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T ADIES! Something Speeiax ior ln'lour Wear—good quality. •' LADIES' VELVET SLIPPERS Felt Lined Leather Strip Soles In all the favourite colours. All One Price, 7/6 Soft, Cosy and Long Wearing. CALL EARLY, as they're bound to «»• A. HANNAH A CO LTP JC/'M A>Wa hi ii ■■■ ■•— ■■*■' ■■ "«• ■ — ■■■■■ ' ni GREAT SALE OF SLMMEII DRAPERY COMMENCING THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 At 10.30 a.m. AT MRS BEVAN'S THE Stock to be offered at this Sale is all New and Up-to-date, till well worthy of inspection. Cseful Skirts. ' Checks, Gabardines and Piques 0/11 Striped Sports Coats. A Snip 14/11 Voile and Crepe Frocks 1715 Poplin and Gabardine Cestumes 39/G Tbt-sore Silk Sports Ooats 16/11 Voile Blouses, trimmed and hemstitched : 6/11 Coloured Voile Blouses 4/11 Crepe. Mouses. Striped colours 6/11 Coloured Ui.-.o 2/0 Mereeri-.-l lie t> 3/9 Black Ribbed Hose. A l.aii;ain 16 Silk Anltlo Hoe Hliick. Grtjy, Nigger, and White 3/11 Florj.l Ho-1,., ,1 HiiM'n-.-.nhiefs ... (kl Coloured M-rcenV.'il An 4d 4 Hemstitched iruidk-'K hiols ... 1/-Woi-tli l-.l ■■:;.. h. Trinmi"d M-Ui'.crv, afl h.ilf price. Children's l[,»f,. trimmed, j rt. 11l White. Pink mid Blue Voile Frocks Worth dwul.le. 27/6 Children's Fio'k , ;, all reduced, eil'c Ulor."-'."-., coloured nnd whit" 15/11 "" PRESERVING JARS. BALL SPECIAL, best on market; half-gall,, quart, and pint. Special indent price. Still offering. First quality Orange Pc-koe Tea. Quality unsurpassed. Flour, Pollard, Bran, etc., South Island and local. . Hoffman Frames and Foundations for Bee Colonies stocked. . Regular deliveries in borough. Trial solicited. w. h7~alsop, Denbigh Street StQrt. Phone 69. WHY PAY £17 0 0 For SEWING MACHINES When you can get them (with a guarantee) From £1 10/At the ALL-ROUND EXCHANGE , Also ALL MAKES SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED 111111 l A AUTOS LTD. (Late Stocey and Co.) KIMBOLTON ROAD, FEILDING GREATER IMPROVEMENTS than ever are -effected on the LATEST MODEL DODGE BROS.' CARS Coil and inspect same, then yoo will •ffo for yourself that NO BETTER VALUE ie contained in any other Make of Car. REPAIRS Having reorganised our Staff, we undertake to give COMPLETE SATISFACTION to the Motoring Public. Electric Starting and Lighting Systems a Speciality. O. H. SUMMER. Manager. MOTORItTt YOUR BATTERY equipment i» an important part of your Car, end it requires expert attention to keep the Electrical System in firstclass order. We have added a BATTERY REPAIR STATION to our business, and the work us in charge of an experienced and qualified Electrician, Send your work to us and we will promise to give you satisfaction. rH 1,1)1 M. VULCANIZING I ACCESSORIES. CO. L™ Manchester Street. FEILDING. Try the F.V.A.C. for Good Work. HASTIE'S HOTEL. W. J. Speight, LicMiMc. BEST Brands of LIQUORS kept in Stock. Firet-class Table and Accommodation. Specialty: FARMERS' LUNCHEON on FRIDAYS. Vβ. STUDY ECONOMY AND RENEW OLD GARMENTS Why have Spotted, Stained and Sreasy Collars, Garments, and Hate when by using a teaepoonfui of M'KENZIE'B SAFE CLOTH CLEANER In boiling water you can instantly remoye such filthy blemishes. Sold by Grocers, Drapers, Ironmongers, and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 2/6 per bottle. Cleans and Renews old and faded garments. Beware of substitutes. No hawkers. , — BE EARLY. PEOPLE their Christmas Family .-«.eringe Photographed during the Holidays should make an appointment now At G. V. COOKE'S, At-Home Photoorapher, Manchester Street (next School). "*' r OTJ can get IT Cheaper at the FEILDING CLOTHING COMPANY. FOR SALIC AT THE > LL-BOUND EXCHANGE, Si j£\ Douplas Motor Bike. Also King s)ick and Triumph Motor Bikes. All in good order. Percy Guy and Harry Edwards, Proprietors.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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568Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.