Raugitikei Liberal Association
.» A public meeting m connection with the above Association was held in the Feilding Assembly Booms last Saturday evening, whan Mr John Stevens the President, and Mr H. Snellgrove the Secretary were present. Mr Peter Thornsou was in the chair, and after a few introductory remarks, called upon Mr Stevens to address the meeting. Mr Steyens, who was well received, stated the objects of the Association, as put , forth in the programme of the Party ap- j pended below. Mr W. A. Ellis was the next speaker, and enlarged upon and explained the separate planks in the platform of the Association. Mr Ellis occasionally interspersed his remarks with humorous sketches, aud was well received by his auditors. It was resolved "That a branch of the Raogitikei Liberal Association be formed in the Feilding district." The following was pur forward as the platform of the Association ;— lst. To support the present Land Laws in their general principles. 2nd, Graduated Laud Tax with exemptions of improvements, and Graduated Income Tax. 3rd. That the quail* fications for electors for voting for mem bers of Parliament be residential only, except in the case of Commercial Travellers and Seamen, and that the principles of One Adult One 8011, and One Adult One Vote be supported. 4th. That extended powers be given to Local Bodies, sth. That all adult resideuts on the electoral roll, and residing within the Licensing District, shall be entitled to vote on Licensing Questions. The appointment J of local officers was left over till a future ' meeting, Mr Peter Thompson consenting to act as Secretary pro tern. Saturday is always a bad night for the holding of meetings, consequently the attendance of the public was not large, only about j thirty putting in an appearance, Votes of thanks to Messrs Stevens aud Snellgrove for their attendance closed the proceedings.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 2
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Raugitikei Liberal Association
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 2
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