BOXING. INTERNATIONAL BOXING. (liy Electric Telegraph.— Copyright.) (Aus.-N.Z. Cable Association.) Paris, February 6. At the first meeting of the International Boxing Union, at which Croat Britain. France. Belgium, Holland, and Brazil were represented, it was decided to fix the headquarters at London and invite the Prince of Wales t<) become president.
Tlie International Boxing I'nion has resolved to decide the amateur world's (liampionships at the Antwerp Ol.viu[>ia. FOOTBALL. SCOTLAND HEATS WALES. London, February 7. In a Rugby contest. Scotland beat Wale by t> to o ; at Jnvorlicth. SCULLING. INLYEHSITY BOAT HACE. London. February 0. Til? Cniversity boat crews training has been hampered by rough weather, hut both are fairly forward. _ After numerous trials, the composition of the crews i* practically settled. The only Australians retained are Cairns (Oxford), and Canipboll (Cambridge). Steve Fnirbairn is now assisting to coach Cambridge, who are lighter than the Oxfords, who'have five 13st. men. ATHLETICS. FINDS MOINTINO n». Sydney, February l>. The Olympic onines Fund stands at £111;"). the president of the Athletic Union, discussing pro.spects, said New Zealand representatives at the recent conference stated that the Dominion would probabk send three coinpetiioi s and finance them. There would be no objection to men travelling with the Australian team despite the fad that New Zealand was a separate nation n> far as games were concerned.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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