MR RODERICK SHEEHY, BLACKSMITH & FARRIER, (Next door to Mr Hosking, Engineer) MANCHESTER STREET. A LL sorts of BLACKSMITHS' WORK done at REASONABLE RATES. HORSES SHOD, R.S. hopes, by strict attention to business aud good workmanship to deserve a share of public support. ARTHUR L. PARR^ COACHBUILDRK & BLACKSMITH, Kimbolton Koad, F« j ildicg;, BEGS to thank the public at large tor the favours <?xtended him during 1 the past. aid hopes, by good work and strict attention to b'isiuess, to merit a still larger patronage in the future. Vehicles of all kinds built of the ' best material. Special care taken id Horse Shoeing. Repairs neatly and promptly executed Estimates given for all iron work. N.B — All work guaranteed for twelve months "the phcenix hotel. Rangitikei Street. PALMERSTON KORTH. BY keeping none but the very best Brands of WINES and SPIRITS, und giving first class Accommodation at moderate charges, the Proprietor hopes to still further increase the popularity of this welUknown and favorite Hotel. Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Good Stabling. Guests called in time for Breakfast for early Trains. WILLIAM RYAN, PROPRIETOR. DAVID HUMPHRIES, Baker and Confectioner, BUNNYTHORPE, PAY"-* regular daily visits to Feilding and surrounding districts. Best wheaten Braid 6d the 41b loaf. Fancy Confectioner}', Wedding and Birthday Cakes, a specialty. Only the best materials used. Terms : Cash or Monthly. D. HUMPHRIES. T7IEILDING BUTCHERY. Manchester Street, i WOOLVEN AND NISBEfT, Proprietors. W. aud N. beg to notify to the residents of Feilding and district that they have taken over the old established business which has been carried on for many years past by Mr H. Rutherford, and trust, by supplyine only the best quality of meat, to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on their predecessor. Families waited on daily for orders. Small goods ot every description. Terms : Cash. UNITED FARMERS' ALLIANCE, Limited. FORMERLY THE WEST COAST FARMERS' ASSOCIATION (Limited) and tue CO-OPERA-TIVE AND FARMERS' ALLIANCE op NEW ZEALAND (Limited). 11HESE Companies haying now amalgamated, tire prepared to receive Produce of every description for disposal (locally or for shipment.) The premises at Wellington are cool, and well adapted for storeage. All station and farmers requisites sup* plied. Cash advances made on wool and all kinds of produce on favorable terms. For particulars applj to the undersigned : To the offices of the Alliance, Waterloo Quay, Wellington; to Mr W. Small, Agent, Wonganui ; to E. J. Armstrong, Palmerston North ; or anj other of the Directors. L. C. WILLIAMS, Manager, Wellington. EMPIRE LUNCHEON & SUPPER SALOON. The Oyster Shop of Wellington. Oyster season 1802. W. SIMMONS, Dealer in Oysters, Smoked Fish and Shell Fish of every kind, llso Poulterer aud Licensed Dealer in Game. Visitors to Wellington are invited to call WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 6
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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