Impounded. IMPOUNDED at Greendale, from Bangor stationi onApril 2—75 mixed sheep; brands indistinct. ' If not claimed by April 16, will be sold. 6863 G. GOODMAN, Ponndkeeper. Money. \ to LEND, in Bums of.flOO. and upwards, on freehold security. Apply to Dr. FOSTER. 4323 WE are prepared to Advance Money on pianos, household furniture, Ac. wo are also purchasers. Mont de Piete, Colombo street. 62894: A SUM of £SOOO to be advanced, in' cuma of ' £3OO and upwards. Preference being glveai to House securities. Apply to 'Haiuner and Harper, solicitors, Christchurch,* 6138, DOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY OFFICE LICHFIELD STREET. THE above Society discounts Bills daily. Loans from £lO to £SOOO on Personal security. Deeds of Property, Shanes in Public Companies, and other securities, at current rates. Entire Charge for i £lO, repayable at 10e per week £1 £2O, „ * 20s ~ £2 ' Advances made on Furniture, Stock to Trade Farm Stock, Ac. All applications, personally or by confidential. 9826 THE NEW ZEALAND TRUST AN Ik LOAN COMPANY, LIMITED. Oapital c£1,000,000. Sums of £BOO to £20,000 ready to to advanced upon freehold security and leaseholds! in connection therewith. For further information, apply at the Company’s Offices, 5852 Hereford street. VICTORIA LOAN AND DISCOUNT AGKKCY, MANCHESTER STREET. THE above Agency is prepared to advance earns of money, from £lO to £SOO, upon farm stock, merchandise, goods, personal or other security. Loons oan he mads re-payabte by weekly, monthly or quarterly instalments. Renewals effected, Bills discounted daily. All applications, person* Ally or by letter, strictly confidential. 8847 H. MARKS. Manager.
1 N.a-L*^ TJNOLESAM'S PAWN SHOP. SBTEWABT beg* to inform the • public that he ia prepared to LEND MONEY, in soma fromli to £SOO. on Clothing, Jewellery, Merohandiae, Bill* of 'latftijyt, Ao., LOWEST TNTEW.I!HT oSXSa-ETI.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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