IMPORTANT INTIMATION | — FROM — < KIRKCALDIB & STAINS SPECIAL & EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN LOTS FOR THE FIRBT WEEKS OF THEIR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. Sweeping Reductions in Dress Fabrics. One great Special Line of One Thousand Five Hundred DRESS LENGTHS, Reduced from 25 to 50 per cent. Prints, Zephyrs, and Washing Materials, at greatly reduced prices Zephyrs at 1/6 reduced to 12d, l/ 4£ to 10£ d, 11 id to 7£d, etc. High-class French Trimmed Millmg Bonnets, all at exactly half prices High-clnss French Trimmed Hats, all at exactly half prices All Untrimmed Goods at reduced prices All light cloth Jackets at 25 per cent discount All light cloth Capes at 20 per cent discount All Silk, Grenadine, Net, and Lace Dolmans at 20 per cent discount All Dust, Imperial, and Macintosh Cloaks at 20 per cent discount All Silk, Grenadine, Lace Capes, black and Navy Jackets, Tea and Dressing Gowns, Tea Jackets, Garibaldis, Jersejs, etc., all at 10 per cent discount In other Departments reductions of a very tangible character have been made, of which space will not allow us to particularise. N.B.— During this sale the usual Bonus Terms will be suspended. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, Importers and MANUFAcrr/BEBs, WELLINGTON. JUST ARRIVED AT THE N.Z.C.F. OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF SPRING GOODS. for ; ; Fon Men's Tweed ! i Men's Suits j . 'Underclothing the N.Z.C.F. j g | theN.Z.C.F. | <^ ■ Pr»r For Boys' j H 1 roT „, , <-} Panama Straw Tweed Suits <J ♦», v 7 r v i Hftts the*.Z.C.F. j | theNZCF For I 5 For Hats Youth's Tweed j g of any shape Suits | Q theN.Z.C.F. the N.Z.C.F. R For For 3 Ties, Scarfs, Clothing •< Braces, of every descrip- Celts, Travelling tion W Requisites, theN.Z.C.F. | etc -» £ j theN.Z.C.F. For W ! „ v fc j For the Geueral .Woman's friend Satisfaction: price 2/the N.Z.C.F. i the N.Z.C.F. MANCHESTER STREET, FEILDING. VISITORS TO WELLINGTON SHOULD VISIT THE ART FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, Maknbbp Stbeet, Wellington. I HAVE the most unique stock of Household Furniture and Furnishings in the Southern Hemisphere. The public can rest assured that whatever they purchase from my Warehouse will give universal satisfaction. My stock of Furniture is most complete in every re* spect, therefore the buying public can rely on being well served, with the very best articles, manufactured at our own Warehouse by thoroughly competent workmen, SPECIAL NOTICE. In our Carpet and Linoleum Department will be found the very latest designs, being specially selected from the very best manufacturers in the United Kingdom. I have also in stock, m beautiful designs, Curtains in endless variety. Inspection invited. Having secured the services of a thoroughly practical Salesman for the tibove Department, patrons can rely on receiving every attention, combined with FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Your esteemed orders are specially solicited by H. FIELDER. THE UNIVERSAL PKOVIDEE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITUKE WAREHOUSE, MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. "LA GRIPPE." IF YOU HAVE IT, — CALL AND — GET A BOTTLE OF MEDICINE — FKOM — T. A. GARRATT, M.P.S., PHARMACEUTICAL AND VETERINAHY CHEMIST, ( By examination) Manchester Street. Feildino. Garratt'a Quinine and Steel Wine is the best Tonic known. It i& specially useful for restoring the strength and apjjetito after an attack of La Grippe. Price, 2/6 per bottle. Batliff Bros.. LAND, ESTATE, and COMMISSON AGENTS, Kimbolton Road, FEILDING. Money to Lend in sums of £5 and upwards. Agents for the National Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Agents for T. H. James, architect, Falmerston North. Itents and debts collected. JA CARD. | Dr. J. SORLEY, M.8., CM., 'Formerly Surgeon Wanganui Hospital) HAS commenced the practice of his Profession in FEILDING, and can be consulted at his residence, Manchester Street.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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