''{'lie Midnight Woildjina;" Is the piece .-.circled for MV Allan Wilkie's appearance in Keitdiug on Thursday next, and i(, i,-i quite sa/e t<> predict a hearty welcome to these renowned English artists. The movement o f IFio pla.v is rapid, lnit (lie tale unfoMs easily and clearly. Paid Vulniar, sword master ot the Cre.-n Hussars. :i nian fif ureal prmi'Oi and personal eliarm, hut of unknown family, fs publicly insulted by Priiitv Eugeno Strelsinirg. whom ho runs through in a duel. Forced to fly for his life, he on tors a private chapol in the )iouse« of l'rincess Astrea Strolsbur;'. who is faced with the nltfrnativo. itnttcr her father's will, of n much foathed marriage wilh Cajitain IhidolC Scar.shuck, To sa\e lior from 1 Tiis; hateful fjiarriaue. the old jtii(."-t weds her at niidui;T,ht to the fugitive, A r almar, who 41m-k itnijicdiately, in a to clear up the mystery of his birth before ho returns to his rpgiment. These, are tlio eiremnstam-ps from which a very thrilling succession of duels and conbpimcics are pflo)ected. TJie plan is romaiitic, and gorgeously dressed. Box plans at D'Anvers',
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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