New Advertisement*. TQJJAY. iQHRISTY MINSTRELS. j GRAND MID-DAY PERFORMANCE, Especial Arrangements made for Schools. Evening Performance as usual. 4464 TO THE ELECTORS OF SEFTON. jy£R F. H. MELVILLE WALKER INVITES THE ELECTORS OP SEFTON TO MEET HIM IN THE SCHOOL-ROOM, ASHLEY BANK, ON THURSDAY, 9th INST., At 7.30 p.m. 4458 v - RCANTERBURY RIFLE ASSOCIATION* THE MONTHLY MEETING of the COUNCIL of the above Association will be held at White’s Hotel, Cathedral Square, Christchurch, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, the 7th INST., at Halfpast Seven o’clock. H. E. ALPORT, 446# Hon. Secretary. LYTTELTON LAND, BUILDING, AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY, No. 2, THE Usual Monthly Meeting of the above Society will be held at the Colonists Hall, Lyttelton, ON SATURDAY, the 4th INSTANT. For Receipt of Subscriptions, 6 p.m. For Sale of Shares, 8.30 p.m. JOHN S. WILLCOX, 4455 Secretary. TH E UNDERSIGNED is prepared to ADVANCE on GRAIN, FLAX, AND OTHER PRODUCE. E. GRIFFITH, Imperial Stores, Christchurch Railway Station. OFFICE—CASHEL STREET. 2901 ATLANTIC LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK, HEREFORD STREET, (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand.) Bills discounted daily. Money advanced on personal and other security at lowest current rates. to lend in large or small oOOUUU sums at ten per cent. General Agencies Undertaken. A. J. RAPHAEL, 9452 Manager. J. B. DALE & CO., BROKERS, House Factors, Land and Estate Agents, Bill Discounters, and Money Lenders. Affairs of the embarrassed attended to. Money promptly advanced on real or personal security. Houses, shops, and businesses, to be let and for side. Land Office and Exchange, No. 1 Cathedral Square. 3305 r>l A £2O, £3O, £SO, £IOO, £2OO, £3OO, and upwards, advanced on Approved Security. Secrecy and despatch 3306 J. B. DALE & CO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP between the Undersigned, SAMUEL GARFORTH and JOHN MORRISON, in the trade or business of Cattle Dealers and Stockowners, at Christchurch and Hokitika and elsewhere, under the firm of Garforth and Morrison, was this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent, and, in future, the business will be carried on by the said Samuel Garforth, on his separate account, who will pay and receive all debts owing from and to the said partnership, in the regular course of trade. Witness our hands this 3rd day of June, 1170.
S. GARFORTH, JOHN MORRISON. Witness— A, Jameson, Solicitor, Christchurch. 4442 TENDERS FOR LOAN. TENDERS are invited by the Board of Conservators for the South Waimakariri District, for a Loan of Four Thousand Founds, to be secured on Debentures issued in accordance with the provisions of “ The Canterbury Rivers Act, 1868,” and of “ The Canterbury Rivers Act Amendment Act, 1869.” The Debentures will be for sums of one hundred pounds each, and will have a currency of five years ; the rate of interest will be eight per centum per annum, payable half-yearly. Tenders stating the amount offered for each debenture, and the total number of debentures applied for, to be sent in or before twelve o’clock on Saturday, the 4th June next, addressed to the undersigned, Government Buildings, Christchurch, from whom also further information may be obtained. Copies of the Acts under which the debentures will he issued may he seen at the office of Messrs Harman and Stevens, Hereford street, Christchurch. R. J. S, HARMAN, 4360 Chairman, Board of Conservators.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2934, 4 June 1870, Page 3
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