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[A CABD.3 F. A. MONCKTON, Member of Royal College of Surgeons, England, HAS resumed general practice. Eesidence : "The Camp," Feilding. DURING my absence from New Zealand, I have arranged with Dr Monckton to attend and advise in all cases among patients. CLIFTON CHARLTON, M.B.C.M. Feilding, April 11, 1892. theTfeilding auction MART, Manchester Street, FEILDING, And the Central Auction Mart, PALMERSTON N., Are the largest and best rooms on the coast for the display of goods. JR. MONTAGUE, Auctioneer, , Valuator, Hotel Broker, Land, Stock, and General Agent, begs to inform the inhabitants of Feilding and the surrounding districts, that he has opened his new buildings in Manchester Street, known as "The Feilding Auction Mart," and is prepared to receive furniture, produce, grain, properties, and goods of any description, either for auction or private sale. Mr Montague invites inspection of his large aud well- assorted stock of Furniture, Bedding, &c. A House Furnished Throughout on Time Payments. Money to lend on furniture, pianos* &c. Sales held at the Feilding Mart every Friday. Sales of furniture, stock, land, &c. conducted in any part of Xew Zealand, and valuations made at reasonable rates. Money advanced on goods sent in for sale, and account sales rendered on the morning after the sale. Bankekß : Colonial Bank of New Zealand, and Bank of Australasia. J. R. MONTAGUE. BARRAUD & ABRAHAM, (Successors to Stevens and Gorton), SEED, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AND INSURANCE AGENTS, FEILDING, AND PALMERSON NORTH. New landing per s.s. " Tongariro," new season's gross and clover seeds for autumn sowing. We have purchased large crops of locally-grown meadow foxtail, meadow fescue, and crested dogstail, also cocksfoot and Poverty Bay rye grass. Samples of above should be available early in January. We have just received 10 tons Johnson and Nephew's English galvanised wire, numbers seven and eight. To arrive — 100 cases Cooper's sheep dip. Agents for : The New Zealand Shipping Co. (Ltd.) The China Trader's Marine t Insurance Co. (Ltd.) The United Fire Insurance Co. (Ltd.) Cooper's Sheep Dip Little's Fluid Sheep Dip The Massey-Harris Co.'s Reapers and Binders, and Toronto Mowers Fison's Fertilizers Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machines Gear Co.'s manures. Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.'s celebrated Superphosphate, Turnip, and other Manures. Advances made on Wool and Produce for shipment to London. T R. & A. H. TRIPE, * SURGEON DENTISTS, PALMEESTON NORTH. Mr Tripe will pay a professional visit to Feilding every fortnightly stock sale day (Fridays), and may be consulted at his rooms at Mrs Richards, corner of Bowen and Warwick streets. Country clients for mechanical work will have their train fares paid to and from Palmerston. MESSRS GREENWOOD & HOOPER. DENTAL SURGEONS, HAVING now completed new and commodious offices in Kimbolton Bond, Feildms? (next lo Mr Daw's stables), will visit Folding evkby THURaDAY and FEIDAY. Harm* suitable appliances on tiio spot, repair> and artificial work can now, in most cases, be done without the delay of sending the same to Palmerston. MessrsGreenwood and Hooper hope that being la Feiidmg two days in every week tin convenience of patients will be betle* consulted. Hugh L. Sherwill, LICENSED LAND BROKER AND General Commission Agent, FEILDING AND PALMEESTON NOBTH. fT^RUST Moneys Invested ; Loans- _£. Negotiated ; Valuations made tor Mortgage and Investment purposes ; Transfers, Mortgages, and Leases prepared under Land Transfer Act. AGENCIES— " The Phoenix Fire Co., of London." New Zealand Accident Insurance Company. Mr Atkins, Architect, Wanganui. *OR SALE. — Farms of various areas. TO LET.— Houses and Shops in town. RENTS & DEBTS collected. MONEY.— In same of £100 to .£SOO and upwards at current rates of interest. Address : Box No. 46, Feilding, FRANK OWEN, LICENSED and AUTHORISED SURVEYOR. (Member New Zealand Institute of Surveyors.) Native Surveys undertaken for Land Court Purposes. Bush Feluno Contbacts laid off. THE OLD SURVEY OFFICE, Back of the Corporation Buildings. W. A. SANDILANDS, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Fergussobt Street, Feili>ino. Branch Office : Bibmingham. MONEY to Lend, in Large or Small Sums, on the security of Freehold Land, at Current Rates of Interest. Town Properties accepted if ample margin be offered.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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661Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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