Motliea. H. W. FEOST ou« DENTIST, Lata ol University ol Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.8.A., SPECIALIST at Crown and Bridge Work. Porcelain and Gold Fillings, also at Correcting Irregularities and Attending to Children’s Teeth. FEES: Complete Bet from A3 3e, etc. Extractions 2s 6d and Is, Gas 2s 6d extra. PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS. Mr Frost will visit Dannevirke November Ist and till noon on 2nd; Waipukuran November 3rd; Porangahau November 4th; Wimbledon November 6th. Telephone 269. Private Eeeldenoe (Thompson-road), 317.
[A OABD.I UNDO LEVIEN, DENTAL BURGEON. (Mra, Leask's. Tennyson-streot.) Honrs. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, Saturdays, 9 to 1 p.m. folaphono 26 P. 0. Doi Ml.
[A OAM.I R. F. R OD I >' BUKQEON DENTIST, (Orer Mesara Wl’llama and Kettle, Napier). WEIGHT & MACGOUN, DENTISTS, DANNEVIRKE, Alternately make visits to Ormondvllle every Tuesday, at Hr Bugdon's. Ormondvllle hours—9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Mr MaoGoun visits Noreewood every Thursday, at Mr 0. F. Hansen's. Noreewood houra—9 a.ra. to 2.30 p.m. W.M. NEWMAN. TSHHTaOK-ITBIHT, I lADIBTAKIS. OTEOlifmn. A..i OABntaTUAKBX. far •TOD AITS FDBSmi*B, me All Ik* L»t»«l Dhlbm. mo whim fins d*bd, tola A{«nt (or Ike Boalts Bail-0a,... . ■ewlmi Maeklaei. .'Bit ArrlTtdA Fla* Anortsinl of VikLMVT OTBXKAIfTILfI, (ran Im Wiadow,
SPRING JS HERE. YOU EEQDIBE A GOOD BLOOD MIXTURE. \VE have an cicellent one for Pnri- * ' tying and Benovating the System and Oleansing the Blood from all Impurities, from whatever cause arising. Cures all Eruptions of tbs Shin, Pimples, etc., AND MAKES GOOD RED BLOOD. iss/6 R. A. PALMER, (1 ATE WELBMAN AND WHITE' CHEMIST, NAPIEK.
THE EXCELSIOR DAIRY SUPPLY CO., ABB THE ONLY PURVEYORS OP PUKE PASTEURISED MILK IN NAPIER. 01 K SYSTEM of Dellterln* In Bottles is tbe only Correct Method to w ■ate Cleanliness and 7WI Measnre m No Adrauoe in Frloe. The leading Health Officers of the World condemn tbe nae of Milk which baa not been Pasteurised, and no thorough Housekeeper sbonld nee any other. Par Stocks of Bottles have recently been largely increased, and in order to cope with a rapidly-growing output, further shipments haxg been ordered forward. GOLDEN GRAIN BUTTER PEBBH DAILY. Delivered to All Parts of tba Town. FBEBH EGGS. TBEBH CREAM. In order to ensure correct delivery, new ouatomers are requested to leave instructions at oar offloo. Hastings street. WILLIAM STOCK, PROPRIETOR. TELEPHONE ... No. Ml. 469
HENS LAY EGGS BUT SALV-OVA PRESERVES AND KEEPS THEE FRESH AND WHOLESOME, Every prudent Housewife will obtain a supply of tbie famous preparation In readiness tor the approaching season. OVER 2,000,000 EGGS PEESEBVKD LAST SEASON BY SALV-OVA THE BEST AND CHEAPEST EGO PRESERVATIVE IN THE MARKET. Ask yonr Grocer for the BEST. Bo will give yon "BALV-OVA.” ALL MERCHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS, 1026
Page 1 Advertisements Column 8
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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