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It will -be to your advantage to BUY YOUR GIFTS at SMITH ERB Because you are buying from a practical man who understands the important facts about JEWELLERY WATCHES and E.P. or SILVER PLATE You eliminate chance and can depend upon the quality of the gems and workmanship and style of the article. 11. SMITUERS THE PRACTICAL JEWELLER Phone 233. - FEILDING. SEAGRASS SEAGRASS SEAGRASS GOODS ARE JUST THE THING FOR SUMMER As they are Cool and Restful. Hut MATS are also Cheap and endurable. Only 1 SEAGRASS PUSHCART. Call in and have a look around. ALFRED"EADE MANCHESTER STREET Phono 170 SEAGRASS SEAGRAS^ J UST LANDED LATEST MODEL OAKLAND CARS MAGNETO IGNITION Price Complete: £520. THE BENSON MOTOR CO. LTD. DIRECT FACTORY AGENTS FEILDING Levin and Co. and N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. BULLS SaLE. MONDAY, FEBRUARY Iβ, 1920. JKYIN and CO. LTD., in conjnncJ tion with J'ALGETY and CO. LTD., will sell as above:— ."..'> in! owi.'s (lots) t-*iU 2-tooth ewes (good) 12 m.s. 2-tooths Iβ β-tootli Romney rams 2 Shropshire ranis 1 Lincoln -1-tooth ram 20 2-year .stoers 100 ni.s. lambs •10 fat «-uos 28 2-toolh Uuiiiru'v nuns U good weatier pigs 1 harness cob N.Z.L, »no M.A. Cβ APITI WEANER FAIR. MONDAY, FFJiRUARY in. n>2o. ■\T KW ZEALAND LOAN and .NfER i> CAXIILK A<:E\CV CO. LTD. W ill -ell us above ; I'ti mi\ed wi'itni'i-s (liit-^ <>«'. IH ti).)iitii> S.H. stcos 22 18-niuntliN S.I I. heiieis 12 18- intuit h- mixed cattle 20 wetuier steers HO ini.srd « callers (lots) l> S.H. Holsteili weauer.s 'J 18-iiKHitlis cattle V> 18-iiioiiths steers KLUUOLTON SALE. WEDNESDAY, FEKRUUCY is, I!»2<> ZEALAND LOAN and ME I?. i CANTILE AOENCY CO. LTD. will sell as above .— UK) inked lambs 100 -l-tooth Romhcv-l.ii<■oln Clio., I(m> ewes >")() mixed age I'ivn -t() mixed sex !aiiili> On a.rmmt W. T. LONDON :■- ---l."j Rnluliey rains 15 l-iliear Lincoln lane-. 2 l-shear Lincoln ram-. RANCIWAIHA SALE. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. l!»2n. TVJEW ZEALAND LOAN and MERi> CANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD. will v,.|| as above:-----100 2-lu.ith wethers 130 lambs riot-) .j(t 2-tiioth cues ."JO I .m. ewes :V) 1 and ii-tenth Lincoln ramdots} 12 ]">-t))ii\)i\i- stt-ris 1.(1 l.Viiionth, heifers r.w.b. l> mixed yearling-; J .'i eow.s in milk { lo< I <-wes I 7■'.(.) mixed hunt's t lots) ifKl l-tooth to l'.ni. ewes lot) -1-year di al'i < «c , (VI 3-year ewe-. .-,(1 2-tooths .",0 mixed ewes 20 I".in. Rollillev latiK 10 mixed age Lincoln ranis (J Lunula rams 8 -l-tooth I'.oiimey ram(.l tat sheep
PRELIMINARY NOTICE. UNRESERVED CLEARING SALE. WAI ATA ROAD, COLYTON. TTESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, HttO. "VJEW ZEALAND LOAN and MERIN CANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD. has received instruction* from Mr W. E. 1,. HANKS., Colston. who has sold his property, to sell as above:— Ronuiey sheep 10 heilei-s in calf 7 cow -. in milk 20 mixed, cattle ."> draught h<u-c-Impli'iueiit.-. and sundries. Full partii-iilars later. Steven;, and Tucker. j PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. STEVENS and TUCKER have io ceived instructions from tho Public Trustee, Administrator of the Estate of the late J Irs M. BARRY, to .sell as aboM'j on the premises, Beattie Street, at an oarly date, the Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, coni 1 acre 1 rood C> perches, together with 8-rooiued HOUSE and Outbuildings, FURNITTRE and EF-i'-ECTS. ( l'aiticului'S later. ■I" ~~ ALSiT COBBE'S. FRIDAY and Saturday. Lots of Half-price and less Bargains.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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554Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.