TUI-IMPROVEMENTS SEED CLEANING Latest new machinery bought, plant re-arranged and overhauled, now in perfect order, and one of the most efficient plants dealing with seeds in the Dominion. STORAGE | Ferro-concrete fireproof buildings y now being erected. Grain storage on gravitation system. File §nd vermin proof. ' TRACTION ELECTRIC MOTOR TRUCK To connect works with railway v Concrete road track and electric overhead runaways for inter-store traffic. EFFICIENCY Improvements as above reduce costs, produce better, and still better goods. TUI goods and methods lead the way ALWAYS, and we aim to give you the best service at all times. HODDER I TOLLEVS TUI Seedsmen, Fertiliser Manufacturers, Seed Cleaners, Stock Food Specialists FEILDING TXCEL SMALL GOODS COMPANY s * I. SPECIAL OFFER: 3 I* FIRST GRADE LAMBS I From 8d per Ib upwards j I ) j Only I'rimest of Jointa on Bale. I BLOT OUT I ALL MISTAKES ' OF THE PAST BY USING THE ', NEW HOME i SEWING MACHINE I PRICE £11 10 0 BUY ONE New FROM AITHEN I EVANS HOUSE FURNISHERS Ph.-ne IG. FEILDING. TKV MACLEAN'S For STATIONERY FANCY GOODS CROCKERY Etc. HE HAS THE GOODS and the PRICES ARE RIGKT DOMINION NOXIOUS WEED EXTERMINATOR Sudden Death to BLACKIiLACKUERHY. CALIFORNI.VN THISTLE. RAGWORT, Eac. Non-poisonous to Stock, and eventually acts as: » Ferlili.ser. Grass may be sown a few weeks after Spraying. Agent:— J. DAKRAGII FEILDING __ ♦ LADIES OF FEILDING. • NAISON! IOLIfSE Will be showing in the DENBIGH HOTEL Sample Rooms FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY, comment.--' ing January 29. FACLUSIVIC, HANDMADE GEORGETTE AND CREPE-DE-CHENE ULOUSEK and FROCKS. Also SILK LINGERIE, COSTUMES, and IULK SPORTS OUATS. NEW GOODS ■ TUST LANDED DIRECT FROM THE BRITISH | MANUFACTURERS: - "BULLDOG" GARDEN SPADES BORDER FORKS LADIES' SPADES •FLAG" BRAND R USTLESS TA BLE KNIVICS > STEW PANS and COVERS ALUMINIUM f FRY PANS PRESERVING PANS Etc. BRAMELL BROS. LTD. DIRECT IMPORTERS. t Ferguseori Street. FEILDING
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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