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Dalgety and 00. DALGETY & CO., LIMITED, STOCK, STATION, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WOOL AND PEODUCB MEEOHANTB, HEAD OFFICE—--98, BIBUOPSQATB-BTEEET WITHIN, LONDON, 8.0. Branches at Melbourne, Geelong. Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Bockhampton, TownSville, Adelaide. Carnarvon, Perth, Fremantle, Albany, Geraldton, Boebonrns, Kalgoolie, Dunedin, Christ, Chnroh, Wellington. Capital Inllv subaoribed ... £4.ODO,tCO Capital paid-up £1.000,000 Eestve Fund £l3o,Cull Dalgety aniTco.. limited, are prepared to receive Consignments of Wool, Tallow, and nil kinds of produce for shipment to London or Australia. CASH ADVANCES made on Growing Clips of Wool on favourable terms, also on Tallow, B|..inß, and other Produce consigned for sale in tb LONDON, AUSTEALIAN, or LOCAL MAEEETB. Loans negotiated upon Frehold and Leasehold Lands at Lowest Current Eates of Interest. AUCTION SALES of Wool, Skins, Hides. Ta'h v etc., held regularly. Wooljatlo* Fencing Wire, and other Station always on bana. AGENCIES— Shaw, Bavlll and Albion Ltd. Aberdeen Line of Steamers to Cape Town and London. Burmestsr’s Pori Wines. Victoria Insurance Co. (. ,re and Marine). The London Assurance Corporation. Lloyd’s. Fison’s Sheep Dipping Powder. Champion’s Celebrated Vinegar. Murton’s Sheep Dip. D. Crawford and Sod- Ltd.’s Old Whisky. De Lisle and Luttrell’s Cattleman’s Friend (Painless Branding Composition).
OFFICE—-TENNTBON-BTEEET, NAPIEE. WAEEIIOUSEBBBASTWOEK, POET AHUiUHI PABPALCM DILATATDM GEAES. BPALTJM DILATATUM la the King of Pasture Grass (or dairying and fattening stock. Seooombe’s Prime Handshaken Seed can be obtained through any seed house in Napier, The grower specially recommends It for light inferior lands that will not grow fashionable grasses. Grows freely after lire; best grass known tor permanent pasture. Beware of slight, sweated, fluffy seed. It Won't Grow. Ask (or Seccombe’s Handshaken. Wholesale from— Notloea. 998 W. BEOCOMBE, Central Bncoa, N.B.W.
VITADATiO AGAIN YIOTOBIOUB. SB AD THIS urn® EOYAL BAILOKB' NEBT, Portsmouth, March llth, Dear dir,—l gladly bear my testimony to tbe efficiency ot the great Australian remedy, YITADATIO. I have proved it personally as a wonderful cure for Rheumatism and Lumbago, and I have also known it to cure Kidney Trouble and very acute Rheumatism In various forms. It is doubtless, as stated, an Invaluable blood purifier, and requires only to be known to be widely used. Believe me, yonra very truly, AGNES B. WESTON, LL.D. Ur 8. A, Palmar, Mount Place. Brook-street, Manchester. The Australian public will no doubt read with interest the above testimonial from Hiss Weston. Kiss Weston's name la well-known all over the world as "The Bailors’ Friend," for the great interest which she takes in the British navy and seafaring men. When such testimony as the above Is given, who can doubt the genuineness of YITADATIO P For further particulars, B. A. PALMES, ead Office, 439 Flinders-lane, Melbourne Correspondence invited. Write f-,? testimonials. The price ot Medicine is 6s 6d ami -s 6d per bottle. All Chemists and Storekeepers. To be obtained from Eempthorne, Prosser and Co. Ltd.’s N.Z. Drug Company, and Bharland and Co.
MOTOR CO., LTD., (LATB J. AND W. HAS VET), TELEPHONE 111. P.O. BOX 164. LITBBT AND BAIT STABLES, HASTINQS-STEEBT. NAPIBE-BPIT BUB BEEVIOK Timetable from October let, 1903. Eegnlar service ev. y2O minute*. Pint baa 8.20 a.m., ,ast bus 7 p.m. NAPIBE-TABADALB SBKVIOB. TABADALB rtep. 6.40 NAPIBE dtp. 7.30 7.45 9.0 8.15 10.0 9.0 11.0 Saturdays only Saturdays only Saturdays only 1A 2.1 3.9 Bat. only 9.0 Bat. only 9.30 Sat. only 10.0 SUNDAYS. TABADALB dep. 9.0 NAPIEB dep. 10.0 1.0 2.0 1.30 2.30 5.30 6.30 6.0 6.30 MSANEB COaOH. TABADALB dep. 9.0 NAPIEB dep. 11.0 1.0 MBANEB dep. 9.30 NAPIEB dep. 3.0 1.30 PAEES—Single Tickets 6d, or Tickets §er doien 4s 6d; Weekly Ticket 3s; Cbilren’s Weekly Ticket 2a 6d. No Tickets taken on Sundays. A coach leaves Pnketapu and Fornhill every morning at 8 o'clock, lae lernhill coach leaves Napier every afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the Pnketapu coach leaves Napier at 4 o’clock daring summer months. NAPIEE-PETANE-ESKDALB OOAOHES TIMETABLE— Morning—
Leaves Eskdale 8, Petane 8.36, Western Spit 9.10, arrives Napier 9.35. Leaves Post-office, Napier, 10.30, Western Spit 10.45, Petane 11.20, arrive JSekdale 11.50. AfternoonLeaves Eskdale 1.30, Petane 2.30, Western Spit 3.10, arrive Napier 3.35. Leaves Post-office, Napier, 4.30, Western Spit 4.55, Petane 5.35, arrive Eskdale 6.5. PARES—Eskdale; Single 2e, Beinrn 3s. Petane Is each way. Patea Coach leaves Post-office, Napier, every Friday, 7 a.m. Wairoa Coach leaves Post-office, Napier every Tuesday, 6.30 a.m. Waikaremoana Coach leaves Wairoa Thursday, 7 a.m., for the Lake. Parcels can be left at the Stables or Clarendon Hotel. The above timetables are suspended on Eace Days, Sundays, and Holidays. Vehicles of every description on hire. Special Coaches at shortest notice. All communications to bo addressed Manager, P.O. Box 164, Napier. J. T. HAEVBT, Traffic Manager. Napier, January Istb. WESTPOET COAL CO LANDING EX KOTUKU--1300 TONS COALEEOOKDALE COAL ORDERS SOLICITED FROM SHIP’S SIDE. BARRY - BROS., AGENTS.
C. F. FBEDEBICKSON, HANQAPUAKA OABH STOKB (Near Whetnaku'a), A GEKIT POE "HAWKE’S BAP JrL HBBALD.” Copies may be obtained regnlarly. Ales, Agent for H. 0. Qibboao and Oo.'o Seeds. Oorairt and Co.’s pianos and Organs. Perm and Garden See’de a Speciality,
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
Word Count
824Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12890, 17 October 1904, Page 1
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