Mr Tripe, dentist, will he in Feilding on the 15th instant. A replace advertisement from the Co op appears to-day. Tenders are invited by Mr. Smith, of Camden street, for cutting firewood. The Feilding sale of the Farmers' AL liance will commence at 12 o'clock instead of one o'clock. A pet lamb has " come astray." The owner can have information as to its whereabouts on application to this office. Mr Edward Martin invites inspection of a choice assortment of Scotch tweeds, worsted and Chesterfield coatings, which he has imported direct from the Old Country. Tenders are invited for painting St. Bridget's Roman Catholic Chapel, Feilding. Tenders will close on the 11th inst., at Mr J. F. Donnelly's, Fergusson street. The Manchester Hotel has vacancies for a few boarders. Firtitclass Table. Moderate terms. Private sitting room up-stairs for the exclusive use of boarders. — Auvt. Thousands and thousands have visited tho Gigantic Sale at To Aro House, Wellington, and bought incredible bargains. We are selling Ladies' Black and Navy three quarter Capes, worth 15s 6d for half a-crown. Mothers hare done well for their boys. There is still a grand ohoice of Extra Strone Navy beree Suits, cheap at 12s 6d, for seven shillings and sixpence at Te Aro House, Wellington. Parents and guardians have not been slow to pick up some nice Tweed Sailor Suits for the lads at 3s lid. We have a good choice left in all colours. Secure than while you can, at Te Aro House, Wellington. Montague's Grand Art Union, to be drawn on March 17th. Tickets to be obtained at the Feilding Auction Marl, 2/6 each. — Advt. Messrs Greenwood and Hooper, Dentists, having now completed their new and commodious offices in Kimbolton Bond, will visit Feilding every Thubsday nnd Fhiday. We refer our readers to the advertisement of the firm, which appears over leader. — Advt. Cobbe and Darragh have a big accumulation of remnants of calicoes, dresses, shirtings, printu, flannelettes, aud other materials, all of which they huvo marked much under ordinary prices being determined to get rid of the lot.— Advt.
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 2
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