[A CARD.j MR LAWRENCE E. READE, Solicitor, (15 years in practice in Inyercargill). Office : The premises known as " Temple Chambers," Kimbolton Road. [a card.] DR. JOHNSTON, Kimbolton Road, HAVING/ removed to his new resi- I dence. may be consulted daily between the hours of — 10 to 11 a.m. 1 to 2 p.m. and 6.80 to 7.80 p.m. DMUNP GUODBEHEKE Feildino. Commission Agent, j Insurance Agent, I Land Agent, Loan Agent, House Agent. MONEY to Lend on Rural Lands at lowest current rates. Rents and debts collected. Property owners desirous of leasing or selling game are invited to communicate. G. C, HILL, C.E., I AND AND COMMISSION AGENT J Agent for the Imperial Fire Insurance Company. FOR SALE — Numerous Properties, including: several Dwelling-houses and Cottages in Feilding, on very easy terms. MONEY to Lend in sums of £100 and upwards. EW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. (Ltd.) WHITE AND BLACK WIRE. About 200 tons, best brands, in stock and arriving. Quotations specially low. GRASS AND CLOVER SEKDS. Large stocks of new season's English and Colonial Seeds. Samples on application. CQRNSACKS, 44, 46, 48. CANNON'S ENGLISH SHEEP DIP. Non-poisonous and effective, The best and cheapest Dip in the market. LARUEY'S lUTHELMINTIC. A true specific for Lungworm and Parasitic Diseases in sheep and lambs. Full particulars supplied by F. C. MATTHEWS, Travelling Agent. oh r. m. Mcknight, Agent, Pnlmerston North.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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