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J TARPAULINS RICK COVEftt ARE alwaye handy for instant use. They help to simplify weather conditions. No luxury—absolute necessity. A good Tarpaulin made from Scottish Duck is cheap. They outlast any other material. See patterne in window. Anything you require made from canvas. ■ WM. AT BISHOP TARPAULIN SPECIALISTS. Fergusson Street FEILDING Phone 183 IN THESE DAYS OF high, prices and ecar- | city of labour it is Cheaper and much more Enjoyable to Dine at the PICCADILLY High-class Luncheon Rooms than to cook your meals at home. 3-Courso LUNCHEON, 1/6 12 till 2 p.m. Fridays: 11 a.m. till .2 p.m. 3-Course LATE DINNER, 1/6 5 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. AFTERNOON TEAS A Specialty. PICCADILLY * TEA ROOMS The Square FEILDING EARN '£5 A WEEK. Be a Ventriloquist. This fascinating and money-making ait can be easily learned by anyone iv a few weeks. Complete course of 10 lessons. 2s 9d post free. Send stamp for Illustrat o(i Catalogue. » IDEAL NOVELTY co - Box 643, Clu-;.: + "hurch. ,I * J IMPERIAL DINING ROOMS FERGUSSON STREET (Next York Hotel.) OPEN all day for Choice am) Dainty Meals. Cleanliness and Civility. Wanted. WANTED.— A Girl for housework, no washing. Apply Mrs L. A. Elliott, West street. WANTED.— To buy large Piano Case; must be in good ordei anrf zinc lined. Apply "Case," Sx.vit Oilke. WA NTF.D.Several young-Woiuo.j for Shop and Tea Rooms. E. W'lti to head. WANTED.- Smart Girl as Wait ross. .Also mid-day "Waitress. Apply Piccadilly Tea Rooms 'J Ik Square. . WANTED.-/F0 purchase, Convenient House, i> or (i rooms;; haiuh tor town. "Urgent," Star Ollico. "\H TAXTED.— An all-round Farm t- f Hand ; married or single. Apph P. Henaglian, Kirnbolton road, Fcil I. i"£. \\7'ASTED.— Boy. about 13, foi V\ farm. Apply M.A., Stak Of. lice. WANTED. Board and Lodging for married couple (no children) Use"of garago an advantage. Apply F.G., Star Office. ANTED.—Exchange 1818 3-seai β-cyUnder Studebaker (paintci' cream,) for 5-seater, or sell for cash Write "No Agents," P. 0.. P.N. ANTED KNOWN.—2 Carpenters take on work, town oi country. Buildings erected; labour only. Apply Dan Kitchen, Fcilding. WANTED.— Position as Lady-holt in comfortable home. Appl\ E.G., c.'o Mr C. "Warner, Kimbolton. W ANTE©.—To buy, for cash, ;• good Second-hand Piano. Stat* particulars and price to "Home Lover," isTAii Office. WANTED. — Joiners, constant work. Apply Manager, Feilding Sash and Door Co., Feilding. t Lost and Found. LOST. — From Trucking Yard on Jtmuury 31, 4 Store Cows, last seen going towards Uougotea. Finder please communicate with Abraliun> and Williams, Fcilding. Miscellaneous 1/IHESH Flat ami Round Fish on hand daily. All orders promptly attended t-o at the Imperial .Fish Supply, Fergusson street. mil** OUR BREAD, Pies, ami JL Small Goods. AH of the BeT» Quality. Also our Morning ano Afternoon Teas. The Dainties. WANTED. --To buy, Pickle Bottles; highest prices given. Uaui-biisi-r. Bros., Fergusson street. tI^ANTED.— To buy for cash, a V? Second-hand Piano. Apply by letter, "Spot Cnsh," Star Office. MOTORISTS. —For Radiator impairs, Mudguards, Tank;;. Lamps, etc., consult J. Coker. 7 Heretaunga street. Palmerston North ~0 years' London experience. lET Jnlm Cobbe and Co. help you Jt furnish economically: Sea Grass Mats, 18in x !3Gin. 3s 6:5; l'7in x o-iin. I* (id; 3(iin x 72in, 10/<j. -Sea CrasiJ Squares, (sft x 9ft, Ms 6d; 9ft x L»ft. .•'."_N M; 9ft x 12ft, (ws. "13OYS , SUITS, C/C. Bβ in tinn and secure one at the FKILDING CLOTHING COMPANY. A FTEH.SALE SPECIALS.—Ladi~\ it's' Woven Cotton Vests, roiil and comfortable, '2-i M and '2a lid. i Berlei Brassieres, the ideal Bust Sup-' port, is lid to 10$ Od. John Cobbe and Co. INDIA Hand .Crochet Matinee Jackets. A lovely present for baity. 37s (vl to uss. John Cobbe and Co. O~"viNTY~ " "~UNOKK W KA R a< Colilie's. .Jap Silk Canii>!)lw, besujfii'iillv liatid eniliroulered, in White or' Pink. ?•'»• (id to 3"is. Crepe-ili'-Chine CamisDles. in Shell Pink and Sliy. daintily t( tunned vith filet luce iin:l insertion, LTs fid to '2ss Gd. SCIENTIFIC Cltaractor Heading by O leturu leaisteied mail. The o'-seuw <if all knowlodgo is self knowledge. Send birth, date, month, veur. and postal note 5/-, t-o T. J. Dun. stone, Box 1418, Auckland. LADIES' HOSIERY, Sports Coats .and Costumes. Choice Selection at Lowest Prices. FEILDING CLOTHINC- COMPANY MEET me at Gromnbridge's Marble Bar, whore the most de! : ci oils Fruit Sundaes are served. Try our Ire Cream Sodas and Iced Fruit DiiiiUp. We study to please. FOTI Prompt and Efficient M foi Tyre and Tube Repairs at mi scnable prices tyy thp Vul« nn izing and AcceMu-»ri«t Co. LM., Matt-f-llPSiff Sttret. TTIOB SALE. AH thp hwt mf»Uo« >•■ Entfjisb Ovrlw. end M.itnt C\ olp Afcewnripi. Tvr«>B. et-o. r»11 ••» write us. TREASFPB CYCLE CO Feilding.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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773Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.