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SALE SALE EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY at BARGAIN PRICES All our famous HENDERSON HATS to be cleared at a discount of 25 per cent, off tho marked prices. 5/- in the £ Tlicsa are distinctive goodsj which you will always take a pride iv. " WhIIE*LINEN SKIRTS These Skir e ts are cut quite plain, with two side pockets and belt. Great value ... 17/6 MOTOR DUST COATS Ladies' in Grey and Fawn ... 35/Geutlomen's (good quality) .. 57/6 LINDSAYS THE OUTFITTERS PALMEHSTON NORTH HOSPITAL BOARD. rpHE Board recommends to the J- public that the key to prevention of Influenza is through and thorough ventilation of all Dwellings by means of Open Doors and Windows. Unwashable material like rugs and carpets should be exposed to Fresh Air and Sunlight, which is the best end cheapest of disinfectants.
FARMERS' NOTICE. A PUBLIC MEETING of Farmers will bo held under the auspices of the Farmers' Union, in the ODDFELLOWS' HALL, Stafford street, on FRIDAY Afternoon, the 13th inst., at 2.30 o'clock. The business to be considered is an expression of opinion, in response to the enquiry of the Dominion President of the Farmers' Union, on the following :-•■ J. Aro the fanners favourable to the Government fixing the prices (,f farmers' produce? 2. Are (hi' fanners in favour of tho sale of the following produce to tlio Imperial Government: (a) Meat. (b) Woo!. (r) Itutter and cheese, (d) Any other produce. The discussion regarding butter and elieoso will bo taken first. The report from the deputation which waited on the Prime Minister regarding tho requisition of meat, will be receive! and dealt with. A. CAMPBELL, Chairman, Foilding Uranch Farmers' Union. CI lELTENH A M SCHOOL. TTORTICULTURAL SHOW. CHELTENHAM HALL. WEDNESIMyT MARCH 3. Afternoon and Evening. rXKCTION OF MCENSINd COMMITTEE. NOTICE.
IN puisiiance of tin. , I,«?jjislaturt» Act. \W?. I, ARTHUR HAWKE, Returning Officer for the Licensing Disuii t of Manawatu. hereby notice that an election will bo held tor the ret tun of ((iiahiii-d persons to serve fK iih«ii)lk>is of the Licciising He in h for th" said district; and that the latest iiuiir tor i-i-(-eh inji nominations ot candidates will lie noon on she 2«Ui «iav of FEBRUARY, V.»2<>; and that the Poll, if necessary, will he (alien at, the si-s oral polling-places ot the said district on the !Hh day of MARCH. IH2O. EuT.v [H'isoti desirous of hectiininti a carniidato iinisi he nominated by not le>s than two Ek-<tois of llio district, hv a nomination paper as prescribed by Section 10r> ~f the said Act, deliveit'd to the Rettirniim Oflicer on or before noon on thy 28th day of F.-bruary. V.W). Nomination papers may he obtained upon implication at the olliee in the Borough Council ("haitiher-. Foxton. Th>- Boroujdi Council Om'ce, Fox ton. The Town Hall. Hulls. Mi A. Lancaster's h<<u-e, Kiiiran^i. The Public Si'hool. Paiewamii. Tlie Coronation Hail. Ron^otea. The Comity Office, Sanson. The Public ScSutol, Taoiuii. 'Fhe Town Board OiHce, Turakina. The Publi<- lLili. Wan-uchu. The Hoard Rootu. Kan what a Factor v, Awahuri. The l'n'blie Schi.Hil, Litilon. Ttie Public SrSiool, Tiakitahuna. Tin* I'ublic Schoiil, Moutoa. Tin- Public Srhoul, Tokomaru. The Public School, Ran^iotu. The Public School. Orotia Down=. Th<- Hall, Awiihuri. .laii!iiuj.''s Store, A»ahuri Road. Th.> Public School. Olen Orotia. The Public School. Makinkiri South Tiie Lineman'- Cottage, Rongotea Sidilljl. I h> , Courn-il ('hambers. Shamioii. Dated ai Fo\toH tliis 12th 'lay of Februaiv l'.vjo. "ARTHUR HAWKE. Ret iirnin;.: Oilicei, Manawatu.
IMPOUNDING NOTK'E. I MPOUNDED Us Ranger <.n Friday. ' l-\l.( uai> litli, 1 dark Chestnut nsaiv. Nil \i>jl)li' In and. li not claimed iiiiil all I'Xiicliv- paid will bo bold on Monday.. F.-bnnuv SMil, 11J20, R. .SMITH. Poundkeeper. AFTER THE "BURN"BOW OUR CRASS SEED THERE is money in graea lands if tho grass is good. When you have cleared your property, put in the right glass seed— OUR SEED and ensure rich, permanent pasturo-laude from the start. COCKSFOOT PERENNIAL and ITALIAN RYE RED and WHITE CLOVER ALSYKE TIMOTHY Wo aro holding big new stocks of the above, and others. Ihw fresh tested need jgivee quick germination and vigorpUH growth. Write for prices to-night, or call oh us wbou in town, N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. DISTIIIBIJTIMi 00. LTD. V.O Box »4 FICIL D I N G "FAMOUS FOR Titer. VALUES ,, CLOSING NOTICE. W LEWIS, Bootmaker, notifies • hi:-, customers ihat his business will be permanently dosed as from SATURDAY, 14t.1i All accounts owing should be paid on or before that date.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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732Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.