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THE SECOND WEEK WE have entered upon the second week of our GREAT SUMMER SALE and we propose to make it a recordbreaking week. Hero are a few prices picked at random:— MEN'S TWEED HATS j Wero 12/0. . Now 5/11 MEN'S or LADIES' PANAMAS Reduced to 9/6 and 9/11 rUTTEES--AU Wool Now 12/6 pair MEN'S UNDERPANTS and SINGLETS To alear at 3/11 each BOYS' GABARDINE and FELT HATS Cheap at 1/11 BOYS' TUSSORE SILK HATS Good quality. 1/11 each BOYS' GREY SCHOOL SHIRTS What will bo wanted when schools open. To clear at 3/9 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOUTS From 6/6 These prices last while (he goods la.t, j Wo cannot replace thorn at the money so all would be. advisml to shop now at Where the 'Heady Tailored' Suits are
Abraham and Williams, Ltd. U N RESER YE D CLIO ARIN U SALIC. TOKORANGL, HALCOMUE. WEDNESDAY,. FEBRUARY 18. I»2M A IJRAHAM wild WILLIAMS LTD., xjL javourc , ;! with iustiiietiuns fioni JOHN MORRISON, who has sold his property, will .sell a- above, at 11.30 a.m.: 200 2-tooth ewes 120 -l-tooth ewes 120 0-touih ewes ■1G 4-year ewes 0 good dairy cows in full milk 2 springing co«s ■i dry raws ■1 2j-ycar heifers in calf ') IS-months HoLsteiu iieilers 1 18-month Holstein bull 8 2|-ycJir forward bullocks U ls.munths HoUtein stems G mixed sox yearlings ti weavers 3 draught geldings (xhafters) 6 draught marcs 1 2J-year draught colt 2-J Houitioy tarns 11 Southdown rams 20 2-tooth wethers 1 18-months draught filly 1 weight-carrying hack (gooil hunter) 2 ladies' hacks 2 bacon pigs T«o reaper and hinders (M.-H..). 2 d.f. plontihs (11. and 0. and B.MeD), set tri(xxl harrows, M.-H. cultivator, set chain harrows, set i-ieat tino harrous, set R. and (.!. <iises, harrow-, luHside plough. McCormick drill with turnip box attached (nearly new), McAlister double ridftor (nearly new), Herring mower. Cambridge roller, 2 m-Is chains with swingle trees complrte (Four-horse yoke), •'.! >«.'t> 4-htii'se chains and swinj;' , ' tree>. M.-Ji. i uHivator witb moulding board atlached, bay i-ako, wool press, wool table, set scales. Alia Laval separator, daisy churn, butter worker and mould. small churn, isl-eam boiler, piping complete flight reserve), vice, block and tackle, H casks, cast iron boiler, grinding .stone, 1 ton waggon, 1 tip dray, double buggy and harness, 2 gig*, 1 ><'t gig harness, 10 sets harness, Middle, and britching and lending harness, leading reins, .shaft hetiis. superior riding .saddle, ladies' saddle and bridles, curing trough, 2 Knife grindi-ns, well windlass, well pump, 2 wuc strainers, .scoop. ■ 553 drain pipes, 300 odd iencmg posts itotara), i~,trainers, 7 bags cement, 2 bags, hydraulic lime. iJiatf .sacks, UJcwt mangold manure, ~> sacks turnip manure, i> sacks top dressing manure. 2 sacks W.M.E. manure, -Jcwt guano manure. Also : — FURNITURE and contents ot '.'- ---roomed house. LICHT LUNCHEON PROVIDED.
FEiLDINC. AUCTION MART. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, liW. At 11.30 a.m. STEVENS and TUCKER will sell, as above:— Poultry j pigs (including i> good poi - k«rs), burses. 2 cart .saddles and brecM'hing, 1. chain, d. coL iai , and haines, 2 dog carts, potatoes, oiiion.s, vegetables, peacht's, nectarines, pears, apples. plums, furniture, and sundries. Also 1 force, pump. UTUWAI SALE. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, ll»'2<>. D ALGETY and CO. LTD. will hell, in .Messrs D. and R. Batchclar's yards, at 1 o'clock sharp, tin* following:— •2300 sm;i;,, *?f\ HEAD OF CAT'JI-E ciHiipnViing :- — 170 heavy-skinui'il L'-t<«itii wether-, 200 wether laluh.s (good) .'51.)0 inediuiu laniKs 100 mixed agra ewes HX) J and 5-year ewe* 10(1 2-tooUi «.'wes (good) 101) i and ".-year ewes 100 mixed lambs 100 2-tooth ewes 150 mixed age ewes 10<» 1 and 0-year cues (j Komney rams 8 yj-year-old steers :< forward Heretind i-iiw;-On account of Messrs W. and .). CURRll l '. Utinvaij who have sold their property : —- G(X) 1 and 0-year ewes 10 Southdown rams 7 Romney rams 10 18-months steers 10 2-year steers 'A cows and calves 1 aged mare, broken to saddle HASTIE'S HOTEL. W. J. Speight, Licensee. BEST Brands of LIQUORS kept in Stofk. Fust-class Table and Accommodation. Specialty: FARMERS' LUNCHEON on FRIDAYS. U6.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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666Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.