Hv Ivlectrio Teleßraph.-Copyngut ) . Au-t.-iN.Z. Cablp Aseociut'ou-J j \ (.oLONHL'S LIHEL. February G. ( uL.r.'l Hem'v's libel action lias I . iic.i against Miss rennant. nrWn<i •ii: vi Jt!ii-!»ation> tliat he connived .ft i molality i» coiinectiun with the .\onn-ti'> Air Furc«>. Miss IV-nnaril • l«'t<i' , publication or altornaiivoly ,lc -d- privilege. AI.LIKD CONFIiKEA'C'E. A (oiiliieiice oi British, French and ikdiau Premiers is to be held in .t.>rt on Llie 12th. sINK FEIX RAID. Poli.-.- and military raided Sinn iVin Imiisf.'j in I/ondondeiTv and enjv imod a uuantity of arms, ainiiiumlion and explosives Three arrests wore wade. riLK IJUEKAL PARTY. llfiilvinn to Ixjr I {laldane , njjiiuon that th<' Liberal Party is passing, and' its Intuit h"s with 1-aboiU". Mr. A>>'itiitli is reiwted U) have replied. " nonsense! Lil»eral Party wa.----n>-\••!• -o vitxui'oits Mijco the war eiul.(l." Lady Hoiilinni Carter continues to Im> one of her father's !><'.st :ivM.-t;-.. Six- told a women's lucetin;; that without Liberalism they would Ik' 1».----nv.-i'ii i)m> Coalition devil and the Labour deep sea.
4IPKNINO OF PARLIAMF.NT. I !-.•> Prince of Wales will accompany theii Majesties at t in< of P.uliamiii! mi tin- I'ljh. Tho Kind's l»eec li einphasiscN tlie liupot'taiiee ol Ihe (iiiitiiciiil problem, also the Home Hud- Bill, unemployment, insiiranie. the cua! jtolicy, and import 11 •! t ie| ions. Ib" |):id\ |-.\pre-s preilicts that in . <iiiii'-. under i2o'l n ill be exempt from . ,-ix.i: ion. Thf (iovernniint will obtain •oili-t,mil.ll i.'veiiue !iy a sliding M-ale and liriiit;ition ol ,the profits on industries. N<| TIME FOR SOVIETS. Pan's. February li. Ibe abandonment of the seheiiu* ioi--11 ad ,, with the Russian co-operative S'ti.-ieties is juuliahlv to the Soviet's action in combining thi'in under (i<>-. ei-nment (ontrol. Fraino |ier>is!.s in the attitude ot Inning no inti-i----eoiirs.' tvilh Russia.
AITKMPT TO ASSASSINATK. The I'clit Journal's Berlin correspondent states that there is a minor that an attempt was made to a-va.ssi-iaU- Noske. DKN.MAHK'S COAL SHuRTAfii: Copenhagen. February ft. to tlte stoppage lit' enal Mlpplies from Hritaiu, industrial firm"« ■jiilv possess six weeks' .supplies. Drastic rationing; of domestic fuel and liMhliiiji is proposed. THE FIJI STRIKK. PV'bruary !• The Indian strike continue.**, but h • onluie.i to th" districts of Sin a. Na\ll n and liewa. Other distiiets are Kill alfoeted. Tln< authorities lunc adopted precautions to prevent riotin". A Food Coiiimis:-ion i, taking "\ idi-nc". IKXIVKH NOT A CANDIDATF. New February t>. Mr. llooier. in a stajcinont. say,: "I hate nut sought, and am not seek insi, the Presidency. lam not a candidate, and no one is nuthori.scd to 'l*ral-. for nil-- politically. ,.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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