HjS.Z. lioanjsnd M.A. Company.^ LOAN & MEKCANTILE WOOL. WOOL. LIBEEAL cash advances For Local Sales or Shipment to London, Note the Company's LEADING POSITION IN THE WOOL TBADE OF TfiEWOBID. Facilities unrivalled for handling Wool. Well-lighted Stores. Personal Supervision. Prompt Betnrns. D. A. BAXTEE, Manager.
H.B. Farmer*' Association. HAWKE'S BAY PAEMEBB’ CO-OPERA-TIVE ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, POET AHDEIEI AND HASTINGS. Advances made against Slock, Growing Wool, and all kinds of Produce. Loans Negotiated. Sheep and other Stock bought and sold on commission. Auction Sales of Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, and Tallow held regularly, also Stock Sales se required. Woolpaohs, Cornsaoke, Binder Twine, General Goods, and all station Requisites supplied at Lowest Current AGENCIES.China Traders’ Insurance Company, Ltd., Murton’s Sheep Dip, Lawes’ Sheep Dip, Little's Sheep Dip, the Farmers’ Co-operative Fire and Marine Insurance Association of New Zealand, Limited, the Bradbury Compound Tobacco Dip, the Australian Chemical Manufacturing Co.'s Disinfectants, Insect Exterminators, etc., the Anohoi Fence Manufacturing Company, LTL Weed Killer, eto., etc,
Money to £sal AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. MONEY TO LEND. LOWEST CURRENT BATES, uar New Mortgage Deed contalni R condition allowing borrowers the priri lege of repaying np to 2D per cent ot the Loan daring an; year without notice or payment of any fine. NO COMMISSION CHARSED. Legal Expenses Exceptionally Low, Apply dfreet to the Society’* branch ofleo, Wellington, or to any of the Satiety’s district oSooa. EDWARD W. LOWS. Btildect Secretary. Napier Dtatrlot O^oo, JAM’ hj A. STEWART, Metric* Secretary. Wellington. let Set unbar. IMS.
MONEY TO LEND IN BUMS OT £IOO TO £IO,OOO On COUNTRY. CITY AND SUBURBAN FREEHOLDS. At Exceptionally Low Eatea of Interest. can be made at any time on three months’ notice. APPLY TO ANY AGENO: of the GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPAETMENT, J. H. EIOHAEDSON, Gorernment Inanrance Commissioner. SEVERAL SUMS OP MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST OUEEBNT INTEREST. DAVID SCANNELL, 1253 Solicitor, Hastings. to Lend on Freehold and Leasehold Securities at Lowest Current Rates. SAINSBUEY, LOGAN AND WILLIAMS. 1064
MONEY TO LEND IN SUMS TO SUIT BORROWERS At LOWEST CURRENT RATES 01 INTEREST. Apply to— OOTTBRILL AND HUMPHRIES, 795 Solicitors, Napier, THE DIXON INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. MONEY TO LEND, in any Sums at Lowest Current Rates ol Interest on Landed Securities Apply to— CARLILE, M’LEAN, AND WOOD, Solicitors, 313 Emerson-stroet, Napier. MONET TO LEND. N APPROVED FREEH LD SECURITIES. At Lowest Current Bates. KENNEDY AND LUSK, Solicitors, Hersohell-strea,
O&acfcoatf'lEOWTHßE AND M'OAULEY'S LINE Vv OFEOYAL OOAOHBS, Driving between Napier, Taupe, Tokaanu, and Kotorua. A OOAOH will leave Napier every MONDAY at 6.30 a.m., arriving at Tarawera same day; leave Tarawera every TUESDAY at 7 a.m., arriving at Taupe at 5 p.m.; leave Taupe every THUEB- - at 7.30 a.m., arriving at Tarawera tame day; leave Tarawera every PEIDAY at 7 a.m., arriving at Napier 5 p.m. A Coach leaves Taupe tor Tokaann every SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY at 9 a.m., arriving at the latter place at 4 p.m., leaves Tokaanu MONDAY and FEIDAY at 9 a.m., arriving Taupe 4 p.m. same day. Special Coaches and Buggies at any time. THOS. COOK AND SON, Agents. OEOWTHBE AND M’OAULEY, Proprietors. WALUNQPOED AND POEANOAHAU LINE OF EOYAL MAIL COACHES. THE Coach meets the Train leaving Napier on Monday and Thursday, at 7.10 for Wanstead, Wallingford and Porangahan. The Proprietor will not be responsible for any passengers’ luggage after delivery at railway station unless arrangements are made. J. BKIPPEB Proprietor. PUKETITIEI LINE OP EOYAL MAIL OOAOHBS. COACH leaves Hawke's Bay Motor Company’s Horse Basaar, Napier, on WEDNESDAYS and SATUEDAYS, at 6.45 a.m., arriving at Puketitiri at 2 p.m. Leaves Puketitiri on TUESDAYS and PEIDAYS, at 6.30 a.m,, arriving at Napier at Noon. Booking Office for Passengers and Parcels at Horse Baiaar, where all particulars can be obtained. F. T. BBADLBY, Proprietor, PUKETITIEI HOTEL. /lOOD Accommodation. Health Ee VA sort. Excellent Sport. Splendid Bush Scenery. F. T. BEADLE!, Proprietor.
WILKIE BROS ABB 80., BBBBBAL ROUXBWIia, BABAMXU, Aflßßftl Set Ml HAWKS'S BAT HULi T. PRINGLE S3RBSAX) BTOBBXHIFBX. HATUMA Amt tor hawkbs bat hmabb Ooplsi «■■ H •blalctS •»!»! al Ifil Tiblb,