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SPECIAL PURCHASE OF PIiRE SILH SHIRTS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES WE hare Dee a fortunate us securing % big range ci these goods at OLD VALUER and intend giving our Customer* the BENEFIT. As all Silk Goods bare adranoec enormously in price, it will fee quickly realised what this me&ar buyers, and more so m it ii * recognised fact that we are careful to stock only RELIABLE GOODB. The Styles a.-c in both NEGLIGI aiid TENUIS. ' CHAPPELI BROS. GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTED FEILtMNG THE STORE FOR SMART FOOTWEAR WHEN YOU BUY • GROCERIES There ar* Three Important l'oints to be considered. They should l>e FRESH, CLEAN, and of a GOOD a'JALITY Our Groceries «rs of <h<» best - ■ quality, are always fresb and pu.* up in neat wrappers and attrao tive packages, by which conreni•nee, c j t»nuliness*'and elegance aresecured. You can ahvayd denen<i upon get- * ting the following lints here fresb and Lα prime condition: Bucttr, Eggs, Bacon, Hams and ChctM, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, mi Chwolate, Spices, Jams and Tinqtd Goods of all kinds. mndalls POPULAR STORE <F. KENDALL. Proprietor.) Grocery, Crockery, Ironmongery, etc.. Phone 26". Manchester Street . FEILDING ' To Lei aud For Sale. TO LET.—Two Single Furnished / Honni.-f iv town. Apply "Rooms," tiTAK Office. Oil SALE.- House, with 11 Acres of ground, price £1250. £250 caMi. loinins. from P. 0.. Apply W., ■■6imi Oliico. rrj j HALE. -Seagrass . - good order. Applj Mrs East, luble street. SALE.—Gig and Harneea, splendid order. Apply J. H. I »»lat,on, Reid's line, Feilding. 3? OK SALE.—Potatoes, fresh dug, in small lots. H. Havden, Derby street. " * OR SALE—Good Building Sections, Dr. Johnson's Estate, feet's Estate. Montague street, Grey street, etc. Prices right. Terms easy. I Apply Ratliif Laud Agency. % FOR SALE.—White Leghorn CockerelSj from heavy laying strain; three real beauties now ready prices very reasonable. Apply to A. A. Marshall, Cassan street, Halcoinbe. FOR SALE.—Nice clean Business, suitable for ladies: old established. Apply 773, Stab, Office. OR SALE.— Coacli-built Pram] double seaterj everything new. A bargain. Apply 69 Kimbolton road I} , OR SALE.—3O Acres of Dairy Land, near Feilding; good quality. Address Creek, Makino. TJIQR SALE.—6-roomed House, DenJ. bigh street; J-acre. Price £575. Also good corner section, Denbigh street, l-3rd acre; price £160. Apply T. F. FitzGerald, Kimbolton road. FOR SALE— O-roomed South street; i-acre; h. and C water, c.1., etc Pri<» £760. £17A cash, possession one week. 0. Gru' Agent, Feilding. FOR SALE.—S4 Acres Freehold, close to Otaki. Good buildings. I All level. Price £46 10s per acre. cash. Apply. s Ratlitf Land i Agency. ; FOR SALE.-7-roomed Dwellini, Manchester street; h. and o. I water, gae. Price £725. Easy terms. C. Grut, Agent, Feilding. . ! SPLENDID LITTLE HOME FOR ! SALE. NICE Up-to-bate Residence, all conveniences, and just been renovated throughout. 6 rooms, bathroom, etc., washuouse, copper an 4 tubs. Area of land, 3 roods. Price, £1200. Terms arranged to suit. (1308) VICTOR E. SMITH, Land Agent, Feilding. FOR SALE. — Several good second* hand Motor Cycles. Thorough* ly overhauled. Reasonable prices, ' TREASURE CYCLE CO. can got IT Cheaper at tne FEILDING CLOTHING COMPANY. HOUSEWIVES, save your money. Freshen up Old and Half-worn Faded Garments by using MeKenzie'e Safe Cloth Cleaner. Acts like magic. 2s 6d per bottle, at Messrs John Cobbo and Co., Drapers, Feilding. FOR SALB. 441 ACRES DKAINfeD SWAMP, Equal to the Kaiiangia. J_J-J_ ACH ! f ' S - Freehold, situated T:~f:Tr 4 miles from Te Awainutu. The property is all rich, drained swamp, well lomcd. and subdivided. Dwelling of (5 rooms and all necosliar.v (nitbuillings. CiUiying now aud bred on tin* pioporty, 1300 ewes and lambs and SO -head of cattle, without artificial feed. It' this is not wortlf £43 an acre., well, ivhnt is? Cash re«. quired, £3000, Ualance 5-7 years at CJ per cent. 1 A ACRES, just outside Feilding JL O borough. Price, and term* very easy. No buildings. For parti» culars, apply to the agent, »R. PRATT, Feilding. '* HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALE.. HOUSE, bathroom ' .c> sfullciy. I'ofc water, electric light, • Mworagp. Large shod, concrete foot- . p.!fhs, food oichard and garden. One iHTP of land, corner .section. Price £1850. Terms, £1350. (133(f» VICTOR E. SMITH. Land Agent, Feildinft. ! 'LlGHT~installed - town or ronutry by our comp* ■ tent staff of ElertnViens nt rnoderat enarpes. l.s<VE«st steck of fittings anJ 1 i materia! in town Estimates supplied I en nppliralioii to the Ffilding Vitlcan* ;■,;„.- an j Co. Ltd.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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719Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.