favoured with the same liberal support thejr have before so favourably had bestowed upon them. Sen PALACE HOTEL, GLOUCESTER STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (Nor.t the New Theatre Royal). THIS new and beautiful HOTEL is now complete, and open for the reception of Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Members of the Theatrical Profession, The Hotel is built of brick and cement, and fa acknowledged to be second to none in the Colonies, both for design and general comfort, and affords the most complete accommodation to those who require it. All the rooms are thoroughly well ventilated. BatY. rooms and lavatory off bedrooms. . The Billiard Saloon is thoroughly well furnished, and contains one of Alcock*a best tables. A liberal table kept, with a?l the delicacies of the season. A. nightporter is in. attendance for gentlemen arrivingor leaving by steamer or train. The most strict discipline obs rved in every department. Tha wines and spirits supplied are of the best brands to be obtained. In section invited, 6238-5 GEORGE BEATTY, Proprietor. GOLD 1* N FLEECE HOTEL, Colombo street, near the Post Office, Chuistchtjech. W • H. iKjDDEr, (Lalo of the Empire, Lyttelton), HAVING taken the above, begs to inform Visitors and travellers that ho is pro-’ p«red to give the BEST ACCOMMODATION os MODERATE TERMS. Passengers by early trains caa always depend on getting breakfast before starting. 3269 MIDDLETON’S HO PEL, KAIAPOT, W, TURNIP, Peopbibtob, THIS well-i n own Hotel has recently been enlarged and improved, and the proprietor is now enabled to offer superior accommodation to visitors and travellers. Wine, Ale, and Spirits o£ the best brands. Good stabling and Pleasure boots < n hire. The new Oddfellows* Han, the only large and centrally situated building in. the town for entertainments, is situate dose toftho Hotel. IPJ3T J. M. F rrzCEBALD. HAVING become Sole Proprietor of SYDENHAM HOUSE, Harper street. New Town (within five minutes* walk of the Railway station), begs to call the attention of the public to th» superior accommodation he is able to offer to Travellers and others. Beer and Wines of the First Quality on the Premises, 8673 gUMXEE O T E lu MARY SOHLUTSB, PROPRIETRESS ISS PIEB HOTEL, KAIAPOL J. H. Schmidt, Profeietob. (Late Samian at Golden Fleece, ChristchmrJi, aril ; Somerset Hotel, Ashburton), ; HAVING taken the above Hotel, hopes to merit a share of the public patronage so libemUjr bestowed on his predecessor. The Hotel is replete with every accommodation. WINES, BEEES, AND SPIRITS, Of the Best Brenda. 9SS EOTAL GEORGE HOTEL, ; Comer of St Asaph street and East Town Beit, Chkistohotich. Gr boege Collie Late of Leithfield, Wishes to inform his old country friends aad public that having opeiwd the above NEW HOTEL, and having fitted it- ujFwith- every comfort oztdL convenience, he can offer the very b t f ACCOMMODATION TO TRAVKSLSHSOnly five minutes* walk from railway .station. 4319 " KINGSTON HOTEL. Near Railway Crossing, Colombo street sotxtiz* CHRISTCHURCH. above Hotel offers first-olasa aacocaaodta_;l _ tion for travellers and visitors. Wihes, Ales, and Spirits of the beat brands. 1766 J. JOHBTSIOar.
O AMARU I OAMARUI RIOHABDSOiv’3 ROYAL SOTEL fJpHB Proprietor haying completed exteDermr additions to this Hotel, is now prepared to* oater for the public in a manner not to ho wpiiHwt in Camara. The additions comprise DINING-, SITTING, g'AMPLB. KSD A2TBI, BATH ROOMS, ALSO A MAGNIFICENT BILLIARD SALOOS* Containing two of Alco’k*s best tables, anl nished in a mast elaborate stylo, with attached. AH lujiiors are of the best BnnaSs* 4SSST
-OUJLL’S >SKBUKTON COMMERCIAL AKU FAMILT HOTKT, TVTOW offers t ■ Noblcm n, Meod.-ere of PsulisJ3I ment, and the Maw! ins? Site of any country accommodation which cannot b-< surpassed in any town in Now Z r.'and, and at moderate chagea. The Hofei la-nr-rms mites of room-", bathrooms, and eanaeion- (• iiord-roo’e, nud is withia one mr uto’s.walk from ihc railway station. . The commodious cellar on. taps only fhe aesc brands of all idn.L of Spirits, 1 inruars, hm-lmßand. Colonial Ale* (boMedaed n dnvjahl). ThecnmM is uader the sdill/i :t aaenwwaitclrf» and civil and a't. ntive ni*ht porter aod Waiter* always in attendant’ •• THO Jf '5 QUILL, Proprlc’ or. «an3-I* OBAM’S SOMERSET COMMEBCLAEa ■ AEE> FAMILY HOTEL;, ASHBURTON. Under the patronage of Sir G. Grey k K.C,B., Premier of New Zealand Sir James Porgnson, Bart.; late Governor of Hicaw Zealand, and Sir Charhlß Dncaae, lata Governor of Tasmania. THlS.oentra'lv situated hotel is pronounced t* he one of the finest in the Southern Bpaaiephera. The oni-ino is under the supervision of »«. eminent chef, un«l the proprietor hopes that hla lehg experience iu the trade i s a sufficient guarantee as to, the quality of the contents of the cellar. 21fi h, W. SHEARMAN, Proprietor. CHEBTSKV HOTEL, CHEBT9EY. ALFRED STENING, Proprietor. above wishes to inform h:s Chertaey an® JL Christehoreh Monde, and the public generally, that having opened the Chertsey Hotel, ns caw offer superior accommodation to all »iio taro nr him with their patronage. Spacious samjdo roimir Wines, heer end spirits of the bestbrsmis. GvoA stabling accommodation. UUiJ BOYAL HOTEL, TEMUfLA. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION forCwer marcial Travellers and ViSitora. Sp#c.<s» Aiei", and Spirits of the very hert brand*. AnEx’.rom will leave the above Hotel to aate „wrt train; cm to htotion the premi*'«‘N.B.- Saddle n Ao., on Hiryj taa. Good SrabUng with loWAlLw's. _ . . fill, SAMUEL BURROWS. Pregrtatoc‘“clowe’ TEMPKi, t. w, r»ww The “• ***' • friend* ant •tepubhyeen purchased thi« wdhJn>o#C’' Hate . snperfc*«feeer;vi*bdMi<M to All L Um vrithi their patronage, Bpecioos I—-. Wine, Rmt, and spirit* qf the Iff* PSrr- Fj2t ataUtof|»«paMMl«. - W 1
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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1,123Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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