New Advertisements. ■fob akaroa, timaru, oamaru, h.i ;i(A»D : DUNEDIN. > THE Favourite Steamship WAINUI, GaptJ. Lets, .will sail < for the 'above ports " on or about WEDNESDAY NEXT, th# Bth inet;- ' Cabin. Steerage. .. ' 20a Vss i. l 80s 20s ~ .40s 90s . 40s 80s Fabbs, Akaroa ' ... Timaru ... . Oamaru ... Dunedin ... For freight or passage apply to J, M. HEYWOOD & CO., 4484 ■ ' Lyttelton and Christchurch. ANTED a GOVERNESS to instruct in English, French, and Music. Address M,, office of this paper. 4448 ANTED, 12-or 16 CARPENTERS. Apply at once to DANIEL REESE, guilder, Christchurch. Constant work to £ood hands indoors. 4441 WANTED a respectable MESSAGEBOY, one who writes a good hand and is expert at figures, will hare a chance of being advanced to the position of Junior Clerk. Apply to JOHN LEWIS, Crystal Palace Buildings. 4437 ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I iM DUNCAN KENNEDY, of Wainui, Akaroa, will not be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by my wife, Margaret Kennedy, from this date. DUNCAN KENNEDY, June 3, 1870. 4443 £\ REWARD. STRAYED from Sumner, on the Ist inst., a dark brown MAKE, clothed, branded Son near shoulder. Whoever will give information to the undersigned, leading to the recovery of the same, will receive the above reward. STANLEY MONCK, 4447 Sumner. C TO-DAY. HRISTY IIINSTRBLS. GRAND MID-DAY PERFORMANCE. Especial Arrangements made for Schools. Evening Performance as usual. 4465 HEATBE ROYAL. THIS EVENING (SATURDAY), THE TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN MISS ADELAIDE BOWRING & MB J. B. STEELE have been engaged, and will shortly, appear. 4352
fjyow N ' HA L L. ! THIS SATURDAY, JDJIB 4th. GRAND MID-DAY For the convenience of Schools and Families, ‘ on which occasion will be produced the following Gems of Minstrelsy, viz,, nursery Rhymes, «PM LONELY TO-NIGHT LOVE,” I SEE HER STILL EN MY DREAMS,” “BING THE BELL,'WATCHMAN,” MOROCCO BO(JT DANCE, THE TRAIN. UNCLN EPH’S YIS;T, Exo., Etc. Doors open at 2 o’clock, performance at 2.30. Especial arrangements made for schools. Children to Front and Middle Seats HALF PRICE. EVENING PERFORMANCE AS USUAL. Reserved Seats can be secured at Spensley’s Music Saloon according to numbered plan. Mo WESTERN, Business Manager. THOMAS RAINFORD, Stage Manager. and Director. 4462
CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL, Cathedral Square. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT) OF THE WORLD-RENOWNED AND ORIGINAL BELLRINGERS, LANCASHIRE BELLRINGERS, LANCASHIRE BELLRINGERS. W. H. HILTON. W. H. HILTON, W. H. HILTON. MISS LIDDLE, MISS LIDDLE, MISS LIDDLE. GREAT ATTRACTION! GREAT ATTRACTION!! MILLION PRICES. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, The Girl of the Period, and other New Comic Songs. Prices of Admission ; —Front seats, 3s Second do, 2s ; Gallery, Is. Doors open at half-past 7; performance to commence at 8 o’clock. P. J. WILLS, 4259 Agent. NOTICE. THE Stores of the undersigned will be closed on MONDAY next, the 6th instant. 4435 L. E. NATHAN & CO. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP. 500 GOOD STORE SHEEP. Apply JOHN BOOTH, 443 g White’s Hotel.
ALLIANCE TEA WAREHOUSE, HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. MESSRS EISHEE AND CO. BEG to present their best thanks to their numerous Friends and Customers in the Province of Canterbury for their liberal support during the last thirteen years, ana to inform them that they hare now disposed of their business to ME WILLIAM JOHN EISHEE, Formerly Junior Partner in the Firm of FISHER, BOOTH, & FISHER, whom they beg to recommend to |;heir kind patronage and support. THE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform his Friends and the Public of Canterbury that he has taken the Premises in High Street, next door to those occupied by Messrs FISHER, AND CO., and known as the ALLIANCE TEA WAREHOUSE, where he proposes carrying on the TEA, COFFEE, AND GENERAL GROCERY TRADE, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. He trusts, by diligent attention, care in the selection of Superior Goods, strict integrity. and the Most Moderate Prices, not only to retain the Customers of the Old Establishment, but to secure an increasing portion of general patronage and support. THE NEW PREMISES WILL BE OPENED ON SATURDAY, JUNE 4, TjT7~TT-T.T atm* JOSHT FISHER. TEA, COFFEE, AND GENERAL GROCER, HIGH STREET. N.B.—Orders will be called for and Delivered Daily with Despatch. 4419