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Murray. Roberta andiOoMUftRAY, ROBERTS AND GO., GENERAL MEEOHANTS, ‘ ’'TOOK AND STATION AGENTS. CASH ADVANCES made on Grow ! Ohps ol Wool lor Shipment to Loudon and Local Sale. AGENCIES: Shaw, Strill and Albion Company, -.ld North British and Mercantile Insurance Company (Fire). Sritish and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, Ltd. Andrewa and Heaven's Ohaff-ontteia. Bold and Qray'a D.F. Ploughs, Harrow.', Drills, etc. Utrnsby’s Single-furrow Plongm and Fittings. Hornsby's Akroyd Oil-englnea. Dnx and Byracnse Cultivators. Williams’ patent Woolwashers. Bain’s patent Droppers. Traction-engines. Cherry’s Churns and Batter Wor..ets, i'horley's Food for Sheep, Cattle, and Horses. Orallte (the fireproof building mater,n.l. Graham's Foot-rot Cure. "Orion" Sanges. Fuddle's Sheep Drenches, Fison's Superphosphate. Fi son’s Turnip Fertiliser. Burke’s Stont. Laldlaw, Oban, and Thom and Cameron v Whisky. FOB SALE. Grass-seeds of every description. Turnip, Baps, 1000 Headed Kale. Mustard, Carrot, eto Cartridges, English and American. Oil Cake, Seed Potatoes, Small Garden P'ongn. Bontall’s Ohaffoutters.
Wenlcy aad. Laatsnaaw ENLEY AND LAI. AIV. E, NAPIEE AND POET AHUEIEI. STOCK. STATION, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WOOL BEOKERS, And AHOTIONEEEB. ADVANCES made on Wool and other Produce and on Stock Mortgage. GOODS AND STATION SUPI. ~-S c i all kinds on hand. SALES of Forma and Station Properties effected. AGENCIES—ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Imperial Insnranco Company. The Tyser Lino, Limited. Elliott's Champion Sheep Drench. Highland Sheep Dip (liquid and powder). BLT Noxious Weed Destroyed Educational. HEEETATJNGA SCHOOL. HASTINGS. Headmaster, Mr W. Gray, B.A. (Hons.). Oamb. Terms and Prospectus on Application. Third Term commences September 22nd. Boarders return September 21st. |_JIQH jjJOHOOLH. SPLENDID SITUATION IN AN IDEAL CLIMATE. A LONG EECOED OP DISTINCTIONS IN THE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO PHYSICAL TRAINING. Terms (tuition); Seniors 9 guineas per annum: Juniors (under 12) 8 gain-ms per annum. Board (by the Principals) £4O. Illustrated Prospectus on application to the Principals. Third Term, TUESDAY, September 20th. notices. Telephone 171. KEN. BEECHAM (Opposite G.P.0., Napier) H AS In Stock, and constantly arriving Fancy Glass, Paperhangings and Dadoes. SANlTAßY—Earthenware, Toilet Paper, Kuralo, Kalsomlne, Indelible, and Bon Accord DISINFECTANTS—Waterworth’s Spsolflo and Carbolic (in liquid or powde'
A FEU HD nr JUBD. DR. ELMSLIE, L.V. PHTB., EX. BUBO., QLAO., L.S.A., LOND., L.M., Etc, (Registered by the CtoTernmente of Greet Britain, Hew Booth Welee end Hew Zeeland.)
THIS Highly-Qualified Physiola* and Surgeon from the Hospitals of London and Paris, baa, by 29 years' study and research, become an expert and specialist in the treatment of Chronic, Herrons. Blood, Skin, and the Special Ailments of Msn and Women. In his yery successful treatment of the above class of oases, there is “No experimenting and no failures." Conimitations art free to all, so that a friendly chat, either personally or by letter, costs nothing, and may save yon "Years of misery and Suffering, so None need Despair." DON’T WORRY ANY LONGER. as the ambitions and joys of life will be restor. td to you, and my treatment in oasts of Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Backache, Lumbago, Insomnia, Failing Memory, Specks before the Eyes, Giddiness, etc., braces np the system in all oases, and RESTORES VITAL BNBBGY. New Scientific Treatment and New Dn failing Remedies of the very beat and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. "Moderate Charges. Call and see me or write full details of your Troubles in your simple homely language, and f will treat you with the strictest oon Sdence, success and fairness. N.B.—Patients at a distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case. As my remedies are sent direct rom Wellington, my patients save heavy Customs duties. Consultation hours-ll to 12. 2 to 4. 7 to 8, If yon ate suffering, or weak, or sad, call or write to Dr, Elmslie, No, 13, Wei-lington-terrnce, Wellington, as ho thoroughly understands your trouoles and their causes, He guarantees a perfect cure in every case undertaken or bs will make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Consulting Honrs—lo to 12, 2t04.7 to 8.
LADIES! Elmslie at his Residence, No. 13. Wellington-terraoe. Wellington. from 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to I daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whole up-to-date Treatment gives the greatest satisfaction. „ . _ Sole Agent for “Pamons Ladies Corrective Tablets” 10s 6d, extra 21e post free. Guaranteed Safe and Sellable. Strictly Confidential. Moderate Charges Call or write.
8C EJECTS OF HOST DEEADFCLEX HAtTBTION CUBED AND MADE HAPPY. TBBTIMONIAXi. MI DBAS DOCTOR.— X have no hesitation whatever in lay Ins “Yea" in reply to your letter received to-day, in which yon ask me whether I am willing to let the public know the benefit I received at yonr hands. When I saw yon upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom yon had previously completely cured of a similar complaint). I think 1 was in about as bad a state of miser both mind and bo being oould be: in fact, 1 felt that life was not worth living, and that my tntnre was a blank. 1 was an object of misery and despair. Yon fold me plainly and honestly that yon could and would onto me l and restore to me the ambitions .and vigours vf manhood, so that I should no longer be bashf n! and etnpid in society,, and oonld take any part and Interest in the amusement and •port of others, and have an ambition in my business. At first I thought your promise was too good to be true, I am thankful to say I tried yonr treatment. 1 swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. I have put on Seek and muscle, and have any nmonnt of confidence In myself. lam perfectly healthy and nlte happy, and am capable of enjoying myself as others do, and I don't mope about by myself and shun society. I earnestly recommend all my fellow* sufferers to pnt their confidence in yon, as your treatment is perfect, and yonr charges are small.—l am, yonrs truly, JuAOHIiAJf OAHRBON. y ana aepreauum iu ay ft» nny human
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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998Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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