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New Advertisements. THE Friends of the late BENJAMIN OLEGG are respectfully informed that jfais FUNERAL will leave bis late residence, ISelwyn street, Addington, at Three o’clock 'on Sunday afternoon. REES WM, WALTERS, 4463 Undertaker. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE G. HESSAL, RANGIORA. ALL DEBTS owing to the above are requested to be PAID on or before the 30th instant, or legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the same, without farther notice. JA MES WRENN, Trustee. Rangiora, June 3rd, 1870. QANTERBURY FLAX ASSOCIATION President ; HIS HONOR THE SUPERINTENDENT. Vice-President : HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR OF CHRISTCHURCH. Committee ; R. H. Rhodes Edward Richardson J. B. Sheath P. H. M. Walker H. B. Huddleston H. H, deßourbel John Anderson Dr Barker R. J. Loughnan F. Pavitt J. R. Johnston h . H. Ensor Dr Plorance T. M. Hassal With power to add to their Number. The objects of the Association are for the purpose of organising and carefully conducting a series of experiments for discovering the best method of producing a fibre from the Phormium Tenax fitted for all purposes of manufacture. The importance of the subject is manifest from the fact that the Phormium Tenax is indigenous to New Zealand, it already exists in large quantities scattered over the country, and is capable of easy cultivation. The Committee consider it unnecessary to enter upon the many strong reasons why this subject should attract the attention of every colonist of New Zealand, and would confine themselves simply to pointing out that the discovery of a successful method of preparing the fibre would encourage an industry of great value and importance to every member of the community; fcey, therefore, appeal with the utmost confidence to all classes to assist the movement with a ready liberality. 4454 IN THE SUPREME COCRT OF NEW ZEALAND, CANTERBURY DISTRICT. THE Bankruptcy Act, 1867, and the Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1868. —Notice is hereby given that I, ALFRED WILLIAM MORGAN, of Christchurch, baker, have this day filed a declaration in the Supreme Court, that I am unable to meet my engagements with my creditors. ALFRED WILLIAM MORGAN. June 3rd, 1870. 4444 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. CANTERBURY DISTRICT, THE Bankruptcy Act, 1867, and the Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1868. In the matter of MAKTIN RICHARD ASHWIN, of Phoenix Flax Company, Flaxton, in Mandeville district, and of Ferry Road, Christchurch, accountant, a debtor. Notice is hereby given that the said Martin Richard Ashwin has this day filed in this Court a declaration that he is unable to meet his engagements with his creditors in pursuance of the said Acts. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1870, MARTIN RICHARD ASHWIN, 4445 Acting for self.
PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL MEETING of Justices of the Peace will be held on THURSDAY, the 16th day of JUN E Instant, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Christchurch, for the purpose of considering the following applications for Slaughter-House Licenses : J. Bell, for Slaughter-house License, on Hals well Station. Thos, Clarkson, for Slaughter-house License, on Section 111, Riooarton. Richard Davies, for Slaughter-house License, on Farm, at Tai-tapu. Daniel Day, for Slaughter-house License, on Farm, at Day’s Road, near Springston, Andrew Dawson, for Slaughter-house License, on Section 1349, situate at Sandy Creek, Prebbleton. Thomas Helmes, for Slaughter-house License, on Section 7974, at Rolleston Station. Fred, Hepworth, for Slaughter-house License, at Farm, Avonside. William Turton, for Slaughter-house License, on Section 30, Ashburton. F. de c. MALET, Clerk to the Bench. Resident Magistrate’s Court, Christchurch, 3rd June, 1870, 4446 TO LET, THE HOUSE and LAND lately occupied by H. B, JOHNSTONE, Esq., on the Fendalltown Road. Also, A Farm of 150 acres, with house suitable for boarders, at Sumner. 4430 ROBERT WILKIN. TO BE LET, THE COLOMBO BRICK and SALEYARDS. Also, Paddock and Stables adjoining. For particulars apply to JOSEPH BAILEY, 4368 Cashel and Lichfield streets.
s FOR SALE, TAUNCH DRAUGHT DRAYS HARNESS, &c. HORSES. 4468 JOSEPH BAILEY, Cashel street. SHEEP ! SHEEP 11 LYTTELTON. THIS DAY, M ESSRS WOLEDGE & CO. will sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY, at their Rooms, Lyttelton, SO prime (carcase) sheep. Sale at 12.30 sharp.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2934, 4 June 1870, Page 3
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696Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2934, 4 June 1870, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2934, 4 June 1870, Page 3
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